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33 comments block

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 13 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 13:13:35 ago (+14/-1)

I have literally heard a boomer tell me "well I'll be dead before that happens!" As a way of dismissing the coming collapse!

Like it doesn't matter to me so fuck you and your kids.

They even allowed all our jobs to be exported while importing our replacements.

They made homes an investment and priced us out of the market because it would help them stay rich.

They have done more damage than any generation in history.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 8 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 15:04:02 ago (+9/-1)

Funny how you forget about 1913 when they sold our country to jews. That generation did nothing as well. The jobs wouldn't have been able to be farmed out in the first place if it wasn't for that, depression would have never happened, neither would we have gotten yanked into endless wars.

Don't fall for the boomer ploy, it's nothing more than D&C. I've flipped boomers using George Lincoln Rockwell.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 5 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 15:45:37 ago (+6/-1)

At the end of the day it just comes down to whether you decide to despise your own people for being fooled by jewish disinformation and exploited by jews. And I say, its not useful — just focus on the actual problem instead of blaming daddy for being conned.

Boomer hate is white hate.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 4 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 17:59:04 ago (+5/-1)

We need ALL OUR PEOPLE! Are we so stupid to allow ourselves to be divided up into two little groups of republicans and democrats, cancelling eachother out? I know it's going to seem odd hearing me preach about love, but you need to LOVE your people, and HATE all those seeking to destroy your people. You can't cut out the Catholics, or the Protestants, you just lost half our vote! If the Jews vote Jewish, and the blacks vote black, YOU gotta vote WHITE! Which is why I preach WHITE POWER! The majority is supposed to rule in this country, and the majority is white and Christian - and I maintain I will fight to see that we have that majority rule!

- George Lincoln Rockwell

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 16:22:14 ago (+2/-0)

The last time Americans fought on the right side, we lost, back in the 1860's. Then the Germans tried in the 1930's and '40's. America being from primarily German stock until after the 1860's of course.

[ - ] UncleDoug -2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:16:43 ago (+0/-2)

Funny how you forget about 1913

Boomers weren't even a thing in 1913. Baby boomers were born after WWII (1946 to 1964) you felcher.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 0 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:23:18 ago (+1/-1)

exhibits absolute retardation

What country you from, boy?

[ - ] UncleDoug -2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:27:18 ago (+0/-2)

Did you have World War II at a different time from everyone else?

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:30:33 ago (+1/-0)

Did you Read my Fucking Comment?

Go back and try it again. Fucking shire scum.


[ - ] UncleDoug -2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:34:13 ago (+0/-2)

Unless your calling boomers Jews, you are blaming Boomers for starting WWI.

In which case learn to use echoes you fuck.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:42:28 ago (+1/-0)

You're that retarded? You can't be. This is a troll, it's gotta be.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 24, 2021 05:43:05 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] allahead 12 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 13:25:17 ago (+12/-0)

[ - ] Xigbar68 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 20:36:20 ago (+2/-0)

Was going to say this as well.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 7 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 12:56:38 ago (+8/-1)

you can replace "boomer" with jew and it would be just as valid

[ - ] allahead 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 13:24:11 ago (+2/-0)

Probably more so.

[ - ] allahead 6 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 13:27:22 ago (+6/-0)

Boomers will just keep watching television while the world burns. Some are so addicted to it they can't stand to have it turned off even if they aren't watching it.

[ - ] Splooge [op] 4 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 13:06:58 ago (+4/-0)

Can someone tell me what The Boomers did that could be seen as "good" at all?

They didn't invent anything. The internet isn't the World Wide Web.

The internet is just computer networks. Which started with ARPANET which is the brainchild of Lenord Kleinrock, born in 1934. Not a fucking boomer. The foundations of all computing comes from the 1930's, conceptually with Turing, to the mid 1960's with transistors, integrated circuits, memory, processors, etc. All invented and in use prior to the boomers. How about cell phones and wifi? That's just radio attached to a computer.

The truth is, America HAD a rich history of invention and progress, from electricity and lighting all the way to the atom bomb. Then the boomers came around and everything stopped. Sure computers got faster, transistors get smaller, batteries got better, screens got higher resolutions, etc. But any idiot can improve on already invented things. The Boomers legacy is stagnation and then collapse.

What about pure science? The generation before them had Einstein and Feynman. Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, the atom bomb, none of it came from boomers. Boomers struggled to even find phenomenon that further coincided with Relativity, and made no progress.

