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"I'm not afraid of the disease, I'm afraid of how people are going to react to the idea of it."

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 24, 2021 19:11:54 ago (+1/-0)     (whatever)

That's a direct quote from me, February 2020, after watching some videos with my brother on 4chan when they first started talking about the "outbreak" in china.

I was completely right about everything. I was completely right to be afraid of how humanity would react.

2 comments block

[ - ] obscenity 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 24, 2021 21:55:57 ago (+0/-0)

What do you see ahead of us now, Nostradamus?

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 24, 2021 22:52:39 ago (+0/-0)*

A lot more faggots and trannies. I know, I know, it's mind boggling how I can predict the future.

Edit: For real though, I'm not saying I can predict the future or anything, I don't know what will happen tomorrow let alone 6 months from now, however you can notice patterns in human behavior. I ask if you have ever been in a life or death situation, I've been in a couple and unfortunately I got to see the shitty part of people where they just kinda bail on each other and panic and freak out, only making things worse for themselves and others. I mean fuck, just go to any video site and search "dog attack", most people don't know how to deal with a freaking 2 foot tall 40 pound animal without completely breaking down, so I have to think, how the heck do you think people like that are going to react to the idea of a super-virus that will kill us all being pushed onto mass media? Well, they react like the brain dead morons we see today.