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In Defense of the Boomers: A short list of boomers doing shit we need to be doing

submitted by aleleopathic to whatever 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:12:21 ago (+6/-0)     (whatever)

My longer post was lost when Voat went down, so I retyped this for you guys:

Boomers are the only ones who have done new original conspiracy research (with me and Mathis as sole exceptions, as Gen X/Y): Most of the contributors to Castalia House, the late Dave McGowan (http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/ maintained by his daughters), the SnoCo Reporter/Goldbar Reporter/etc are all boomers. McGowan did the first, and most thorough treatise on 9/11 and the moon landings, and has two entirely original pieces on the Abraham Lincoln assassination and the creation of the 'hippie counterculture' (spoiler: it was created by jewish Naval Intelligence brass). I have been building a list of the various reporters' websites who would expose corruption, sex rings etc, since OGVoat days, and they were all retired boomers. A partial list is at the bottom of this post.

Boomers were the last to fight back against federal anything (and not just in courts). Irwin Schiff (not actually boomer himself - but his allies/followers were entirely boomers) went to prison for fighting against the IRS (they wanted to make an example out of him as others followed his lead), same story with Pete Hendrickson, who actually mailed a bomb to the IRS (and also tried to teach people to fight the IRS). There is also the boomer who flew his plane into an IRS building (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Austin_suicide_attack), and lets not forget Timothy McVeigh, also a boomer, who was turboed to the front of the execution line for killing literally only feds (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh).

Some boomers have had more success than others - the IRS originally tried to collect taxes from the Amish, but now they don't. What happened? Well, the IRS tried to seize an Amish man's work horses, and dozens of Amish (and non-Amish) showed up with rifles. Seriously, grabbing your guns works, and this is literally what started the war against the IRS through the 70s and 80s that you've never heard about.

Remember the Bundy Ranch standoff with BLM a few years back? Cliven Bundy is also a boomer, and he and his boomer buddies actually held off the BLM, and the BLM even brought military equipment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliven_Bundy

There is so much more - like the boomer who brought down the entire California Inferior Court system (CA is the only state without one). Turns out the inferior courts really are kangaroo courts, and some boomer figured out how to bring it down. This was pre-internet (1970s-80s), and all records on it have been sealed, but I happen to know a boomer who remembers the tale...

The lists are endless, which is why jews want them all dead, and why they want us to hate them. Their good deeds for us are innumerable, and unrepayable unless we become willing to grab our rifles as they are.

Reporter site shortlist:

1. http://www.tulanelink.com/ This one is by a Jewish man who discovered that the Tulane LA law school was in bed with the Judiciary. Lots of writing on the futility of trying to fight the courts from within the courts.

2. http://snocoreporter.com/ This one is by a very Liberal-leaning woman, whohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communications_Assistance_for_Law_Enforcement_Act documented both the capture of horse farms by King County, Washington for the private use as animal sex brothels for the uber-wealthy (the old '1 Man 1 Horse' video from Enumclaw WA was at one such brothel), and the state's subornation of perjury since Kalina v. Fletcher.

3. https://goldbarreporter.org/ This one is a forensic accountant, so writing is more prosaic, and is also based out of the Seattle area. She has documented a child-sex ring that was being covered up by the Sheriff, and racketeering by the King County prosecutor (i.e. sitting on cases of crimes committed by his powerful friends).

4. https://www.nosue.org/ This one is more tame than the others, and originally targeted Florida corruption, with a focus on embezzlement and other white-collar lone-wolf schemes. It has since expanded onto a number or other tangents, but still has great original research on Florida corruption by members of the Florida Judiciary.

11 comments block

[ - ] Unreasonable 6 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:16:19 ago (+6/-0)

The only thing that has ever ended violence is the use of greater violence.

[ - ] FacelessOne 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:14:52 ago (+4/-0)

Whatever you say boomer

[ - ] SaneGoatiSwear 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:15:43 ago (+4/-0)

Boomers dindu nuffin

[ - ] Battlefat 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:20:40 ago (+4/-0)

They really din’d

[ - ] aleleopathic [op] 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:19:18 ago (+4/-0)

Hey, (((you're))) back.

It's a fair accusation, but if I was actually a boomer, I wouldn't be sitting on this site with the rest of you who are also not doing anything about anything.

But, I'll probably just shitpost and researchpost with you guys until we are all thrown in gulags.

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:22:03 ago (+2/-1)

Responding to troll comment with 2 paragraphs.

Can I get a TLDR:Boomer Mad

[ - ] aleleopathic [op] 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:24:31 ago (+4/-0)

Lol Fuck, I've been outplayed.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:26:23 ago (+2/-0)

There I gave you some upvoats for being a good sport

[ - ] SaneGoatiSwear 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:23:25 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:25:08 ago (+1/-0)


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week

[ - ] aleleopathic [op] 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 24, 2021 10:22:40 ago (+2/-0)*

@system @cynabuns

Something is wrong with the link formatting - please compare this post to the source. All of the links after the web archive link are broken, and somehow links are inserted that aren't even in the source (the 'Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act' one).

What do?

EDIT: Still displays wrong even when the offending link is placed in markdown.