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3 comments block

[ - ] carrotcar 5 points 2.7 yearsSep 20, 2021 11:03:13 ago (+5/-0)

I have no knowledge about the website or reporter, but they seem to fall into the same trap the (((media))) love to use.

"Thankfully, the homeowner is a Second Amendment patriot and was prepared to exercise his God-given constitutional rights as a law-abiding American."

Not true.

Anything in the Constitution is not "God given" it is "man given", but more correctly (supposed to be) "man limiting government".

A better phrase to use would be "God-given Natural right of self defense, as enshrined in the Constitution".

[ - ] Kung_Flu 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 20, 2021 12:01:00 ago (+1/-0)

The goodified's buddy was snooping around in his car and got stopped. Him and his backup were arrested for outstanding warrants.

Fucking niggers shouldn't have even been out on the street.

[ - ] KCobain27 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 20, 2021 15:54:57 ago (+0/-0)

Why would you even open the door???

I'm glad he was just maced but that could have been much worse.