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Chad joggers

submitted by jewsbadnews to funny 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 19:02:06 ago (+45/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


14 comments block

[ - ] ghostofvoatspast 6 points 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 19:12:52 ago (+7/-1)


[ - ] iamthelightning -1 points 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 00:22:35 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] MichaelStewart 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 20:24:03 ago (+1/-0)

They aren't wrong.

[ - ] ruck_feddit 3 points 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 21:19:32 ago (+3/-0)

Unexpectedly good!

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 10 points 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 21:46:09 ago (+10/-0)

I go out with friends and intentionally talk redpills at high volume. Friends have gotten used to it, because they eventually realized that I'm actually talking to all the people around me who listen intently. I was in a sub shop, some guy was nearby eavesdropping and I'm spelling out names for my friend. The lady behind the counter was shouting at him to get his food, because he was so focused on what I was saying.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 22:33:30 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 22:32:50 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Splooge 3 points 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 04:04:07 ago (+3/-0)

"So it's like, do they wear the tiny hat because they're billionaires? Or are they billionaires because they wear a tiny hat?"

[ - ] JudyStroyer 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 08:13:41 ago (+1/-0)

Using "eating kids" interchagably(sp?) With billionaires is acceptable as well.

[ - ] Prairie 0 points 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 11:21:15 ago (+0/-0)

"But don't call them out on it because they are very sensitive about that."

[ - ] RedBarchetta -1 points 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 10:59:59 ago (+0/-1)

Why is there so many white people at the park? Parks today are filled with degenerate mask wearing morons and bums.

[ - ] Splooge 0 points 2.7 yearsOct 2, 2021 15:39:59 ago (+0/-0)

Why is

