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John Meadows was killed by the covid jab

submitted by voatisajewishheaven to fitness 2.7 yearsSep 26, 2021 17:35:46 ago (+4/-0)     (fitness)

There I said it. There are no platforms where his fans reside where I could say this, but I know it, you know it, I'm sure his family knows yet they can't say a word about it for fear of being labelled right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Sure, there's plenty of reasons for bodybuilders to die young, but a pulmonary embolism is likely the result of blood clotting, which in turn is likely induced by the vaccine which I have no doubt that as a good "god-fearing christian" he was compelled into getting jabbed.

4 comments block

[ - ] fightknightHERO 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 26, 2021 19:42:35 ago (+3/-0)

A man strong of arms
but not strong of will

i will never get the bloodclot shot and i'm ready to suffer AND die for it

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 27, 2021 01:34:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 26, 2021 19:35:15 ago (+0/-0)

I don’t follow BB or really know who this dude is except from reading about his death . But he has a history of blood clots. So I think it looked good for vax related.

[ - ] NumbDigger 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 27, 2021 07:30:21 ago (+0/-0)

That’s what I said too, back when it happened. RIP mountain dog.