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9 comments block

[ - ] Hyperborean 3 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 17:41:27 ago (+3/-0)

Considering they have the exact same view on most issues as big tech, I doubt they are too concerned.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 21:32:36 ago (+1/-0)

They LIKE feeling like they're being spied on. They worship government bureaucracies. They've stripped the country of money throwing it at the fucking bureaucracy. Every single thing that isn't absolutely perfect is GOING to be solved by government.

Every nickel they didn't throw at the bureaucracy they shoveled that the bureaucracy's bosses -- bankers and globalist brand names.

"I'm so special mommy and daddy are watching everything I do to keep me safe."

They aren't adults. They will never be adults and are scared to death of thinking their own thoughts or making their own decisions. They're zombies.

[ - ] Yargiyankooli 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 23:28:17 ago (+0/-0)

I think a lefty would not care either way, whereas a Republican would either be too naive or unintelligent to understand.

The moment you realize big tech is spying on you and the govt is working with them, you transcend left vs right

[ - ] wyrmblut 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 23:02:58 ago (+0/-0)

My anecdotal experience is that conservatives are very unlikely to believe it or care. "yeh right im sure theyre watching me and making sure i dont use bad words! this is murica! I have muh so many freeedums"

[ - ] GloryBeckons 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 22:58:36 ago (+0/-0)

"So what, I've got nothing to hide!"

They implicitly trust the government and believe it is the solution to all the problems that plague the Earth.

They consider you one of those problems. And thus welcome the spying, to help find a solution to the problem that is you.

[ - ] Boyakasha 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 22:55:51 ago (+0/-0)

Most that I’ve spoken with don’t care at all. They have every consumer wiretap that you can buy.

[ - ] Version6 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 21:15:09 ago (+0/-0)

They are more likely to follow authority.

[ - ] Bottled_Tears 0 points 3 yearsAug 21, 2021 19:47:54 ago (+0/-0)

They already do believe it and they welcome it.