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FBI can’t back up claims in dozens of surveillance applications: Report

submitted by obvious to Whichever 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 12:32:07 ago (+4/-0)     (www.washingtontimes.com)


FBI lies and spies. Fully compromised minions of our pedovore satanist overlords?

2 comments block

[ - ] Typhoon8 1 point 2.7 yearsOct 1, 2021 14:03:59 ago (+1/-0)

FBI don't fucking care about laws, n shit.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 2 yearsJun 2, 2022 21:56:34 ago (+0/-0)

Here's how I imagine the FBI works today. You're an FBI agent you're sitting in your local office. There just isn't that much crine. Not that much gets reported not that much is going on there's not that much to do. Your advancement and your promotion and your salaries are directly tied to you doing something. So you've got to start making stuff happen. You're going to start creating crimes you can install and get your promotion and get your notoriety within the organization. Well that's even worse because then that becomes competitive with other people in the office who have to make better crimes than you to get their promotion over you because they're only so many leadership positions over the top of you and the tree grows smaller at the top. So all the incentive for all these agents is to create as many crimes as they can which they can then solve to get their promotion. And there are tons of agents. And I don't know what the hell most of them are doing but I don't believe there's enough crime to go around. And I think that's really how the agency works now. It's been a long time since the FBI was created to go after a bootleggers during the prohibition. And there's no prohibition. And I don't think it's probably a whole lot of advancement in finding people who are evading their Federal alcohol tax or whatever other nonsense stuff that probably is The daily grind at the FBI now and I'm sure the big headline grabbing things that all the local offices want to be involved in is to be able to say they stopped to terrorist. They want to create a terrorist so they can say they stop the terrorist. That means the local office is going to get more press in the local office will get more money from Washington and they'll get some more attaboys from Washington and somebody who's in the FBI is hoping one day that he's going to be the head of the FBI in Washington