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Hypothetical Poverty

submitted by oldblo to AskUpgoat 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:13:28 ago (+21/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

Hypothetically speaking if I found myself poor, homeless, jobless, without property, and utterly unloved and unwanted by the world what would your genuine suggestions be that dont involve me suffering a martyrs fate?

68 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 15 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:32:08 ago (+15/-0)

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[ - ] MichaelStewart 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:57:30 ago (+4/-0)

This is the way.

[ - ] GrayDragon 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:59:18 ago (+3/-0)

What is the meaning of this?

Get a PO box in an office less than 50 units. Its now your apartment number.

If I am understanding you correctly, one could list the Post Office address with APT XX (instead of PO Box) and the mail will make it through?

[ - ] account deleted by user 6 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:20:07 ago (+6/-0)

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[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 18, 2021 05:03:20 ago (+0/-0)

Thank you.

"People won't question it usually, and it makes you seem like you have permanent residence."

That would not be my worry. My concern would be the postman.

E: And fucking nice ... 545 Example Street, #32 ... roger. The postman would probably try to get that through into a PO Box. Fucking nice!

[ - ] MynxiMe 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:16:43 ago (+2/-0)

IF you can, get a box at a USPS that accepts packages. They usually have a street address and number i.e.: 1234 Main street #17.
Much better than a PO box. Some places shun PO boxes with suspicion.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:21:55 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] mongre 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 10:53:37 ago (+0/-0)

Solid advice.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 13 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:57:39 ago (+13/-0)

Go live in the wilderness. Look at population, temperature, and rainfall maps. Lower human population, higher temperature, and higher rainfall, will naturally have a greater abundance of food.

If you're on the west cost of the U.S., and you don't have the tools necessary to hunt or fish, I'm willing to help you in that regard. I need to get practice hunting, as well as processing and preserving meat.

Everyone on this forum is going to be in the same boat as you pretty soon here. Even if they have the means to get cash, the government will eventually start taking peoples' homes away if they aren't vaxxed.

[ - ] oldblo [op] 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:21:14 ago (+4/-0)

I meant hypothetical when I said it but things could certainly be better on my side right now. Thank you anyhow.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:15:02 ago (+3/-0)

I need to get practice hunting, as well as processing and preserving meat.

Easy now, @oldblo probably taste like shit. Though, it would solve all his problems.

[ - ] Hobama 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:03:31 ago (+2/-0)

Im not homeless or retarded, but would definitely like to get better at hunting. Hmu

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:15:35 ago (+1/-0)

Same goes for you as Seventh_Jim. I've bookmarked both of your profiles so I won't forget.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:33:23 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:14:26 ago (+1/-0)

To avoid doxing myself, not close enough to meet you whenever, but close enough to meet up if we schedule it when I'm heading in that direction. I was offering to help oldblo, as it sounded like he needed immediate help. For this deer hunting season, I'm going to be saying out in the wilderness alone for a couple weeks. I need the experience of bugging out, so that when I actually do bug out, I know what I'm doing.

That being said, while I'm not sure if I'll try for them this hunting season, I can't hunt elk alone. If and when I do decide to hunt them, if I can't get any family or friends to help me, I'll send you a message.

[ - ] WileyWallaby 9 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:31:39 ago (+11/-2)

Apply for whatever crap job doesn't require being vaxxed and rent the cheapest room you can find.

Find a nearby independent fundamental Baptist church and focus on God and he'll take care of your needs.

Be prepared to forgive the bulk of them for being wrong about some big things. Build relationships and inform the ones you can.

[ - ] UncleDoug 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 04:59:35 ago (+5/-2)

God and he'll take care of your needs.

Why not ask one of the x-men for help?

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:10:32 ago (+2/-0)

I tell you what, perform an experiment. Pray to Storm for guidance, then after a month, pray to God for guidance. Let me know how it works out.

[ - ] UncleDoug 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:23:00 ago (+3/-0)

You will see the effects of the storm before you see any evidence of divine intervention, because the storm is a documented naturally occurring weather phenomenon.
Mysticism and spiritualism play no part in the propensity of the event, it comes down to barometric pressure in your climate region, where moist warm air meets cooler air and creates condensation.

I tell you what, perform an "experiment".
Take two non-descript rocks, pretend long enough that one is a control measure, just a normal rock. But the other one stops bear attacks. If by the end of the month you haven't been attacked by a bear, then its a magical rock worthy of our devotion.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:26:04 ago (+2/-0)

"Storm" is the name of one of the X-men, dipshit. Don't prsy for something not to happen, pray for something to happen. Don't be obtuse.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:03:52 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 5 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:06:53 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] SparklingWiggle 5 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:22:52 ago (+5/-0)

Yeah, but blame Poal. LOL

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 4 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:21:44 ago (+5/-1)

Hike the AT. Go find every adventure you can walk too.

