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My husband is very close to getting the jab

submitted by Cunt to Controlavirus 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:31:48 ago (+52/-1)     (Controlavirus)

He claims indifference. Hates trying to defend my position with NPCs constantly asking him when he will get it, why hasn't he got it already. He is afraid of the imminent vaccine passport and losing work, even though he hates his job. It has previously been secure work because he excels at it but they are likely to mandate the covid vax there soon. Doesn't want to do anything to fight back, unless it is a dramatic suicide attack.

Is AstraZeneca better being that it is not mRNA? Should I be steering him that way as the lesser of two evils? Get him to have a full health work up prior, so any adverse reactions are obvious? I'm worried he might just do it without telling me. I'm fighting a losing battle. I have said I will take the kids and move out for a fortnight at least if he does. I dont know if shedding is real or not but I need to do something to make taking it not look so easy. I need something to change. I wish some fucker would just stand up and be a leader and lead the resistant. Even as a woman, if I didn't have kids I would give it a go even knowing I am an insufferable cunt who couldn't win any followers. If only they tried and pulled this shit in my late teens/ early 20s. As a mother I feel trapped in my role. I have to protect them directly, I can't make a huge fight for their abstract future. For fuck sake one still won't go to sleep unless my tit is in their mouth.

He is a miserable bastard too who hates the world and says he doesn't care if he lives or dies or gets disabled. He is already an alcoholic. So anything goes wrong and doctors will blame that I suppose.

Fuck these fucking kikes and their manipulation. Fuck them driving a wedge between everyone.

104 comments block

[ - ] 2017Fallout 21 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:53:23 ago (+21/-0)

He sounds depressed and helpless. I think if you could try and improve both of your quality of life by enjoying each other again that would really help. Having young kids is hardwork and really impacts on your marital relationship. Try to find some of the good times again with him. Maybe try to make him laugh - if life is just problems then apathy and substance use are natural responses.

[ - ] La_Chalupacabra 5 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 15:14:31 ago (+5/-0)

He sounds depressed and helpless.

I would add "miserable" to that, which fits the bill for a lot of people.
What's worse, most of them don't even realize that a change in employment will clear that right up; it did for me.
@Cunt, I'd ask your husband if being dead in another 5 years from stress-induced stroke, heart attack, or cirrhosis is going to leave his family any better off than taking a potential pay cut that will benefit his work-life balance much better.
Also, if an employer is just going to hold an employee's livelihood over their head over something that isn't part of their original job description, what else are they willing to do?
At the end of the day, he doesn't owe them shit; the only ones he does are himself and his family.
Thankfully, a number of websites are beginning to offer resources to connect those employers and job-seekers.

[ - ] goat777 17 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:22:10 ago (+17/-0)

This is the point of all of it, to wear you down so thin that you just do it to be left alone.

[ - ] recon_johnny 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:33:56 ago (+3/-0)

We can see this down the future for pretty much everything else planned.

[ - ] ArnoBreker 11 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:48:25 ago (+13/-2)*

Have him watch The Greatest Story Never Told with you.

Or Europa The Last Battle.

It's on Odysee. Enable him to be manly by being the most feminine woman you can be. Also, leaving him is a cowardly act, do not do this.

[ - ] letsgetit 9 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:30:39 ago (+9/-0)

Yea that is not going to wake him up. These people are not anywhere close to being able to accept that information. Baby steps

[ - ] fightknightHERO 5 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:35:25 ago (+6/-1)

TGSNT is very good material
it woke me up right up, and i haven't even watched it to the very end (shit's depressing real hard after 5 hours)

alternatively, if he is a hardcore normie, i suggest Murdoch Murdoch to ease the suppository's of redpills unto his clenched anus

[ - ] deleted 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:08:55 ago (+4/-1)


[ - ] Steelerfish 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:41:23 ago (+3/-0)

You say that like it doesn’t work…..

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:02:47 ago (+1/-0)

Better than drugs

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 10 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 12:27:33 ago (+10/-0)

I have a simple thing he can pull on the normies who ask him about the vax.

