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InsufferableFaggot If fresh accounts can't suck the life out of this site then what's the point?

submitted by whostolemyusername to ReportSpammers 3 yearsSep 11, 2021 13:11:20 ago (+4/-0)     (ReportSpammers)

1:01 PM InsufferableFaggot If fresh accounts can't suck the life out of this site then what's the point?

Also 1:04 PM InsufferableFaggot yes, i'm going to troll chat until everyone leaves

So I guess the adinms have a choice, Either ban them and people bitch about free speech or let them run the site in to the ground.

12 comments block

I am confident that if there are any lines crossed in Chat that they will be addressed, but for now it's stupid trolling that deserves to be ignored. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate your feedback :)
