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If only Niggers could read [Ultimate edition]

submitted by fightknightHERO to RedPills 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 06:29:54 ago (+36/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Reminder that each of those books available on Z-library

but much like the tittle suggests, niggers can't and won't read such material even if handed to them...

9 comments block

[ - ] enormousatom 2 points 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 11:01:25 ago (+2/-0)

Blacks don't give a fuck! We talk all the time about how fucking stupid black people are. Most white people don't know/can't tell the difference between normal whites and Jews. How on earth are you expecting them to abandon all their victim-hood over a group of people that is just as phenotypically white as the rest of us?

Even if you clearly and carefully explain that whites and Jews are distinctly different, the American black is too fucking dumb to understand the subtlety.

Have you seen the shit that black people share around social media as truth? They are full on subverted. There is no going back. They're too far gone and too fucking dumb to understand and will need to be ordered and controlled, not enlightened and educated.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 09:51:41 ago (+1/-0)

Jews: “we’ve always been friends with blacks!”

[ - ] Splooge 2 points 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 15:59:16 ago (+2/-0)

They don't even say that. If you look at the vast majority of propaganda they put out, they never say they're friends to any of their pets, they only focus on vague concepts as being the "thing" they actually support. The subtext, of course, is that they support it specifically for themselves, but if supporting it for their pets means whites get hurt, that'll do for the time being.

So you only ever really see shit like "jews have historically been on the forefront of movements for morality/justice/liberty/equality," then they relate the topic to something holocaust related. "Niggers struggle for racial equality, just like the one time someone said something mean about some jew somewhere!"

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 19:55:05 ago (+1/-0)

That’s just so that they can supplant their ideology onto every situation and race. I completely agree though, but I still think Normie‘s think of it in the way I quoted previously

[ - ] RedBarchetta 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 11:01:19 ago (+1/-0)

The ADL will find this VERY anti-semitic

[ - ] beece 0 points 2.6 yearsOct 8, 2021 08:22:32 ago (+0/-0)*

Wow, that's some hidden history. Nice find fightnighthero, saved to archive. https://archive.ph/zqgxX

Dolphinfucker -even more impressive. I've never seen a lot of this but will admit I didn't delve in too deep last time you posted what appeared to be an encyclopedia of the same material.