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Something I noticed while reading an article trying to discredit the VAERS numbers.

submitted by Flabbygasted to HolocoughHoax 2.6 yearsOct 23, 2021 11:17:34 ago (+6/-0)     (HolocoughHoax)


The liberal VAERS skeptics are using an argument which, when used by conservatives regarding covid, they claim is not a valid argument. They're saying that those reported to VAERS as dying from the vaccine are actually just dying from severe comorbidites. But tell them that's what is going on with covid and you're an asshole.

“So you could have somebody with serious heart disease who’s had a bunch of different procedures recently who gets the vaccine and three weeks later dies of a heart attack,” she said. “But if they’re frail or have had serious heart disease there is no way to link that vaccine to the heart attack unless you do a population-wide study and that is not what VAERS is.”

4 comments block

[ - ] TopTierCIAShill 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 23, 2021 13:56:40 ago (+0/-0)

you know these people are fake and don't exist, so you don't really have to concern them.

Even acknowledging the concept of COVID gives them credibility.

Gas light them and tell them covid doesn't exist, and the government now has significantly more control over their lives. They will go hysteric behind-the-scenes in their own home.

[ - ] Flabbygasted [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 23, 2021 14:08:31 ago (+0/-0)

It doesn't matter if covid exists, there are in fact people who believe it does. I'm not concerned about covid, but there has been a measurable destruction in society because of the people you are claiming are fake and don't exist.

We can't just ignore the problem away. Plenty of people want government control because they need to be protected, and mistakenly think the government will provide that

[ - ] TopTierCIAShill 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 23, 2021 18:55:42 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] con77 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 23, 2021 13:35:47 ago (+4/-0)

It depends on what the definition of is is