They were handed the world on the cusp of the greatest wealth, technology, and prosperity expansion in history. All they had to do was be good stewards.

What did they do instead? They sold out the future in every conceivable way. Commoditized and monetized everything to make their fortunes. Further, as they grew rich and powerful they changed all the rules behind them in the name of equality while importing the third world to compete with their children. Why? To have more consumers to expand their fortunes further.

I guess they did invent a few things though.

They invented stealing from the future on an unheard of scale to fund their fantasy lifestyles. They invented cowardly cold warfare, invisible enemies, monolithic intelligence agencies, and endless wars. The proxy wars they did find the balls to get involved in they couldn't even decisively win, and leave to the next generation to clean up as well. Most insidiously they invented any excuse they needed at the time to put their own immediate gratification before anything else. That is demonstrable in how they responded as the generation with the most power, money, and authority to the instability they caused.

How did they respond to the housing market crash in 2008 and the recession from it, the dot-com bubble burst in the 90's, and of course 9/11? Every time they doubled down with printing money, going into debt, patching the cracks without caring about the foundation. As long as they were fat and happy.

The boomer generation has said one thing to the rest of us in their legacy; "As long as we are dead before it all comes crashing down, we don't care."

[ - ] Misanthroat 0 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 14:59:14 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks, I need this to send via text

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 15:40:23 ago (+4/-1)

Blaming whites for the work of jews is WHITE HATE. So tired of this degenerate hatred of old people. It just gives you the excuse to let jews euthanize our elderly while letting yourself off the hook. You are faggots looking for excuses to give up.

fuck old white people because shekels.

Totally degenerate. Muh shekels.

What is so spectacular about gen x and millenials and zoomers? They dont’ have generation wide problems? At least the old farts can reliably tell girls apart from boys. Theres no moral high ground for zoomers to stand on at all generationally and thats apparently the arguement you make here. None whatsoever. Why shouldn’t younger generations euthanize you on this basis?

The greatest generation, the silent generation, gen x, millenials and gen z are blameless but it all fell apart because boomers, right? Guess what, it didn’t. You don’t want to be judged for every libtard in your generation. Because as a group you’re going to prove more bat shit crazy.

The boomer hate, the female hate, the christian hate— that I see perpetrated by supposed non-degenerates whites here sickens me. This is just a manufactured justification for not going the extra mile to support your fellow whites, for blaming somebody —anybody— but yourself for the obstacles we now face. You just want an excuse to throw your selfish little tantrums and give up on white people. That’s because youre fucking weak minded bitches and it only took 18 mos of hardcore jew oppression to turn you against your own. You are fucking weak bitches. Maybe the soy is making you whine this much. Well tell your jewish therapst all about how daddy wrecked your life you fucking bitch. When you decided to be a white adult you can stop passing the buck and focus on disseminating the TRUTH to all whites and supporting all the ones that have decent values and want to fight for our future.

If we are to judge each other based on our generations, you are CONDEMNED. The case against your generation is TOTALLY DAMNING. Jews love these posts. They absoulutey love them. They love it when you hate your old people. They love it when you hate your women. Pick up your paycheck from the ADL

[ - ] taoV 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:36:35 ago (+1/-0)

"Zoomers are shit so saying boomers are shit is wrong"

Fuck right off with your ego protecting bullshit. Both generations are shit, and I'll even add millennials too. But boomers aren't just dead weight, they actively dig in their heels. If you want any sort of comraderie then admit for once in your gluttonous, selfish life that someone else might have a point. Have you bothered to uphold anything that will lead to the results you want? No. You're a brittle hypocrite that has done absolutely NOTHING but piss and moan and collect your 30 pieces of silver. Sit down and shut the fuck up while history gives your reckoning.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 22:38:32 ago (+1/-1)

That is not what I said. I said that if all decent whites are judged by their generation (or by what jews accomplished during their generation) than we are all condemned. Because your generation, be it zoomer or millenial or gen x is not doing so great as group. You don’t have a leg to stand on in this argument if you judge people by their generation.

Its all horse shit anyway. Most of what you judge boomers by is just what a pack of jews said boomers are like, not what they are actually like.

If you read this as “she’s attacking zoomers, she’s saying zoomers suck” thats your problem. I love white people of all ages who are not degenerates. I think shitting on some old person because they lived early in the collapse of our civilization brought about by JEWS is disgusting.