Ask them if they know what their three main immune nutrients are. Most will know vitamin C which is your third most important. Most won't know that vitamin D and zinc are more important than C. If they don't know them, say you don't take health advice from people who don't even know basic facts about their own immune system over a year into a pandemic.

If they keep pushing, point out that vitamin D is so important to your immune system you're more likely to get sick in winter when you get less of it than in summer when you get more of it. Point out that vitamin D comes from sunlight and the government and media told you to avoid sunlight with stay at home, work from home, shutting down parks and outdoor events and everything else. Everything you were told to do was the opposite of what made you healthy, so of course you should do the opposite of what people telling you that say.

[ - ] Jiggggg 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:18:58 ago (+4/-0)

Absolutely agree. I take sodium ascorbate and zinc daily, and make sure to go outside every day at least for half an hour, more often for several hours working in the yard / gardens. No sunscreen and really soak up the sun and breathe fresh non-HVAC air. If it's winter, I'll still go outside every day but also take a vitamin D & K supplement. This is one of the most important things a human can do for their health and it's absolutely astounding that so many people chose to barricade themselves inside during the sunniest parts of the year.

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 02:40:30 ago (+1/-0)

I'd add B-12 if one doesn't get a lot of meat.

[ - ] GeneralDisposition 10 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:25:26 ago (+11/-1)

It's amazing how easily people give in to peer pressure! Weak ass people. You know It's killing people. You know it makes people sick. You know It's unnatural. Take it anyways because your bully says so. If your buddy jumps off a bridge, are going to? Might as well ya dummy.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:27:14 ago (+3/-0)

They are telling the sheep what they want to hear— that they have the cure, they will give you safety. But the vax is not working and the government created the virus in the first place. That is a depressing truth. People prefer the hopeful lie.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 9 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 12:28:15 ago (+11/-2)*

I didn't read the whole post, but the J&J would be the way to go. If it is what they say it is, it is based on the Ebola vaccine that has been in use for 20 years.

Edit to add, start going to church and looking for ways to stop conflict and make him feel better about himself to break the grip alcohol has on him. If he needs to get the jab for his job. Either help him find another and support him or let him get the jab and support him. If he is giving into the jab for other people, tell him you don't want to lose him to the long-tern effects of the jab and that he's the most important man in your life. Make him want to fight it to make you proud. You don't have to give up your "person" to make his life easier, but don't ride his case. Hug him more, find the things you like about him and focus on those things. Make these long-term changes.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:36:47 ago (+1/-0)

Nice. Are you a woman?

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:56:12 ago (+3/-0)

Nope. I have a cock. And you may not suck on it.

Why would you ask?

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:02:32 ago (+1/-0)

Woman or not, you are clearly nasty

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:17:36 ago (+1/-0)

Why? Because I won't let you suck my cock? Faggot.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:24:14 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 7 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:21:47 ago (+7/-0)

Oh fuck me. I just wrote this long comment and then I got logged out before I could post it. I am very sympathetic. Ive been trying to influence some stubborn family members myself with mixed results.

If he gets the jab, just forgive him. They can’t all be as intelligent as us insufferable cunts. Cut him a break. Just try to mitigate his stupidity by reducing the risk to him and your kids.

I don’t think AZ is a safer jab at all. I think pfizer might be the safest in the short term. AZ is still gene therapy. The bad thing about all the jabs is the unpredictable production of the spike protein which is very dangerous.

Yeah its probably a good idea to get a check up with blood work and especially a d-dimer test. If you can establish a change in d-dimers before and after a clotting incident you could potentially sue someone like a doctor or employer who pushed the jab.

To avoid clots, he might try taking 2 or 3 baby aspirin a day after the jab and tapering down to one after a couple weeks. Also important to stay hydrated and not get drunk! Ketoacidosis from drinking or diabetes could increase likelihood of clots. Avoid drugs that promote clotting if possible. Avoid drugs associated with stevens-johnson syndrome if possible. Might be good to have benedryl or even primatene mist/epinephrine inhaler on hand, which is sort of a poor man’s epi-pen. Taking famotidine (pepsid) or even ivermectin might help reduce side effects by reducing inflamation. Maybe NAC.

