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Granite_Pill has dropped his mask

submitted by fightknightHERO to ProtectTalk 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 06:55:42 ago (+13/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


removing my content for no reason
Subversive Post in Question
Owns too many subs

@system are you comfortable knowing this kind of (((user))) owns
so many subs?

The deleted post in question was this
the Chris Langan video which had 53 upvotes and zero downvotes

i demand my post reinstated
such power tripping does not belong on voat

edit: this jew decided to be an extra kike and remove content from months ago

Double edit: it appears mr (((Granite_Pill))) is also the owner of a rather suspicious anon sub
https://files.catbox.moe/3dxmvv.png (credit to mikenigger for the find)

23 comments block

[ - ] deleted 9 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:39:51 ago (+9/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 6 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 11:47:50 ago (+6/-0)

Damn, that's petty
I wish @system would redesign the whole subverse moddership so there won't be a case of poal-tier kikes
censoring general subs like it's their own personal fiefdom

there should be some extreme punishment for users who act like the SBBH and (((AOU)))

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 5 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:07:25 ago (+5/-0)

As far as the # of subs, I count 10, which is the limit but is what everyone is allowed.

The rest of it you can fight about amongst yourselves.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 3 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:11:23 ago (+4/-1)

Censoring a top post because of an obvious lie "inappropriate title" shouldn't be tolerated
there is a difference between removing a comment on a godforsaken sub (ehem TexasVet) but to intentionally remove a top video on a generic sub that is poal tier faggotry

i trust system or cyna will do justice and unmod this filthy yid from the sub and reinstate my post
i don't care about upvotes or even visibility but the video in question is good redpills (Chris Langan which has 190+ IQ, naming the jew and white genocide)

[ - ] deleted -5 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:35:39 ago (+1/-6)


[ - ] Mystiker 8 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:43:01 ago (+8/-0)

But I thought red pills were about the truth, and there is a lot of truth about the Nazis which has been suppressed and heavily censored. So I see no reason why it shouldn't be allowed in a red pills sub.

[ - ] deleted -4 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:46:12 ago (+2/-6)*


[ - ] Mystiker 5 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:48:54 ago (+5/-0)

So just because the Nazis had "Socialist" in their name and adopted some (but not all) socialist principles, now we can never talk about them ever again in any way shape or form ever? We can't even talk about aspects of the Nazis which weren't related to socialism?

[ - ] deleted -5 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:52:35 ago (+0/-5)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 2 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:55:08 ago (+3/-1)

Why the censorship then?

[ - ] Mystiker 0 points 3 yearsSep 2, 2021 11:16:18 ago (+0/-0)

No, you didn't say it, but you very heavily implied it. We're not retarded Redditors, pilpul won't work on us. If you knew anything at all about the Nazis, you would know that they were a lot more than just "socialists".

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 7 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:36:36 ago (+9/-2)

What you got against nazis you fucking kike?

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 5 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:02:25 ago (+6/-1)

The deleted post in question was this
the Chris Langan video which had 53 upvotes and zero downvotes

i demand my post reinstated
such power tripping does not belong on voat

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:10:23 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 3 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 11:43:32 ago (+3/-0)

they killed the men, but not the idea
the jews are presistent with their extermination of the white race, ideologically they're already close to total domination
all that is left is the gene pool, now if people suddenly remembered a group of people who managed to beat back the kikes and survive for 12 years against the entire organized world jewry and their thralls
it's definitely something to remember

nothing came quite close to defeating jewry like the national socialistsm, the Romans came close but like always
they didn't finish the job and instead spread them all over the empire as slaves, which eventually got out of their bounds and started instigating rebellions non-stop

[ - ] Mystiker 2 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:54:42 ago (+3/-1)

The Nazis only came to power after several years of extremely oppressive rule by the Weimar Republic. Although America is close to Weimar 2.0, it's not quite there yet. The real fight is yet to come.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 11:28:02 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 11:58:06 ago (+1/-2)


[ - ] Richard_Gristle 1 point 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 14:37:41 ago (+2/-1)

Said the kid whose local and state municipalities provide him with everything.

[ - ] deleted -2 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 16:51:48 ago (+0/-2)


[ - ] Richard_Gristle 1 point 3 yearsSep 2, 2021 19:41:01 ago (+1/-0)

I'm not just trying to discredit what you've said, I fully did.

You faggy hyper-individualist centrist fencesitters and worthless cuckservatives will be walled along with the Bolsheviks.

[ - ] deleted -9 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:34:21 ago (+1/-10)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 4 points 3 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:35:46 ago (+6/-2)

and here the kike in question doesn't even deny it
tsk tsk, JIDF is getting over-confident
p.s nice stealth edit