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Short story about women that use men

submitted by con77 to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 20:47:55 ago (+54/-0)     (whatever)

A friend of mine from Barcelona Spain married an American woman. She was a gold digger and I avoided her ass much as I could.

Im at their house one day and a friend of hers from Mexico was there. The mex chick was actually pretty cute and I tried to make conversation with her.

She literally stuck her nose up and acted like I had stepped in dog shit and tracked it into the house. Wouldnt even grace me with a reply.

2 years go by and now my buddies bitch of a wife is trying to fix me up with the same stuck up mex bitch.

Seems her student visa expired and she didnt want to go back to Mexico. Now it was my turn to be rude. I laughd in their faces and walked out.

My friend asked me what that was about and I reminded him that I had met the bitch before at his place 2 years prior.

I told him that she acted like I was beneath her and that I had not forgotten it. I said now that she needs a green card she wants to be friends?

Fuck her. Have a nice trip back to mexshitco

71 comments block

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 19 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 20:53:16 ago (+19/-0)

Handled like a true king!

Stay strong fren.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:09:35 ago (+5/-1)

Just watched that episode last night. Your username.đź‘Ť

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:13:08 ago (+4/-0)

You have unmasked me you autist wanker.

[ - ] paul_neri -1 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:14:21 ago (+1/-2)

that's what I thought too.

[ - ] Clubberlang 13 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 22:15:50 ago (+14/-1)

Just act like your interested and fuck her twice.

[ - ] ItsBacon 14 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:08:15 ago (+14/-0)

That's a suicide move. For all you know she gets knocked up by someone else then tries to claim its his. In many states the mother gets to name the father on the birth certificate and it doesn't have to be proven they're the actual father. Then you got support payments unless you got a lawyer and DNA test to get you out of it. Bottom line: do NOT ever fuck a woman you wouldn't settle down with.

[ - ] Clubberlang 5 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:14:28 ago (+5/-0)

Didn't know about that jew law

[ - ] try 5 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:26:35 ago (+6/-1)*

it doesn't have to be proven they're the actual father

The actual laws in US states and Canada are almost that bad but not quite.

California IGNORES DNA tests from fathers if they differ from an errant or falsified prior DNA test arranged by mother. (That has happened before) Georgia too legally ignores valid DNA tests if they are used to prove innocence of a man. Mens rights groups keep seeking to amend the law to allow DNA in Georgia and California. France bans DNA now.

1 - The father must be caught "fronting" and to "front" they have to be proven AWARE his name is on the birth certificate, typically present at labor delivery is enough.

2 - The father must not try to get paternity test the first two years

3 - The mother must not try to get a faked fraudulent paternity test with an earlier submission date that the fathers legit later dna test (california, other states)

4 - If mother names a guy in absentia, and MORE than 2 years elapses, and then guy misses or refuses to respond to legal documents sent to him, in some states he can be on the hook until age 22, after 2 years of not responding, and owe back support even with DNA tests later.

5 - If married at time of pregnancy or proof of common law marriage (cohabitation), man need not be notified, if mother can back up those claims, in some states he is allowed to protest if NOT married at the time (nearly all 50 states).

CANADA has palimony in under one year of cohabitation, USA is 2 years in most states.

Now palimony in canada is one long vacation trip and a shared hotel room! Really! :

Canada: Man has to pay ex-girlfriend $6 million, even though they lived separately, had separate bank accounts, and had no kids together~:


HE TOOK a couple of short VACATIONS with her, bought her gifts, so she now get $50,000 canadian a month for 10 years.

$50,000 canadian a month for 10 years!

Whitey has to pay, even if his income drops below that.

Cohabitation can be legally risky due to leftist laws by (((feminists)))...

Palimony : 3 years in most states, 2 years in some states, and 1 year in canada (or less!). "Fronting a child" law is only 12 months in Canada.

Also VERBAL PROMISE OF LIFELONG SUPPORT without counter written evidence can cause $$$ issues when you dump her after 1.5 years.

Also if a KID is involved, NOT YOURS, but you accidentally one single time alone took the kid to school (daddy daughter dance, or commute drop off), YOU ARE LIABLE FOR YEARS OF CHILD SUPPORT EVEN IF YOU PROVE NO DNA RELATIONSHIP. CA law.

I am telling you the truth about California law. It has NO EXCEPTION for DNA proof the kid is not yours, even if you can prove you first met the kid when the kid was age 6. NO EXCEPTION.