Some drugs could lower the immune response to the vaccine. The benefit of that would be lower risk of inflamatory damage or auto-immune reaction. The downside would be that the body produces lower quantities of antibody. Low levels of antibodies carry increase risk of the so-called ADE phenomenon occuring when ultimately challenged by the virus. I would be most concerned about people developing ADE if they were in a high risk group. With younger people, the greater risk might be from a problem caused directly by immune response to the vaccine. ADE does not occur in people with no immunity. It is less likely to occur in people with high antibody titers. Trade offs to consider when taking the vax.

Drugs that could lower immune response to the vax would be NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, immunosuppressant drugs including steroids like prednisone. I would not take any supplements that stimulated immune response. Focus on stuff that reduces inflamation like quercetin.

Yes the vax is causing shedding. The spike protein of recently vaccinated people is in their saliva and it is spread through microdroplets in the air just like the live virus. Yes it is making other people like houshold members ill and could be promoting ADE in those second hand people when they are eventually challenged with covid. It is possible that this MIS-C phenomenon they are seeing in kids with covid could be induced by second hand pre-exposure to the vax. Educated guess. I think kids are safer having no immunity or immunity from a previous natural covid infection.

Multiple people in the houshold got serious respiratory and dermatological symptoms when a friend of mine got vaccinated. The youngest was diagnosed with croup. All within a week or two of this person’s vaccination. They have covered up or misdiagnosed second hand side effects from the vaccine as croup, asthma, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, pink eye, allergies. Hospitals reported a rash of these diseases in the spring when the libtards were vaccinating but none were clinically confirmed. The viruses that typically cause croup were never clinically confirmed, nor was hand-foot-and-mouth. Red herrings.

Try to get the hubby to isolate as much as possible in a separate room for 3 weeks or so after getting each jab and to use an N95 mask around the kids. He’s polluting the air with spike. Several good reasons to keep the kids from inhaling it. Especially the little one. Just similar precautions to covid.

TLDR low dose aspirin for a few weeks, hydration, no drinking, keep away from the kids, maybe famotidine, or ivermectin, — more controversially ibuprofen or immunosuppressants.

Your husband is at much higher risk of getting covid in the weeks right after the first shot up until about 2 or 3 weeks after the second. Much higher risk than being unvaccinated. He should take extra precautions. Gargling with listerine advanced and using a sanitizing nose spray like 1% povidone iodine nose spray (best) or hypertonic saline nose spray (ok) will help.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 7 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:45:44 ago (+7/-0)

I wish you luck, I really do.

He is a miserable bastard too who hates the world and says he doesn't care if he lives or dies or gets disabled. He is already an alcoholic. So anything goes wrong and doctors will blame that I suppose.

This sounds like the core of the problem here. I'm not sure if it's too late and maybe you've already tried, but I would start by making his home a refuge of positivity. Like really pull out the stops making sure there isn't even a single bit of stress from the moment he enters the house. That will put you in a much better position to be the voice of reason and let him make clearer decisions. Also, if you're religious, maybe try praying together. Seems like hubris to try to make a marriage work without the help of the divine.

I've been reading through that trad housewives manual thing that (I think) needlestack posted. Even as a man there's a lot of good stuff in there. Not sure what page it was but there were a couple of good stories about wives managing to bring their husband around without having to be the antagonist.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:13:28 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 8 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:39:09 ago (+8/-0)

You're right. Why try to do anything. We should just slump into apathy and let our enemies walk over us.

[ - ] dingbat 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:02:27 ago (+3/-1)

Lol. Phantom was just giving the “woah is me” “muh life sux” millennial speech a couple weeks ago.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:54:58 ago (+1/-2)


[ - ] dingbat -1 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:14:26 ago (+0/-1)*

Wah! Wah! I can’t go to college like mom and dad expect me to. I can’t do anything and don’t know how to be resourceful and I’m going to be a douche to every well meaning person on my cry me a fucking river post. No one understands me! You’re totally pathetic and beta as fuck. You don’t know how to argue without calling people names. Your attitude sucks, Phantom. That’s why you’re in the position in life you are.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:38:03 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:38:39 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] dingbat 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 00:45:14 ago (+0/-0)

Nah, I don’t have one of those. And aren’t we all going to die? Man, you’re one angry millennial.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:30:23 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] dingbat 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 01:55:56 ago (+0/-0)

You persevere. You trudge through. You grow. Just calm down and ease up a little bit. You’re perpetuating negativity because of your negative attitude. Everyone has a story, Phantom. You gotta try to shift that paradigm before it’s too late.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:53:37 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:29:33 ago (+2/-0)

So, what would you do? Have you ever been in long-term relationship?

