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Biden just lied about getting a job offer in the seventies! This is very obviously secret comms about the Maxwell sex trafficking case!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.8 yearsSep 15, 2021 19:07:58 ago (+5/-0)     (resistthemainstream.org)


He claimed to have an offer from Boise Cascadia lumber company!

Virginia Guffrey's lawyer is called David Boise and he has as of last week become a defendant in another lawsuit aimed at Epstein's estate and Maxwell. Naming him as a co conspirator in human trafficking that named many others including Disney, Kanye West and Beyoncé.

This is a massive conflict of interests that he should have disclosed to Guffrey and the court!!! Big fucking deal.

Biden also named Frank Church during his rambling. The same Frank Church that chaired the "Church Committee" that investigated and exposed the CIA mkultra programs!!!


Both Frank Church and Boise Cascadia are from Idaho!

This looks like he is signaling that Virginia's lawyer has become a massive liability and may expose the sex trafficking, mind control and gangstalking programs that are still running today.

It's all just too coincidental. Especially since no media outlet anywhere has noticed that Guffrey's lawyer has been acting as a gatekeeper for the sex traffickers and has prevented any victim testimony from getting to the courts or to Guffrey. Making this a case of he said she said with nothing to corroborate her claims.


Her lawyer David Boise is also married to a CFR member! Another massive conflict of interests.

I'm sure the judge in Guffrey's case didn't miss this either. The court document was released after being filed last year. Showing that they have had ample time to gather the rest of the testimonies. This was dropped to throw the cat among the pigeons imho. And now Biden is hinting about it.

And this comes after Prince Andrew has been served papers relating to the Guffrey case and now looks like he will have to face her in an American court.

I honestly am not having to add much to this.

What do you guys make of this?

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