[ - ] TbonePickins -1 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:34:46 ago (+0/-1)

I was about to suggest the same; just the PCT

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:02:41 ago (+1/-0)

That is expensive in terms of equipment and food.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:04:36 ago (+1/-0)

It doesn't have to. There are videos out there explaining how people do it on the cheap and work for food money occasionally.

[ - ] TbonePickins 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 15, 2021 01:15:02 ago (+1/-0)

That's basically what I did. Most people aren't going to take that much time etc. It also wasn't my first rodeo.

[ - ] TbonePickins 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:43:14 ago (+0/-0)

That is true

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:16:47 ago (+1/-1)

Idea, hit up every food bank along the way and general delivery a schedule of food… might end up carrying cans, but it could work.

[ - ] Cpt_Dirt 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 08:59:32 ago (+2/-0)

That isn't something you are doing without income. Hell, it's very difficult to do without someone else supporting you. Solo takes a good bit of research, planning and luck.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:28:14 ago (+3/-0)

I didn't hit absolute rock bottom but I came pretty close, closer than most people ever will and it's bad but it's refreshing in a way. You see all the bullshit you have in your life and you cut it out. You also have a new worldview where you don't have much to lose that doesn't go away. Even when you're back on your feet you don't give a fuck because you've been through some awful shit and handled it. You also see almost everyone as weak pussies that wouldn't last when shtf. It's not fun but it changes you for the better

[ - ] oldblo [op] 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:57:44 ago (+1/-0)

Thats good. Please give some details beyond saying "I survived it."

[ - ] NuckFiggers 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:08:26 ago (+2/-0)

Lost my job, marriage ended, lost my home all in the same week, I was kind of floating around the country then serious medical issues hit, then a family member died suddenly, two close people in my life were diagnosed with Cancer within a few months of each other, one of whom has since died. I was scraping by for months and had no plans for the future that didn't end in suicide. Obviously I didn't but at the time I was convinced that's how it was going to end and I was just biding my time.

Sorry for being vague, I'd rather not go into more details. One thing that helped things start looking up was I saw myself kind of in witness protection. I hadn't committed any crime but I chose a city I liked and started off completely fresh, cut off social media and all but a few friends and family members, started working a shit job, got a place and went from there.

Also got heavily into meditation and learning about the brain and why I was feeling the way I was.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:27:00 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] NuckFiggers 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:33:55 ago (+2/-0)

A lot of it was where I was mentally, which is due to the demoralization that they want you to feel. You've got to break from it and say fuck it. Just cut it off and don't listen.

[ - ] oldblo [op] 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:41:46 ago (+0/-0)

Ah so you got employed and went on from that.
Its got me wondering what you can do. A thing I constantly see is people wanting to improve themselves, the world around them, accomplish things, ect... An entire group of anons to pool knowledge from but it seems the only ones that want to cooperate are lefty and sjw types. Granted its normally either funded or lynch mob style. Not so much in the way of collectively sitting down to build, teach, or learn.
I would really like it if voat could get a few good things like that going.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 03:08:25 ago (+0/-0)

I never see lefties doing much improvement other than talking about it and doing the most superficial things.

I got employed but mostly I changed everything about my life. I was in a really bad place in a lot of ways and other than physically moving out, I had to change how I thought, felt about things, everything. That took a lot of reading, meditation and introspection. I'm almost a completely different person now. I can't even listen to some music I used to love. When I mentioned witness protection I feel like I really did make a completely new identity. I didn't change my name, though it's so common it doesn't matter. It took a lot to really change and it wasn't easy to do.

I would say look at yourself impartially and be honest about all the shit you don't need in your life and how you can improve. Cut out all the bad shit in your life, especially your emotions and reactions. I know that seems like a simple answer but most people aren't honest with themselves and it's not easy.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:19:17 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] oldblo [op] 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:50:25 ago (+1/-0)

Good stuff. I know the nation im in is anal about forests. I was wondering how to know where it is and isnt legal to arbitrarily mess about in. For example how do I know if its wilderness or someones property? Far as I can tell trying to survive as a poor person without relying wholly on an inadequate, indifferent, and incompetent system is wholly illegal. Right down to a taboo on using fallen branches, digging holes, and collecting rain water. Some people obviously do this so I cant help but wonder.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 11:38:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ForgottenMemes 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:37:59 ago (+2/-0)

Re-integrate yourself in society. Plenty of tradies (carpenters, electricians, etc) around here are willing to hire someone who shows up on time, works hard and isn't retarded. Learn the trade and you'll be able command a reasonable salary. Once you have a job that you feel is making the world a better place, especially one where you build, grow or repair objects you'll feel confident and motivated. Arbeit macht frei. Work really does set you free.

