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submitted by UncleDoug to Quotes 2.9 yearsOct 12, 2021 08:25:51 ago (+40/-0)     (www.azquotes.com)


I don't recall goats, are the pharmaceutical companies indemnified against all litigation from their untested products?

2 comments block

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 3 points 2.9 yearsOct 12, 2021 11:40:45 ago (+3/-0)

Oh but it's so much more jewish than that! Pfizer got its clot shot approved by the FDA, under a legally distinct brand from the emergency use shot. However, the fully approved product is not on the shelves, and people are still being given the old, emergency use only product (that Pfizer is immune to prosecution from because EUA), thinking it's the new, approved one.

Bonus: if you try to explain any of this to normie scum, they will argue themselves blue in the face that the current shots being given to people are the fully approved ones.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 2.9 yearsOct 12, 2021 23:35:57 ago (+1/-0)

Ha, pharmaceutical companies? How about lawyers. They "regulate" themselves. Don't be a decent human, or else you'll end up on the BAR's bad list.

Big pHARMa is in need of some fixing, but lawyers need it the most.