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16 comments block

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 25, 2021 00:37:06 ago (+0/-0)

Don’t read our jewish media. It’s all lies dude.

[ - ] UncleDoug 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 08:33:48 ago (+4/-0)*

Where is the paper that states that assertion unequivacally?

Or did you delete it like you did the thread about (((Pru Goward))) selling her daughter off to get raped by Kikes at modelling agencies?

Covid is already 99.97% recoverable, so how is that 0.0003% (3/100ths of 1%) chance of death (with co-morbidity) can allegedly be 11x (1100%) more dangerous natively, than being vaccinated?

I'll wait while you do the math.

Also, natural immunity is 13.06 fold more effective and longer-lasting than induced immunity from the rushed bs mRNA vax when dealing with Delta breakout infection from recent studies.

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 12:44:57 ago (+3/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] MrDobalina 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 23:43:08 ago (+1/-0)

People that believe in COVID are 100 times more ignorant than those who believe its bullshit.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 25, 2021 00:40:05 ago (+0/-0)

And, you can only have covid if you get tested. I will not get tested. If I feel like shit, I’ll get a bottle of bourbon. If I get worse, I’ll stay home and die. I will not be a statistic.

[ - ] MrDobalina 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 26, 2021 02:05:46 ago (+0/-0)

A regular intake of vitamin C along with Zinc and a lot of Water will do wonders.

You won't die. You only die in a hospital.

[ - ] dontknowwhatiwant 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 20:56:02 ago (+1/-0)

Liar, liar.

Shill, glow, jew, or bot.

Your pick.

[ - ] paul_neri [op] -1 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 21:01:31 ago (+0/-1)

It's ok. I'm with you.I feel your fear of the vaccine. I felt it too and I took the clotter. I went for a walk thinking maybe that exercise would speed up the blood or something which might help. And then I went home to die alone in lockdown. Yes it is poignant but...nothing more than a headache next morning and now I've had my second jab. I was lucky. You too will probably be lucky. The odds of dying from the vaccine are much less than dying from the Covid.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 22:05:07 ago (+1/-0)

That headache was a capillary which got clogged and a small region of your brain died off from lack of oxygen. This is not killing off too many brain cells in most people but there are many complaining of fogginess for months, and older people will not regenerate those areas very well. How much brain cell death is too much?

Dontknow had the rona I believe. He will now have a long term robust immunity to multiple antigens on the SARS CoV 2 virus, not just the spike. He will not be infected with every new vaccine resistant strain as the vaccinated will be. He doesn’t even have the same spike antibody that vaccinated have because he was infected with a unique wild form. Everybody who has been vaccinated has essentially an identical antibody which makes new successful strains that much more likely to evolve. These are all predictable outcomes of a mass vaccination of a leaky vax. Scientists know this and are talking about it openly in scientific publications. That conversation doesn’t trickle down to ABC or whatever.

Don’tknow is now a contributor to herd immunity. You will not be until you catch covid and have a symptomatic case.

The only way out is herd immunity in the younger healthier portions of our population through natural infection mitigated by early antivirals which work well on that demographic. Use of vaccines in that population is only delaying that day and creating more infectious and more virulent strains. See Mareks disease vaccine.

[ - ] paul_neri [op] -1 points 2.6 yearsOct 21, 2021 04:22:49 ago (+0/-1)

Ok but as you have pointed out: "herd immunity in the younger healthier portions of our population through natural infection ...". But the older, less healthy portion of the population doesn't have a young person's strong immune system so we oldies either get vaxxed with a "leaky vax" or we suffer horribly and clog up hospitals and possibly die. If we oldies die then...then...you've got me there! What benefit do oldies bring other than to babysit grandchildren?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 21, 2021 06:54:49 ago (+0/-0)

Which I think is a defensible behavior. The vaccine MAY be offering limited protection for SOME older people, FOR NOW, which Im sad to say is not 11X survival rate. Not for elderly. They may be able to pull that number out with a little statistical fuckery like averaging the risk reduction of multiple age groups, but thats irrelevant when you are 30 and your risk of death is one in 100,000. Risk of death for vaxed elders is very high and its not clear if its worth the risk at all when you balance it against the fact that the elderly are at highest risk of dying from vaccine complications and have elevated risk of dying of covid right after the jab. Why do you think people have the highest likelihood of getting covid right after they are vaccinated? Is it because their Tcells are wiped out or is it because their ratios of non-neutralizing to neutralizing antibodies are so bad that they are being overwhelmed by an ADE infection? How do we know some elderly vaccinated people are not experiencing ADE type infections? Healthcare agencies simply maintain plausible deniability by refusing to study vaccinated covid victims. Healthcare agencies have simply refused to release data on the death rates all causes of vaccinated people, which I assume they all have. Why? Might increase vaccine hesitancy? Deaths are up 10 to 40 percent from the old baseline and only 50 to 80 percent of those deaths are accounted for by covid in any given month? What the fuck is going on?

