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Texas abortion law is dumb, it’s only going to make more niggers and spics

submitted by deleted to whatever 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 08:52:22 ago (+31/-3)     (whatever)


35 comments block

[ - ] Flabbygasted 13 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:18:39 ago (+13/-0)

Or...it will lead minorities to back alley abortions. Which should increase the mother's death rate or at least infertility.

One can hope anyways.

[ - ] WhiteGoat 7 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:29:17 ago (+7/-0)

Now that's optimism

[ - ] HughBriss 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:56:35 ago (+2/-0)

This is the most likely outcome. It niggers will still want to get abortions, and someone will fill the void to provide them. God forbid niggers should actually exercise some self-restraint and stop having promiscuous or unprotected sex. THAT will never happen.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 17:41:33 ago (+2/-0)

Bloody Based

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up 12 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:47:08 ago (+13/-1)

Anti abortion = pro nigger. OP is right, learn who actually gets an abortion and you'll probably think twice on banning it.

[ - ] lariloles 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:06:10 ago (+0/-0)

this law still has to go to the supreme court, no?

and it will fail there, correct?

[ - ] someonewasright -1 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:19:39 ago (+0/-1)

States have US constitution on their side. Roe v Wade could and should topple.

This is a state right, but gay marraige used to be controlled by states until recently.

all i iknow is more niggers get abotions than whites, and niggers are only 13% of population.

Whites and so-called whites are only 29 percent of abotions

[ - ] lariloles 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:27:28 ago (+0/-0)

Roe v Wade could and should topple.


[ - ] Her0n 6 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:50:26 ago (+6/-0)

Is it obvious enough to everyone now that both parties are against humanity now? Or am I a retard still for knowing both sides want us to become a distant memory?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m anti-abortion as well, but strong White men could easily keep our women from aborting babies ourselves. We shouldn’t need daddy government to act on our behalf.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:38:28 ago (+5/-1)


[ - ] jewsbadnews 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 21:53:50 ago (+0/-0)

Abortion is feasible. You won't get sterilization until a complete overthrow of the jewish order.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 22:49:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] jewsbadnews 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 4, 2021 01:11:34 ago (+0/-0)

Trust Q

[ - ] GoyimNose_1948 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:12:21 ago (+4/-0)

It's all part of the plan to turn Texas blue.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:42:12 ago (+4/-0)

The abortion debate should not be if abortion should be legal it should be about who we are aborting.

[ - ] derpfroot 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:57:29 ago (+3/-0)*

I'm reminded of that guy that called PP and offered to donate the amount of an abortion if they could assure that it went to a sheboon. I wish I could find it, because it's hilarious.

Edit: Found it! https://files.catbox.moe/70omsb.mp4 It's a gay ass version because it's "bringing racism awareness" but it's still hilarious.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:52:09 ago (+2/-0)

Spics don’t abort

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:04:16 ago (+3/-0)

The Catholic conservatives don't but the trashy street whores do.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 21:03:22 ago (+0/-0)

In theory they don't become single mothers, either, but go look at what actually happens in Texas. Spoiler, they do.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:14:50 ago (+3/-1)

Its already been proven that abortion lowers crime. Unwanted sperg is just that, and the vast majority will grow and remain that. Look at that chart, crime starts dropping exactly 18 years after roe v wade.


[ - ] GloryBeckons 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:29:15 ago (+2/-0)

Your graph also shows crime rate was 5 times lower 10 years before Roe v Wade, when killing unborn children was still illegal.

But, hey, let's not let pesky little facts like that get in the way of supporting jewish values like ritual murder or genital mutilation.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:28:56 ago (+0/-0)

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 is the kick off of the rise in crime. It doesnt start going down again, until the worst of them start offing their own kids so they dont have to feel bad about not giving a fuck about them.

[ - ] GloryBeckons 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:40:39 ago (+1/-0)

It's almost like... the actual problem was not the lack of dead babies, but the increased presence of niggers in our country. Shocking.

50 years of state sanctioned and subsidized abortions didn't fix that problem. It has only gotten worse. Believing it will suddenly fix itself, any moment now, if only we keep things the same, and don't change anything, is fucking retarded. Like trying to save a sinking ship by drinking the saltwater, instead of chucking it overboard and fixing the leak. Retarded.

To fix it, we're going to have to get rid of the niggers. Not poison ourselves while waiting for them to get rid of themselves.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:42:47 ago (+0/-0)

Abortion is like chemo for society.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 21:04:08 ago (+0/-0)

increased presence of niggers in our country

Is there really? Or are you classifying all non-whites as niggers?

[ - ] GloryBeckons 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:58:30 ago (+1/-0)*

then population of spics and nigs drops in a few generations.

Except that is a completely baseless fantasy and the exact opposite of what has been happening. Their populations have been rising, and ours falling, in spite of abortion being both legal and subsidized for decades:


Stop hanging on to this retarded notion that undermining the morality of your society by allowing and encouraging ritual child murder will somehow magically save you. It hasn't and it won't.

When you legalize savagery, all you get is more savages.

[ - ] Ploymroph 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:04:45 ago (+0/-0)

It was implemented in Texas, because Texas is the border to mexico. All your kin probably won't even be able to abort a rape pregnancy, borg

[ - ] Mopsink 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:08:52 ago (+0/-0)

Here's my take on this.

I count this as a win simply because it hurts both parties.

Now before you sperg out and ree at me listen up.

The law states that anyone effected by this can sue the clinic's. Abortion clinic's and groups have been a major contributor to the dem party, so by doing this we hit their wallet.

It forces accountability onto these rampant denerate niggers who up until now have enjoyed the ability to simply have an abortion.

Forcing accountability is how you bring back the nuclear family for all races. This leads into my third point

It forces all females who since Roe v. Wade have been held unaccountable for any of their sexual actions simply because when they fuck up, get pregnant they can turn to an abortion to save them everytime.

[ - ] con77 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:20:13 ago (+0/-0)

Paying nigger sows to abort would be much cheaper in the long run

[ - ] dalai_llama 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:49:57 ago (+0/-0)

Self respecting white people won't choose to have abortions true.

I think that abortions should be illegal for whites, and mandatory for niggers and spics.

Chinks can have the baby if they fuck off back to chink land.

[ - ] gimpyoldman 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:52:50 ago (+0/-0)

It's counter balanced with the new constitutional carry law. I look forward to seeing more news stories of chimp outs ending in gunfire with more people carrying hand guns.

[ - ] UndercoverGoyim 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:59:18 ago (+0/-0)

Imagine thinking voting still matters in 2021 - and nigs and spics are going to increase their numbers regardless of which shabbos goy gets elected. Only one way to change it, and it involves axes in minecraft

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 17:47:35 ago (+0/-0)

You guys are only thinking about how it will increase blacks etc.

But there are other considerations. Abortion ban incentivized women keeping their knees together and men from keeping their dicks in their pants. Thats what we want until marriage.

Also jews are using the dead babies for trans-human research. Evil science loves dead baby parts and is doing horrific things with them. SARS COV 2 was grown in lab animals grafted with dead baby bits.

[ - ] HeavyBrain 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 4, 2021 14:28:55 ago (+0/-0)

This is why in a few days "to appease" the lefty crows "a compromise" should be reached, spics and blacks get a free slice of pizza with every abortion, you know cuz reperations n shieeet.

[ - ] jewsbadnews -3 points 2.8 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:40:39 ago (+0/-3)

The ONLY reason people are anti-abortion is because they are Christcucks. Hey jew worshipers, you know the fetus goes to heaven right? Why would you be against that and bring it into this fucked up world?