The beatings will continue until the morale improves.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:05:44 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 3 yearsSep 13, 2021 07:32:17 ago (+0/-0)

Two things that I have experience with marriage, more than two decades with the same woman, and depression, more time than I've been married. My advice comes from having been there, done that.

Having God in my life has helped immensely. I'm not a churchgoer and not a bible thumper. He's always been there. Talk to Him, He answers.

[ - ] kkkrystal 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 17:46:33 ago (+4/-0)

The problem is it won't stop with the vaccine. I have a friend who got covid and has the antibodies and doesn't want the vaccine, and is afraid of losing her job. The thing is it won't be just this vaccine. Once they know they can force you to get it, they'll keep going. They're already talking about booster shots for the vaccinated. This will never end if we don't stop it here. Imo it's enough to say he's healthy and isn't worried about dying from covid so he's making a decision about his health and not taking this rushed, experimental vaccine. and if people give him or you shit for that they can go fuck themselves.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 5 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:41:30 ago (+5/-0)

He is a miserable bastard too who hates the world and says he doesn't care if he lives or dies or gets disabled.

he should try and get unto some good old fashioned Stoicism
it helped me go through some tough times and through meditation i became a better man for it

If you have spare time, buy him the "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, or send him one of these videos

indifference is a powerful state of mind which is the peak opposite of carelessness
is it mode of Zen, where you are focused on the task at hand and nothing else, no emotions (neither negative or postive)

i should start a Stoicism subverse, it could help many of us get through these dark days

[ - ] 2017Fallout 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:48:57 ago (+0/-0)

Do that - start the subverse

[ - ] fightknightHERO 6 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:56:16 ago (+6/-0)

It's already done
"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one"

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:35:34 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 13:11:50 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:26:06 ago (+0/-0)

I am indifferent to your idea of s subverse.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 13:09:34 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:39:50 ago (+2/-0)

There is literally no reason for a 15 year old to get the jab. He is smack dab in the middle of the age range least vulnerable to covid. Far more likely for a healthy kid to be damaged by the vax. I assume that is because the high metabolism of kids is causing them to produce far more spike proteins from the vaccine and also a greater immune reaction than average. Both of these things could increase risks of adverse reaction.

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:56:46 ago (+5/-1)

Don't start with trying to change the world. Start with changing yourself.

It sounds like your husband is already gone. Don't let yourself -- and your kids -- be dragged down with him. I'm not saying to leave him BUT I am saying to start making decisions for yourself only. In effect leave him behind. Either it will be a wake up call for him and he'll get his shit together or... well nothing lost that isn't already lost.

It won't be easy but you don't have a lot of choices here. I wish you all the best.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:59:47 ago (+1/-0)

Her husband is not already gone ffs.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 17:46:07 ago (+3/-0)

Seriously… I’m praying for you now.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:38:42 ago (+3/-0)

unless it is a dramatic suicide attack.

That bit is very relatable. Doing anything in-between just makes you end up in a database and you may never get a chance to put on that sweet vest.

At least try to get him as healthy as possible before and after taking the shot. If he doesn't care about getting disabled, that basically translates to not caring about his family, maybe you should call him out on that.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 12:46:01 ago (+4/-0)*

Better than call him out, which is just an argument, make him care about his family to the point that he would want death before letting them down. Go do things as a family. Spend a few days away with your side of the fsmily so he misses you and them. Tell him you want to give him some time to recharge. Or go camping as a family. Drive to a lake and have a picnic.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:28:18 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] UncleDoug 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:03:33 ago (+3/-0)

Is AstraZeneca better being that it is not mRNA?

We currently have the choice between dog shit and cat shit with vaccines for the scamdemic.