The legal statute is here :


Specifically CA FAM Division 12 Part 3 Ch. 162 sec 10 : 7611 :

A person is presumed to be the natural parent of a child if "..." or "..." or (d) The presumed parent receives the child into his or her home and openly holds out the child as his or her natural child.

REALLY! "(d) The presumed parent receives the child into his or her home and openly holds out the child as his or her natural child."

The Supreme Court ruled that line was legal in CA law and you are the father despite not having DNA match, even if you can prove who the real bio dad is, and even if you met the kid when the kid was 6 years old.

You merely have to take the kid to a us gov school daddy daughter dance for the Polaroid photo op, or drop off the kid at school, and then you own money until the kids adulthood in many us states.

This is generally called the "presumed parent" law and kicks in at 24 months in USA and 12 months in Canada.

All statutes also stipulate that it has to be a male and has to be a cohabiting person living in the child's dwelling, but thats about it.

avoiding state of long-term COHABITATION is nearly impossible to do unless under 2 year duration, and by breaking up. And due to laws on couples breaking up... proof the woman is not destitute when you evict her (you write her a 2,000 dollar check when you evict her). CA law does not even officially honor the "revocable instrument" check though, so you might need to do 200 dollars CASH (motel for night), plus $1,800 dollars check (court paper trail) and get cops or someone to see the 200 dollar cash part when you evict her using the police. If you do not do this, she will call cops on you in middle of night, get a 7 day restraining order on you, get you evicted from YOUR HOME, falsify bodily damage, and ruin your life. You MUST always evict first and solidly.

She then will destroy your automobiles later that month while you sleep.

TL/DR: Either avoid cohabitation, and use whores or sugar babies, or if cohabitating, break up in 1.5 years and have written proof re-signed every 90 days, that you are both merely dating. Tradcon wife? A final option is to find a honest, non-whoring 22 year old and wife her up and have kids if you trust the divorce odds.

[ - ] Cunt 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 06:39:41 ago (+3/-0)

Just keep your dick in your pants until you find your debt-free virgin without tattoos. Doesn't sound like it's worth all that hassle.

[ - ] ItsBacon 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:36:13 ago (+2/-0)

I stand corrected. Nice info.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:13:44 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 09:19:13 ago (+1/-0)

You act as if every 22 year old woman has fucked 70 guys. Maybe you could settle for someone who had fucked 1 or 2 guys and accept that people have made mistakes due to being brainwashed by school and media.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:02:34 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:44:43 ago (+0/-0)

Lol, why? I've kept control of myself all this time, is it so much to ask of another? Apparently so.

Women have a lot more opportunities to have sex than men. I don’t get hit on so much anymore lol. But when I was that age I got hit on alot. Any teenage girl dumb enough to have a few drinks at a party will have multiple guys trying to have sex with her.

Im sorry but thats the way it is. Men are generally far more sexed than women and some men are way more sexed than all women. Maybe if you had experience how relentless some men are you would have more sympathy. Youve never had some woman 5 or 10 years older than you try to get you drunk to fuck you. Youve never had some woman break into your room to try to havee sex with you. I realized that all males are not like that. But about 5 or 10 percent of them are. Teenage girls are fed alot of disinformation on the nature of sex on top of that.

Maybe you could settle for less than perfect, since you are also not perfect.

Lol, why?

Because your job is to make white babies and support them and teach them. Well, I wish someone had explained that to me at 22. That is the purpose of life.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 11:26:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 12:15:44 ago (+0/-0)

And the type dumb enough to go to said party usually doesn't give a shit and probably enjoys the attention.

Teenagers are dumb, they are taught there is something wrong with you if you are a virgin, and all teenagers enjoy attention. Every teenager wants desperately to be accepted and admired by their peers and to have everybody find them sexually attractive. That is normal.

"All White men are evil Nazi rapist incel faggots, but based black men will keep you safe and they have large friends! wink wink"

Yeah its bad. Theyve been pulling this shit for a long time. I was more susceptible to theire messaging as a teenager and young person. I am older and more experienced, I see through that shit. Many people are like that. They learn the truth when they gain experience. But you don’t want to have anything to do with someone who was a bit gullable at 16 or 18? People grow up.

It isn't about me anymore. My time is up and my path is set. There will never be a hint of a relationship in my life.

Nonsense. Youve been burned or disappointed —whatever. You don’t want to play anymore because the world is not being fair to you. But I think you secretly have some hopes and plans and I encourage you to have them and not cut your own nose off to spite your face. Maybe there are some things that an old post wall hag understands better than you.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 12:43:44 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 13:09:49 ago (+1/-0)

hashtagnotall amiright?