The whole notion that you would have acted differently had you been born and raised in the same era as your parents or grandparents is ridiculous. You are genetically identical to them. Actual white people are not significantly different than there ancestors 2 generations ago. Why do you think “your generation” would have behaved differently to identcal cultural conditions?

oh we would have known better.

You are exactly the same people. Given the same information and the same economic conditions you would be exactly like your grandparents. There’s no difference at all. You have magical notions about what causes one generation to differ from another. You’d rather throw all your toys out of the crib than understand society from an evolutionary perspective. People like you are why we are damned to make the same mistake over and over.

[ - ] taoV 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 24, 2021 23:33:24 ago (+1/-0)

Rationally, I know you're right. I know boomers were propagandized and lied to, and that they were largely acting on human Insticts, not traits unique to them. I wish they were better. I wish we all were. At the same time, I've never once heard one, in person, admit that they as a group had made mistakes. My generation might have a crisis of self-image, but at least half of them can reflect on their problems as a group. If we're all identical, the boomers could at least confess that they were duped.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 25, 2021 12:15:49 ago (+2/-1)

Our traits for unity and altuism have been exploited by opportunists. You can’t have altruists welcoming opportunists in to their society /market place. Novel conditions that have arisen in the based several generations have allowed this to occur on a broad scale.

In stead of just hating our own people for what have been strengths for most of our history, we should just look at it rationally and figure out ways to reform societies that do not include jews and other opportunists. We need to stop attacking each other for following false cultural signals. Women, boomers, christians, etc. Im not sure where we should draw the line and say “fuck those white people”. There are some that we should clearly write off as race traitors and a liability. But everyone over the age of 60? Come on. If you only knew how jews were being allowed to murder old white people, you would be horrified. We need to come together. We need to talk to normies. The enemy is softening them up for us.

[ - ] Jew -1 points 2.6 yearsSep 24, 2021 03:44:01 ago (+0/-1)

Jews love these posts. They absolutey love them.

I can't deny it. Watching you guys go full canvas jacket is wild.

The funniest irony of all, is that despite your endless abuse of blacks, you will never see just how much you yourselves sound like so many hotep street-preachers hooting at each other to fight the power.

ThE JooZ r kEEpIn uS DoWn!!

We WuZ ViKaNgz!!!

You know who doesn't see the world the way you loons do? The successful white guy who lives across the street.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsSep 24, 2021 09:33:35 ago (+1/-1)*

Hey jew, thanks for straightening these guys out. You guys love when they pick on boomers.

The hoteps tell themselves stories about how they were pharaohs and built the pyramids. Id give it to them if I thought there was a shred of evidence. Sadly it appears SS blacks never built so much as a second story building.

Jews too tell themselves stories. Like how they were slaves in Egypt. The Hebrews were a group that called themselves the Hyksos in Egypt. They migrated peacefully into Egypt at the end of the bronze age and were allowed to settle in the northern delta region. They often worked as merchants and functionaries within the pharoanic administration. They started a cult to Set, the god of chaos and they gained many followers. Apparently they identified him with their semitic god. Then one day they thanked the Egyptians for accepting them in to their lands by taking over northern Egypt with their followers and declaring themselves the real pharoahs. The egyptian pharaohs in Thebes fought a series of wars to throw them out and did eventually succeed after 300 years or so. They carved in stone all the nice things they had to say about the semites that took over half of their country and you can read those stones.

Afterwards the Hyksos wrote a story about their time in Egypt called Exodus aka “wE wUz SlAvEs” and so we have possibly the earliest verifiable instance of a pattern that we are well familiar with.

Namely, settled people build a nice prosperous society, jews see an opportunity, jews are initially accepted and begin infiltrating bureaucracies while weaving tales of how they are driven hither and thither for no reason, because people just wake up one day and decide they hate big noses. Jews begin undermining traditional morals and creating cultural disinformation particulary economic and moral, so they can more efficiently exploit their host. Jews never create anything that can objectively be called wealth. Their work product is disinformation within the bureaucracy. Jews believe themselves to be living symbiotically within host societies. But host societies never agree. Eventually jews get thrown out or they run the host society in to the ground. See the Khazar Khanate, see medieval Spain, see Russia. And then they tell themselves stories about “we wuz pogromed”. Just like the arendas who claim THEY were the victims of slavic serfs. Just like the sephardics who helped the moorish invasion of iberia so they could keep selling christians as slaves.