AZ is potentially less dangerous long term. Hopefully, they release Novavax Q1 2022 before (((they))) really start ramping it up with threats and further coercion. There is only so many times they can keep re-writing 11th hour laws.

Quite frankly we shouldn't be getting any of them from a virus that is a mild respiratory infection but I understand where you're coming from.

Get him to have a full health work up prior, so any adverse reactions are obvious?

Pointless, the government, doctors and big pharma are indemnified against all legal action. Taking the jab means you give consent.

Should I be steering him that way as the lesser of two evils?

Go to the TGA DAEN and see which has more acute, prevalent, and dangerous side effects comparatively.

If he is not in a mandated industry then he is not required to take it to be at work, only to travel to work when precuring a LGA transit permit.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:31:29 ago (+1/-0)

Why do you believe AZ is less dangerous long term?

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:30:07 ago (+1/-0)


Atleast AZ is not lipid encapsulated self-replicating mRNA.

Like I said it's currently the choice between cat shit and dog shit.

The spike protein itself might have far-reaching consequences to your health, but it's unlikely to affect the health of your future kids.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:55:01 ago (+1/-0)

Viral vectors insert foreign DNA from and engineered virus into your cell nucleus. It manufactures the RNA. Its gene therapy. I don’t see how its better on this score. Its not more “natural” .

I give fuck all if its gene therapy as long as its safe and I know what its doing. Neither of these vaccines are safe because the spike is extremely harmful. Both implementations could affect the health of your future kids because spike is probably mutagenic itself, causing genetic damage to reproductive cells.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:20:25 ago (+0/-0)

It's not self-replicating. It convinces the body to replicate it. Now eat your dogshit sandwich. And some of your point depends on whether they've been straight with what it is at all.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:52:09 ago (+0/-0)

It's not self-replicating.

Self-replicating/self-amplifying RNA vaccines, you're really splitting hairs here.

Now eat your dogshit sandwich

Did I say I was getting the covid-vax or was pro-covid-vax at any stage?

And some of your point depends on whether they've been straight with what it is at all.

We don't know what the long-term health effects are going to be for any of these contemporary vaccines.

e.g. Potential teratogenicity and infertility.

It is well established that lipids reduce fertility and has been known for decades, with that alone you can make inference on how one might be bad but the other worse.

End of the day there is no reason why we shouldn't have access to inactivated and subunit traditional-style vaccines, especially when the government is hell-bent on mandating an immunisation strategy against a completely survivable respiratory infection.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:03:25 ago (+2/-0)

I was being sarcastic with the dogshit sandwich line, sorry. I should have marked it.

We are on the same page except to say, they are telling us it is a lipid coated mRNA fragment of a Coronavirus when it could intentionally be part A of a binary poison that remains in the system. They could then release Part B through some other means that would make association more difficult and wipe out hordes of people they want targeted.

Of course, it could also be the other way around, where all the pain-in-the-ass citizens refuse and all the sheep are protected from the bioweapon they have readied.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 23:55:45 ago (+0/-0)

They could then release Part B through some other means that would make association more difficult and wipe out hordes of people they want targeted.

Fair point, that there is also no way of knowing whether these modified vaccines with synthetic components in contemporary can act as a catalyst for something later on.

I straight up do not trust the government and never have. They have proven time and time again to work in their best interest, not the best interests of the people they are said to represent.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 11:00:24 ago (+3/-0)

He has a duty to protect his family. He cant do that when the vaccine causes his heart to explode. Perhaps give him a clear picture of what the commies like to do to women and children. The cartel has some good videos of what they do to defenseless families. I dont like to recommend gore videos, but if someone needs a shocking lesson on the realities of the world, they can work. And it's not to say you're defenseless, but its definitely easier when half the parental unit isnt dead from poison.

[ - ] eongoat 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:52:01 ago (+2/-0)

There are 4 "vaccines" for Sars-Cov2
and over 22 companies for the 4 types
(note: some doctors do not recognize mRNA/DNA as a vaccine)

mRNA/DNA - Pfiser, Moderna, ZyCoV-D - available in US/Australia/Europe
viral vector - Oxford-AstraZeneca, Janssen (J&J), Sputnik V, Sputnik Light, Convidecia - available in US/Australia/Europe
inactivated - Sinopharm (BBIBP), CoronaVac, Covaxin, Sinopharm (WIBP) - NOT available in US/Australia/Europe
subunit - EpiVacCorona, ZF2001, Abdala, Soberana 02, Medigen (MVC) - NOT available in US/Australia/Europe

The last 2 are typical vaccines and are much safer...why are they not available in the west??