Socialism was never truly tried.

We just have to keep trying.

This time it will work, right?

WaggaWagga, trust the plan!

It's all the same shit.

[ - ] con77 [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 8, 2021 11:45:20 ago (+0/-0)

if theyre good looking they have fucked 70 guys

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 8, 2021 14:18:29 ago (+0/-0)

You fucked 70 guys.

good looking.

You know not everybody goes for the whore look like you. If a women looks like they spend half their time trying to look more attractive, bet on them expecting to get paid for that time. Maybe you should re-examine how you define good looking?


[ - ] con77 [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 8, 2021 16:07:34 ago (+0/-0)

sure gertrudhilda

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 8, 2021 16:10:08 ago (+0/-0)

At this time, I would like to point out that one of us hits on mexicans.

[ - ] con77 [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 8, 2021 16:11:56 ago (+0/-0)

better than niggers PWH

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 09:11:39 ago (+1/-1)

Holy fuck do you bring the data.

[ - ] xmasskull 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 20:23:10 ago (+0/-0)

Long story short:Fuck Cali.& Canada.

[ - ] boogienight 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:31:53 ago (+2/-0)

Correct, in this situation, never put dick in vagina, only dick in mouth, then vanish.

[ - ] try 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 04:23:09 ago (+3/-0)


Some women hide the act of spitting out the sperm into hand and surreptitiously inserting into their vagina, if they just gave a blowjob to a doctor, lawyer, engineer, banker, etc :


Its called spermjacking, and hundreds of stories of mens sperm being "stolen" for sweet child support for 20 years. (18 if not in college, 21 in some states).

[ - ] fightknightHERO 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 06:34:34 ago (+4/-0)

Don't fuck a woman if you're not certain she's marriage-material

today the only way to win this game is simply to not play it

because all women are crazy

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:11:03 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:13:11 ago (+2/-0)

who cares about labels anymore
they call me a nazi, a racist, and a homophobe
all are complements for me

as for the incel part, i fucked in high-school so their insults are null and void

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:16:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO -1 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:21:43 ago (+0/-1)

this timeline too hazardous to even raise children
ffs we're not even allowed to buy food without muzzle and soon it will be vax-passports (though i sincerly doubt it, they'll at resturants first but supermarkets that is a declaration of war)

i'm not looking for a woman, i'm looking to fix my country by awakening the people about the jewish powers which drive it to the ground

then after the country is fixed, we can replenish our numbers
having wife and kids just puts a big target for zog to coerce you to do whatever the fuck it wants
for a man who has nothing in life, he has nothing to lose either

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:51:21 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] KangzNSheeit 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 09:39:22 ago (+1/-0)

If she would lie about you being the father, why would she need to be honest about the fact that you actually had sex?

[ - ] ItsBacon 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:46:05 ago (+1/-0)

She doesn't. If it goes that way it's your word against hers and you stand a chance of winning if you prove she's a liar. Once you both agree that sex took place, however, you are at a much greater disadvantage.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 8 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:00:04 ago (+8/-0)

Mexicooties. No way.

[ - ] xmasskull 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:51:23 ago (+4/-2)

Their cooters almost always taste like cheezy hot sauce.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 08:19:13 ago (+3/-0)

Or tortillas

[ - ] try 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:05:16 ago (+2/-0)


< top kek >

[ - ] SturmUndTrinker 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 22:44:17 ago (+3/-0)

Missed opportunity, there, bud.

[ - ] deleted 5 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:27:52 ago (+6/-1)


[ - ] con77 [op] 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:52:21 ago (+2/-0)

ae you calling me a piece of shit?

[ - ] deleted 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:46:23 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 05:17:24 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 13:50:04 ago (+1/-0)

Which just underlines my point. Guys fall victim too.

When I was young the jews were still pandering to men. Because they just pander to whoever is useful to them at the time.

Men and boys were encouraged to “bag a lot of babes”, porn catered to men who were really the only people to consume it. Women who objected to male conquest culture were made to feel like prudes or uptight. Of course the “conversation” was totally controlled by jews. But the shoe was on the other foot.

The conversation is still being controlled by jews. All this shit seems like its being driven spontaneously by women or girls. Its not. Young people and malleable people can’t figure that out. Its just a pack of jews telling teenagers what they want. Its their special talent.