Once you have the confidence and motivation that only real work can bring, the other things tend to fall into place. Everyone wants to be friends with someone who is happy and successful. No one wants to be around a depressed loser.

[ - ] Thisismyaccount 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:19:04 ago (+4/-2)

Move to the rockies and live there. Lots of wild game and fish plus plants to eat. You can build your own cabin or find a cave to live in. Lots of hard work but it'll keep you busy and your mind off all the shit that's going on.

[ - ] account deleted by user 6 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:53:45 ago (+6/-0)

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[ - ] Fascinus 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:32:21 ago (+3/-0)

Solid advice.

My buddy actually lived off the land for several years, including some in the Rockies.

During his time in the Rockies, even he would come into town for winter.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:59:14 ago (+2/-0)

Hopefully he has a choice in the matter. If he does, wait till spring to move out.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:52:47 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] obscenity 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:00:33 ago (+0/-0)

won't cougars or bears come and eat you?

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 6 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:05:57 ago (+6/-0)

Black bears will almost always leave you be. Cougars will follow you for miles on end, but will usually leave you be so long as you have a gun. The only way you know a cougar is following you is when you backtrack and find the scat and prints it left behind.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes -3 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:28:46 ago (+2/-5)

Don't do this ever. Living off the land is a larp. Everyone who has tried has failed spectacularly, some have died.

[ - ] Her0n 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:30:02 ago (+5/-2)

I’m currently doing it with a seven month pregnant wife. We farm, raise livestock, and have plans for a close personal friend of mine to find a plot for him to build on soon. Just because some idiots failed miserably doesn’t mean everyone will. I have done this in the Rockies as well as in the northern Appalachians.

Fuck off with your weak, non-sun worshipping ass demoralization.

It’s sad that I have more mental and physical fortitude than you.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 3 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:32:37 ago (+3/-0)

Having a farm is different from living off the land retard.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:46:37 ago (+3/-2)

I’ve done both. My friends and I in high school would go into the woods with three days of supplies and the last guy to come back to base camp had bragging rights until next year. We’d be out for a week or more at a time.

I can forage and I can farm. I’ll be set when SHTF because I wanted to be that independent. Maybe you should watch foraging and survival videos on YouTube as a start. I know your ass can’t be bothered to read.

[ - ] Hobama 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 04:20:15 ago (+0/-0)

Wish I had friends like that. Only a few are even willing to go backpacking.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:23:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:34:35 ago (+2/-1)

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[ - ] AttilaHitler 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 03:06:51 ago (+0/-0)

Everyone who's dumb and weak failed.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 05:23:49 ago (+0/-0)


People have been living off the land since there was people. Just because you wouldn't survive the winter doesn't mean it's impossible.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 11:34:09 ago (+0/-0)

There are very few places in the world that can support hunter/gatherers. The rockies is not one of them. The indians primary food source was buffalo, which are now all but extinct. There is very little to gather in the rockies, you can't farm effectively so your only options would be to poach deer/elk/moose (have fun in prison if you shoot a moose) or to herd goats.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:45:02 ago (+1/-0)

Look for manual labor jobs like construction, manufacturing, and landscaping. They usually pay better than other shit entry level jobs like fast food and call centers, the exercise will make you feel better in the long run (same with sunlight if some of your work is outdoors), and a lot of them have trouble finding and keeping good workers so it should be easy to land such a job right now. Assuming you're male, that is. If you're female, become a waitress and let the toxically male types hit on you until you find one who understands his role as a man well enough and start working on becoming marriage material for him.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 11:47:30 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:53:51 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 15:45:40 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] niggersarenothuman 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:52:31 ago (+0/-0)

hypothetically speaking, I'd say you should start of religious movement out in the desert. When you find jesus, baptize him, but not before first asking him to baptize you (which he will refuse).

[ - ] oldblo [op] 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 03:08:12 ago (+0/-0)

Baptizing yourself is kinda silly. Asking yourself to baptize yourself only to refuse is even more so.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:14:48 ago (+0/-0)

You have worth. Be unafraid to work. Nobody knows your true value but you who tests it.

[ - ] Panic 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:32:21 ago (+0/-0)

Get to a beach, find an older woman to take you in. Start over.

[ - ] Tonkawa_Truck -10 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:22:23 ago (+0/-10)

If you weren't so mentally ill you'd be able to hold down a job. You're a fuck up. Your life has been a waste. It's time to end it.

[ - ] oldblo [op] 9 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:37:52 ago (+9/-0)

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:02:03 ago (+2/-0)

Piss off kike

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:08:51 ago (+0/-0)