Let me be very clear. The only CURE for the virus/disease is your immune system. Period. Vaccines, Vitamins, Ivermectin, HCQ, etc are just to BOOST/HELP your weak immune system fight the virus/create antibodies. People with strong system are not effected. The problems with vaccines is things like graphene (toxic) and spike proteins that cause damage to organs and compromise your immune system.

watch this video and you'll understand, it's an hour long but has a ton of info.


skip intro go to 5:30

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 14, 2021 07:29:09 ago (+0/-0)

Have you heard of Vaxine's COVAX-19? My grandma asked Mr about it and I never heard about it before, can't find the CMI or PI on the TGA website yet so I have to dig into tonight for her. https://vaxine.net/vaxine-and-cinnagen-initiated-a-phase-3-clinical-trial-for-their-covid-19-vaccine-candidate/

[ - ] eongoat 0 points 3 yearsSep 14, 2021 21:48:38 ago (+0/-0)

"a harmless insect cell-based recombinant spike protein of SARS-CoV–2 in combination with Vaxine's proprietary non-inflammatory Advax™, a polysaccharide adjuvant derived from delta inulin"


spike protein - > mRNA

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 15, 2021 07:03:00 ago (+0/-0)

Wikipedia says

Vaccine type Protein subunit


You said in your previous comment that is much safer? I can't find anything that specifically says it is or isn't mRNA, all the other manufacturers proudly boast it.

[ - ] eongoat 0 points 3 yearsSep 15, 2021 13:20:06 ago (+0/-0)

so actually, I read the table wrong. sorry.

but, "recombinant spike protein". recombinant means relating to or containing genetically engineered DNA
and articles I find on the professor talk about a mRNA and viral vector type vaccine labs/companies. Don't have time at the moment, to search much more for the answer.

Well the creator is Professor Nikolai Petrovsky in Australia - [email protected]
I suppose you could ask him lol.

[ - ] Bigdeal 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:19:00 ago (+2/-0)

Problem is the peer pressure is from a stand point where they think the science is on their side since it is parroted from so many sources. They take tested vaccines and roll them all together. These are not vaccines they are still experimental. No one knows the long term side effects. History repeats and how quickly we forgot about what happens when you rush these drugs. The US was protected in the 50-60s from Thalidomide by the FDA now they seem to have forgotten their true purpose, all to push some great experiment.

[ - ] Jiggggg 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:37:40 ago (+1/-0)

I think Broc_liath had the best advice, about making the home a haven of positivity. This works in my relationship. I try to make the house tidy and clean and get all my own stuff done during the day so that at night, we can just relax and do enjoyable things.

I'm sorry he's got a drinking problem... that's a really hard thing to deal with. I've dated a two true blue alcoholics and it was awful.

You're right in that this whole situation is completely fucked. I'm the only one in my family who hasn't gotten it. Even a family member who didn't want it, who was the one who showed ME all the bad shit about the shots, gave in because another family member bullied them relentlessly. It's pathetic. It nearly ruined my relationship, too, though thankfully we were able to get past it, still both unvaxxed. I've lost friends over this, people who don't want me to come over unless I've been vaccinated. It makes me upset with them, but I am more angry with the manipulation of the jew media and the CDC and that little wop Fauci for keeping normies in a perpetual state of hysteria.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:31:31 ago (+1/-0)*

I'm usually a hardliner against weakness and failure to fight back. But do try to see things from his perspective.

He has you and your children to support. If he really didn't care, he would not be considering giving in to the pressure. No man likes doing that. Especially when his woman is calling him out. No man like letting his family down. But, in his current position, either choice will be the cause of that. If he gives in, he lets down your expectations (and, btw, your demands and threats, which are just as extreme as those of the others). If he doesn't, he loses his income and his ability to provide for you.