Viral load are as high or higher in vaccinated individuals. Why? That is just what you would expect with a Mareks disease type phenomenon. All the epidemiologist know that the Delta variant which is more infectious and more virulent was caused by the vaccine. Most of the mutations of delta have occured on the spike because thats where the selective pressure exists..... from the spike. We know the vaccine increased Delta’s affinity for ACE2 receptor. Younger people who get the vax are unnecessarily driving harmful mutations that are making the pandemic worse so thats not patriotic. They have reduced effectiveness of a vaccine that is most deadly to oldsters but that oldsters might have seen a much higher benefit from had big pharma and their paid whores in government not been driven by greed to make trillions of dollar and advance their faggy reset.

Hospitals are not “clogged up” with covid cases any more than they are clogged up with people having adverse reactions to the vax. Hospitals are not clogged up. Aus has had probably more deaths from the vaccine. Therefore its a personal choice for any given oldster to assess his own risk vis a vis the vax, not a national duty. Vaccinated people are more likely to be assymptomatic with high viral loads so I don’t really think its patriotic to be a superspreader.

By refusing to pursue early antiviral interventions and vaccinated low risk people, threatening people to get vaccinated who’s vaccinations are counterproductive, they have made the pandemic WORSE. They are delaying the end of the pandemic. Everysingle young person who gets an asymptomatic infection because they were vaccinated is a person who is still not immune. The mass vaccination has prevented herd immunity in the young. They can tell this because they get different results on the antibody tests. Young vaccinated people who get infected are missing key antibody types.

Reminder that Aus viral researchers also collaborated in the NIH funded Wuhan/Baric Labs experiments that led to the creation of this bioweapon. Their research has no practical applications in epidemiology, only warfare. Its not necessary to create man made viral strains 10 times more dangerous than natural ones in order to study coronavirus. Its unnecessary to passage bat viruses in to human cells by grafting abortion refuse in to laboratory animals. That makes no sense if you are trying to cure coronavirus disease. Its also monstrous. The virology field is filled with paid government whores who are jeopordizing billions by performing this research, and they made SARS CoV 2. Our vaunted “experts” did this to us. Our goverments created this virus. 7 million are dead. They are beyond corrupt. Our scientific institutions have been captured. Would you recognize a ‘Galileo’ in this atmosphere or are you too busy cheer leading for the vatican? You’re not on the patriotic side of this as long as you just parrot what ever talking points some corporation has implanted in you, youre on the billionaires side. You’re on the side of the monsters who created SARS CoV 2 and walk free.

The fact that oldies survive and have a nice retired life in to their 70s and 80s incentivizes everyone to work hard for this now shit society in their younger years. We know leftist bureaucrats care little about the elderly and the unborn, two groups they love to kill. Government is dehumanizing our society. Progressives are doing this. It will just disincentivize all economic cooperation until theres no wealth to fund the government and then we can all be free again.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 10:15:33 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] paul_neri [op] -4 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 07:12:27 ago (+1/-5)

Now before you rush to judgement and say mean things...I'm just acquainting you with information that your eyes might be subconsciously trained to avoid - that's all. What's the harm in information?

[ - ] cyclops1771 6 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 09:16:20 ago (+6/-0)

Information without sourcing is just hearsay.

For example, I can say "Data from the UK suggests that getting an mRNA shot makes you 42 times more likely to have a stroke or heart condition."

It's just a piece of information that your eyes are subconsciously trained to avoid. Why are you questioning my statement, bigot?

See how this works? My dad actually sent me the link to that study. it was for 132 people. 132!!! At that low number, one extra case, either way, could throw things off dramatically. Is it "true", as is "is the data point accurately recorded"? YES!!! Is it not statistically significant? Also YES! It is a single data point, not the ONLY data point.

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

[ - ] Reawakened 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 20, 2021 07:32:16 ago (+4/-0)

LOL... information vs. disinformation... such a fine line.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 25, 2021 00:41:02 ago (+0/-0)