Lets stop blaming men or women. Lets just write off the truly hopelessly lost and try to recover the people who are salvageable, relatively decent people. Whites are fallible. How are you making things better if you can’t work with that fact?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 20:17:28 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 20:32:11 ago (+0/-0)

but people know right from wrong well before they become adults.

No. They don’t. You’re morality is still evolving thoughout adulthood. 16 year olds may understand some rudimentary morality. But morality is complex. Its not fully formed at 16 or 18 or even 25, I would say. That doesn’t mean we let people of the hook for everything they do until theyre 40. But no, its absurd to expect that 16 year old can outhinkg 60 year old jewish Hollywood producers trying to manipulate them.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 03:50:24 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] con77 [op] 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:22:02 ago (+1/-0)

hate the game not the player bitch

[ - ] Merlynn 3 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:38:57 ago (+3/-0)

When someone turns their nose up at you,tell them they have a booger in there.

[ - ] con77 [op] 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 10:22:40 ago (+1/-0)

good one

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:03:14 ago (+3/-1)

This is how Mexican women act. They've been trained to look for certain gentleman traits and if you don't display them perfectly they take it as either you being a loser or as disrespect towards her. It's really mundane stuff too like walking on the correct side of her or making introductions politely. It's totally cucked for you to learn/do since it's pretty far out culturally. I've almost always gotten off on the wrong foot with latin women. Some liked me enough to fill me in later on all my "mistakes". They tried to fix/correct/control me. Ugh. Eye roll. It's just not worth it. Got no time for fat ass latin women and their silly rules, which basically amount to me guarding her like she's a toddler. No thanks.

[ - ] con77 [op] 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:40:55 ago (+3/-0)

Im not mexican. were in the US. she can kiss my ass

[ - ] virge 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 21:21:52 ago (+4/-2)

In reality, she'll find some simp to leech off of.

You'll consider being a bitter, degenerate, lying piece of shit.

Really not difficult to see who's got the better outcome here.

[ - ] con77 [op] 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:52:21 ago (+2/-0)

fuck you pal

[ - ] CPU 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 00:57:28 ago (+1/-0)

Man, maybe get away from these diverse loving faggots.

[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 22:25:11 ago (+2/-1)*

You should have hooked up with her. Things change. Besides, it is something to do while looking for an upgrade.

E: An extremely smart chick would always mock me. Turns out, she was still acting like a girl in elementary school and was interested in me. We hooked up and had a great time for a while. It did eventually turn into a disaster. Oh well. And adding as a disclaimer: I was (and still am) a total shit sometimes, so it wasn't all her.

[ - ] CrackRocksClamJammer 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 06:01:59 ago (+1/-1)

Made me remember the chick from middle school who sat at my table in class, just would not shut the fuck up talking shit to me. Figured she must have hated my guts, bad. Fast-forward to high school, I'm tagging the hell out of that on a nightly basis. It turned out to be a shit relationship that never worked out, anyway. Now that we're pushing 40, we're friends.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:08:47 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:08:14 ago (+0/-0)

That's cool. Watch you two get back together again. Both of you have to explain it to your respective friends, haha.

[ - ] CrackRocksClamJammer 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 2, 2021 06:50:48 ago (+1/-0)

The wife would kill her, then me!

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 5, 2021 02:35:19 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:09:16 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] KCobain27 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 13:15:12 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 06:32:38 ago (+0/-0)

Spanish women are absolutely shit-tier pozzed

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:16:59 ago (+0/-0)

What?! I'm a trans-Spanish womyn, and I resemble that remark.

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 09:41:51 ago (+0/-0)

Mexicans aren't Spanish

[ - ] paul_neri 0 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:21:25 ago (+0/-0)

it's their genetic wiring and in one sense I feel sorry for them. They need a man to guide them:

"And as for women, you make fun of me that I love them. How can I not love them? They are such poor weak creatures... they take so little. . . . and they give you all they got.” Zorba the Greek.

[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 07:19:19 ago (+1/-0)

they take so little. . . . and they give you all they got.

What?! ... Fucking Zorbo the retarded moron philosopher.

[ - ] boogienight -1 points 2.8 yearsSep 1, 2021 01:29:11 ago (+1/-2)

Could have handled it 1 notch better. Accept the date, act like a chad, get her to start blowing you, THEN fucking vanish. Collect a big win before running off like nothing happened.

[ - ] xmasskull -2 points 2.8 yearsAug 31, 2021 23:48:02 ago (+1/-3)

Bang the shit outta' that bitch,hell,get your bud's involved,then kick it to the curb like the dog that she is.