It is difficult to balance duty and honor. Especially in this fucked up world we live in now.

Our enemies may lie and manipulate all they like. But only we ourselves can decide how we treat our friends and family.

Sometimes, all a man needs to be strong is knowing he will have the love and support of his woman, no matter what.

PS: As far as shedding goes, it's really pointless to worry about it. If it is a thing, and it is dangerous, then there is absolutely no way to avoid being exposed to it. Too many people have gotten vaccinated, and they are impossible to avoid. One more won't make a difference. And if it's not a thing, or not as dangerous as some claim, then you're just worrying over nothing.

It is better to accept the things you cannot change. So you can focus on the things you can.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 1 point 3 yearsSep 14, 2021 07:23:37 ago (+1/-0)

Thanks. I think this comment has helped me the most. Ican see a different side now and have calmed down a bit. A lot to think about reading all these comments.

[ - ] recon_johnny 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 13:20:33 ago (+1/-0)

It's a bad day when people give up. There are some ways to overcome what your husband is going through; getting regular exercise, being outdoors, keeping busy through hobbies (for me, it was learning how to do woodworking)--can be anything, but building things are very good for men in general.

He needs to stop drinking. Now. AA may be the best solution, otherwise you're looking at being committed somewhere. My best advice is to go with him every step of the way. Let him know you're there, but with actions, not words. Nothing else matters if this doesn't get fixed.

For the jab, we're mandated by end of year. We have people quitting now. I don't know what I'll do, so I'm trying to save as much money as I can. Hopefully you can do the same.

I'd like to know how things turn out.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 12:41:50 ago (+4/-3)

account deleted by user

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:49:40 ago (+1/-0)

No. We need to save our zogged males from themselves.

[ - ] kammmmak 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:35:21 ago (+0/-0)

Imagine if it was a president we actually respected just how far deeper America would go down the vax acceptance road to tyranny. Most everyone screams fuck joe biden and yet just look at us fold to the jab fear mongering. Fucking hell we suck

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 14, 2021 07:21:55 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah. But if you think America sucks why don't you come down under, (as long as you are some form of minority you can come, borders are closed to whites). Things are fucked here and getting worse really quick.

They are hyping up mid October as projected to be 70 or 80% national vaccinated rate, and then "some" freedoms will return to the vaxxed. Our military man in charge of vaccine roll out says the getting to 80% is easy but getting above that is when it gets difficult due to vaccine hesitancy.

[ - ] Battlefat 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:39:18 ago (+2/-2)

Look, Cunt, you married a pussy, but better wed than alone with a suckling child.

But rest assured he will begin to frown upon your potentially diseased corpus and wonder why you have no concern for him or your family — this is the virus after all — and will soon seek out the comfort of a like minded and vaxxed, but lonely, harlot.

The mind of a demon is shallow and all too predictable. Only you alone know with whom you are dealing…the man you love should reciprocate and protect, not capitulate and flee. I don’t know you, but am familiar with the trash pile you’ve described because they are everywhere while the man you want is not

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 16:22:27 ago (+3/-0)

Oh fuck off.

[ - ] Battlefat 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:24:46 ago (+1/-1)

You disagree, but a happy man doesn’t act the way he does, causing distress to the mother of his children despite her protest.

A desperate man on the other hand takes great pleasure in her distress.

The truth is distressing, but so too is living in denial

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:44:39 ago (+1/-0)

Oh fuck off.

[ - ] Battlefat -1 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:06:23 ago (+0/-1)

Your final advice is to have OP capitulate against their will and morals and to simply tell me to fuck off because you have nothing to add, got it.

I suppose there are worse things than being married to a weak man, but none compares to being hopelessly married to an insufferable bitch

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:28:04 ago (+0/-0)

Oh fuck off

[ - ] Battlefat 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:40:45 ago (+0/-0)

Did you get vaccinated? If so, share with OP your experience, maybe that would help them make an informed decision, rather than simply consider your voluminous and detailed hypotheticals.

And if not, then maybe it would be enlightening to learn why not…you exhibit a concerned apathy and lots of information but never a confirmation either way, at least not in this thread

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:09:47 ago (+1/-0)

Ive shared my well researched reasoning for why NOT to get this vaccine on this very post as well as literally dozens of lengthy highly detailed comments and posts on this and other forums.

