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submitted by deleted to ReportSpammers 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 15:35:48 ago (+29/-0)     (ReportSpammers)


20 comments block

[ - ] mikenigger 9 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 15:51:06 ago (+9/-0)

3 star detergent has been posting "." messages in chat for a while

[ - ] try 7 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 16:57:39 ago (+7/-0)*

Many times, many days.

Its semi-innocent and not an attempt to garner IP addresses of other chat participants via typical 'websocket style chats', because I did packet traffic analysis and lightly studied the chat javascript. All traffic is sanitized trampolining first through voat.xyz. It can be used to traffic hunt VPNs leading to and from the dark side of cloudflare to users here with open chat window.

That 3staragent account is most likely a paid leftist jew account, as are 20% (or more!) of participants on this site.


The many days of "." messages in chat, by tht account, though suspicious, seem to not be related to harvesting users IP addresses.

However its not pointless....

It may serve the same purpose as a classic "numbers station" in radio HAM world. Its not a deadman's switch, but rather a "packet trace" tool for H T T P S encoded end to end packet traffic pathways to backbone sniff redirected data exiting CloudFlare to this sites server endpoint, the hard way. Only US LEA (FBI/Secret Service/NSA) has in-situ capabilities within CloudFlare itself, so foreign spook agencies, like MOSSAD/Russia/China have to resort to clumsier means to do end to end traffic path to this sites colocation facilities.

The out and in packets are all the same byte size after encryption into h t t p s, and can be used as breadcrumbs out of VPN and tor sites to identify TCP/IP pathways to anyone with voat.xyz main chat window open. The admin of this site could thwart MOSSAD/China/Russia by merely adding a random 1 to 260 bytes of non displayed data onto all chat payloads, and add a jitter delay of 135ms + 0 to 270ms to all chat messages by anyone who EVER posts more than 3 repeated length chat messages ever in the prior hour. The delay would not be human impacting, and the byte addendum would only be seen by browser engine, but it would totally stymie MOSSAD bot-submissions to do traffic pattern pathway analysis to machines with open chat windows... the main purpose of the repeated-length short periodically timed chat posts!



WARNING! - 2021.08.24 - How Data Brokers Sell Access to the Backbone of the Internet from ISPs to Help ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/JIDF track h t t p s periodic tiny chat packets through VPNs to voat.xyz:



[ - ] mikenigger 5 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:12:02 ago (+5/-0)

whatever he's doing he should be banned from chat at least, never contributes anything besides spam

[ - ] try 4 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:17:14 ago (+4/-0)


i agree that there probably should be a 7 day ban window list for chatting privileges that the admins can activate on proven bad actors in chat.

especially if chat one day used as a Leftist attack vector on framing this site with LINKS to things this site would not want even in chat (an endless list of things, not all cheese pizza related)

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:29:14 ago (+1/-0)

i think rounding up to a multiple of 250 bytes all the time would make this length correlation useless

[ - ] try 4 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:32:24 ago (+4/-0)

It MUST BE RANDOM padding or else the packets still have forensic length meaning on a backbone stream. you do not want a specific rounding length. If you want it on all the time, it should be 1 to 260 bytes of non displayed data onto all chat payloads, not a fixed hard rounding.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:45:25 ago (+1/-0)

might as well randomize the length of padding of each line per connection, though it is meaningless if the packet lengths still stand out from the rest of the stuff on this site

[ - ] Shotinthedark -1 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:54:48 ago (+1/-2)

Yes comrade he should be banned because you say so. It is the commie way!

[ - ] PuttitoutIsGone 5 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:32:38 ago (+5/-0)

Yeah. What he said.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:22:03 ago (+3/-1)


[ - ] GhostCow 6 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 18:27:03 ago (+6/-0)

Please leave the gay terms like updoot on reddit where they belong

[ - ] mikenigger 4 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 19:35:52 ago (+4/-0)

I upboated you.

[ - ] Hadza 1 point 3 yearsAug 25, 2021 05:12:56 ago (+1/-0)

I uprooted you :) rubs hands

[ - ] Rotteuxx 3 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 18:58:51 ago (+3/-0)

I use it to annoy people :)

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 19:57:54 ago (+2/-1)


[ - ] v0atmage 5 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 20:56:09 ago (+5/-0)

Wow! Lots to unpack here.


so much this!!

[ - ] Metanoid 5 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 17:58:31 ago (+5/-0)

I thought he was IDF. Guess they arent sending thir brightest.

[ - ] v0atmage 0 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 20:57:08 ago (+0/-0)

I thought it was a simple bot that maintains a connection just to ingest chat data.

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up 3 points 3 yearsAug 24, 2021 19:08:03 ago (+3/-0)

Yeah he's been doing it for at least a month straight now. It's starting to get annoying. Just temp chat ban him.