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Season 24

submitted by MichaelStewart to SouthPark 3.0 yearsSep 22, 2021 14:40:34 ago (+4/-4)     (SouthPark)

When is the rest of Season 24 going to happen? I know they signed on to like 12 movie deals, which I think is great!

Does that mean that the rest of Season 24 will be hour long specials? I actually think I recall reading about that somewhere.

Or do you think the rest of Season 24 will be normal 22 minute episodes?

Will South Park continue to cuck on vaccines, like how they've cucked on ManBearPig?

Or will the creators of South Park "Make Casa Bonita Great Again"?

Have you played the South Park: Escape Room in person?

If you had the right people to play it with, would you? You can book a room in Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Boston and New York.

1 comments block

[ - ] B4A_DownvoteSponge 1 point 3.0 yearsSep 22, 2021 15:22:54 ago (+1/-0)

Have you played the South Park: Escape Room in person?

No, didn't know about it until just now, thanks!


If you had the right people to play it with, would you? You can book a room in Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Boston and New York.

I would probably play it, but you wouldn't find me in any of those cities. However I'd keep it in mind should fate bring me to one.

I was impressed with the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton in Vegas (when it was open).

Will South Park continue to cuck on vaccines

I've watched SHOTS! several times, plan on doing some clips of that episode, I think it is hilarious.

If you find out answers to any of these questions, feel free to make a post! News about South Park is totally welcome here.