Such as here https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=613bdb757ae80#comment_613c1f99b2cd1

Cunt knows enough not to get the vax but she may not be able to stop her husband which is why I gave here specific advice for how to mitigate risk for her husband and kids. Which is on this post, promoted above yours because my comment was constructive.

There isnt’ a single person between here, Poal and old Voat who’s posted more about the dangers of covid, how to treat covid, the dangers of the vaccine or how to mitigate vaccine side effects more than I have. Go look. Nah, save yourself the trouble. Because there isn’t a solitary faggot that has been less apathetic or dumped more pertinent non-pozzed scientific data on the subject in these parts. Ive made a nuissance of myself on the issue.

Your confusing apathy regarding the vaccine with apathy to engage wiith a fucktard who made an un-fucking-helpful comment to cunt.

Now fuck off.

[ - ] Battlefat 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:31:55 ago (+1/-0)

Assuming you haven’t gotten the vaccine, and know full well the known dangers as well as the speculated dangers, encouraging another to “allow” her husband to take the vaccine because it would satisfy his unwillingness to engage in debates, (such as here), as within a reasonable margin for risk is dangerous, because it plants a seed that any of these vaccines are at all acceptable, which they are not — you claim as much.

And why would you suggest that? To marginally resolve a marital conflict he has introduced, above the ones she’s shared, to include hopelessness and alcoholism. She has an infant in the house, along with other children, and the vax is his overt concern. Pathetic, but I’ve already stated that.

As for unhelpful it’s a matter of opinion, and besides opinion was requested

Thanks for finally engaging, but your messaging isn’t as straightforward as you claim

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 20:38:58 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck off.

[ - ] ZyklonDryCleaners 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:02:04 ago (+1/-1)

If I were a jew, and I wanted to manipulate my enemy into making a rash decision, like distrusting a bonafide vaccine, I would spread disinfo about it on anti-jew forums and promote it 24/7 in the news, so that it would become very suspect. I would manipulate them into losing their job and financially ruining themselves.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 17:21:50 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] GoatsAdvocate 0 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 12:34:33 ago (+0/-0)

I need something to change. I wish some fucker would just stand up and be a leader and lead the resistant. Even as a woman, if I didn't have kids I would give it a go even knowing I am an insufferable cunt who couldn't win any followers.

Why don’t you start with your husband instead of giving up on him. You seem ready to give up and leave.

[ - ] OrthodoxBeliever23 -3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 15:52:54 ago (+0/-3)

tits or gtfo

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 21:13:39 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] 2Drunk -4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 15:46:35 ago (+0/-4)

why is this hole talking? we didn't give up Afghanistan just to have holes take off their bed sheets and drive out of the kitchen.

[ - ] account deleted by user -7 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:29:34 ago (+0/-7)

account deleted by user

[ - ] system 8 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 14:51:50 ago (+8/-0)

how is this post +26?

This is an issue many people are facing right now across the nation, it should be upvoted higher imo.

see this is why your site is a fucking joke

Because destroyers like you can't prosper here? That is the WHOLE point of the points system. Users get to moderate the place in a way. Act like like trash to the community, get treated like trash by the community. Plain and simple.

[ - ] account deleted by user -3 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:53:16 ago (+0/-3)

account deleted by user

[ - ] system 4 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:57:55 ago (+4/-0)

Except it doesnt censor people. You're still posting. It adds a 5 minute rate limit. It's motivation to post good content.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 18:35:34 ago (+2/-0)

Fuck. My posts normally get 2 upvotes. I don't know why this rant took off.

I wish this were a larp.

[ - ] Battlefat 2 points 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 19:35:31 ago (+2/-0)

Everyone has strong feelings about your situation because it represents something the majority has experienced amongst close friends and family — and each of us has dealt with it in our own way, to our benefit and detriment.

We can’t predict how the other will react, but at some point we all will have to make a choice and live or die with it

[ - ] v0atmage 1 point 3 yearsSep 12, 2021 22:35:44 ago (+1/-0)

*Vaccine drama is so hot right now!*