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How Pornography Destroys the Mind

submitted by TheBasedProthean to whatever 3.0 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:55:13 ago (+24/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


The file size is 82 MB and this video might take a bit to load up.

5 comments block

[ - ] GeneralDisposition 0 points 3.0 yearsSep 25, 2021 10:33:16 ago (+0/-0)

Every generation had prostitutes until pornography came along. This generation's inability to get women to have sex with them should be the subject of this film. Only fans is a symptom not a result.

[ - ] iSmokeMemes 0 points 3.0 yearsSep 24, 2021 17:38:29 ago (+0/-0)

Does OP or anyone else know where this video was originally uploaded?

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 1 point 3.0 yearsSep 24, 2021 18:04:34 ago (+1/-0)

Content creator's name is Pax Tube. He has a jewtube and an odysee channel (possibly more).

[ - ] Merlynn -1 points 3.0 yearsSep 25, 2021 13:46:13 ago (+0/-1)

Pornography is not the problem. It's the band aid on the shotgun wound. The problem is there's nowhere to meet people anymore. There's just bars and churches left and both are jewed to the gills. Bars you only meet drunks. Churches you meet drunks when they're sober.

Dating websites are just jew run programs designed to match you with the wrong people. The only way you're getting a relationship out of that is you by chance happen to like someone they thought you'd hate or you're willing to settle.

As for me personally,I've spent my life being told I'm basically garbage by everyone around me. That I am unworthy. It's been going on so long,I don't think I can ever believe anyone who says differently. Porn is just a how I deal with my sexual needs. Even if there was no porn,I'd still be unable to go out and find a mate the way the world is today.

So no,porn isn't the problem. Not having a healthy social outlet to find a spouse is the problem. Porn just helps you be ok with that.

[ - ] MonkeysSmarterThanNiggers 0 points 3.0 yearsSep 24, 2021 12:27:06 ago (+0/-0)*

voat+catbox is honestly a viable jewtube alternative