So you see, we all tell ourselves stories. Jews aren’t purged from every country they settle in because people hate frizzy hair and modern art. Jews are itinerants who live off of settled people because its easier than working, than building your own country. Jews build nothing. Everything you say you have build I can prove to be built by someone else or else is just a will o the wisp. Your work product is cultural disinformation. Jews live off of other people for jews benefit not for the benefit of other people. You’ve evolved the belief that you are victims because that gives you the justification to exploit other societies. But you are never the victims. You are the wealthiest people in the world with the highest ingroup preference of all and all of your wealth is acquired through deception.

Jews created the trans atlantic slave trade after they settled in the Azores and the Madeiras. They were simply expanding the monopoly they had on slavery in the middle east, europe and north africa since the fall of the roman empire. Jews are the slave trade. Today blacks are still golem on jewish vote plantations.

Jews builld nothing. No roads. No wells. Settled people have no use for jews. Jews need other people to live off of. Thats why jews start communist revolutions in every country on Earth. Hey why do YOU think you do that? Why do jews start communist revolutions in other people’s countries? Why do jews force people in other countries to worship some jewish rabbi, but then come back centuries later and accuse those countries of hating jews because they worship the wrong jewish rabbi?

Stories. Youve got more than the hoteps.

[ - ] Xigbar68 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 20:54:35 ago (+2/-0)

Kike and fraud.

Every time they doubled down with printing money, going into debt, patching the cracks without caring about the foundation.
This would be the federal reserve that has been packed with Jews for over 3 decades.

Overall, in response to the dogma that boomers are the worst living generations, I would say that yes they have been complicit in and at least partially caused much of the trouble effecting younger generations, though I think boomers in general are a scapegoat for people being distracted from the kikes and elites manipulating boomers' spoiled nature as well.

Screencaps and images that shaped my view on boomers:


[ - ] Sleazy 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 18:28:30 ago (+2/-0)

Einstein was a fraud

[ - ] zongongo 2 points 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 16:07:30 ago (+2/-0)

You misspelled jew, a three letter word, fag.

[ - ] dontknowwhatiwant 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 22:47:30 ago (+2/-1)

Stupid, asinine, childish.

The jews are responsible for kicking the can down the road.

The "boomers" as a group are responsible for all technology right now.

I worked for a guy that invented all sorts of stuff at Datapoint in San Antonio. Just a couple of different occurrences and that company could be Microsoft. Now they are a distant memory. SHit happens, don't blame it on the previous generation, this is just like you blaming your shitty life on your parents instead of taking responsibility for your own shitty decisions.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.6 yearsSep 25, 2021 12:05:33 ago (+1/-1)

Hey I guess you thought is was creepy or something that I messaged you but I hope you are doing well. You should make a post about what you went through and everything you used.

[ - ] canbot 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 21:37:36 ago (+2/-1)

The vast, vast majority of technological advancement is small iterations on existing ideas slowly getting better over time. For every invention you can claim some kind of precursor. We stand on the shoulders of giants to reach higher. With that kind of logic you could discount literally every single generation, and every single person, Einstein and Feynman are no exception. They both based their ideas on previous ideas. That is why nearly every inventor and scientist has someone out there accusing them of stealing those ideas.

The greatest discovery and invention post WW2 is probably genetics. We literally have the technology to alter our species on a genetic level, and the only reason it isn't being used to transform the world is because it is in the hands of those who want to control it and keep it for themselves.

We live in the new dark ages not because the boomers failed you, but because Jews have subverted all white societies. AI is far more powerful than the atom bomb. It isn't being utilized to teach kids, diagnose patients, and empower the masses to write code or design products because that would unleash that power to the people.

At the end of the day kids today DO have it easier and better because technology has improved. They also have to deal with more effective jewish subversion. But attacking boomers with this pseudo intellectual tripe because you don't like that truthful statement is ignorant.

[ - ] derpfroot 1 point 2.6 yearsSep 23, 2021 15:30:03 ago (+1/-0)

So what's that say about us?...our gen continuing the downtrend. We're stewards of their shitty behavior.
But I think Woodrow Wilson "unwittingly selling out my countrymen" with the fed was the beginning of the end. That gave them the foot in the door they needed.