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One of the few moments where a leader astutely recognize who the real enemy is.

submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 2.7 yearsAug 19, 2021 16:15:04 ago (+38/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I made a thread about this subject where I thoroughly go through that the Muslim invasion of the Visigothic Kingdom was actually a jewish invasion. And the motive there is Visigothic resistance against jewish power and influence and revenge for said resistance. There is indications that the amount of jews were larger than the Muslim ones in the Muslim army and that the commander of the Muslim army might have been a crypto;


32 comments block

Most egyptologists believe there was no big military invasion of hyksos. They seem to be present and accepted within egyptian society and even within the pharoahs’ administrations prior to the hyksos declaring themselves kings.

Here’s a video by a great egyptologist named brier discussing the hyksos and the case for them as the hebrews of exodus. He takes a fairly agnostic position. The relevant portion starts at around minute 40 and goes pretty much to the end, if you want to deep dive on this shit. https://www.bitchute.com/video/uakq9AoG70sC/

I don’t think there’s much doubt personally and I think its not more discussed because reconciling Exodus to the archeological evidence means it can be established that jews were never slaves in Egypt but invaders and worshippers of Set who murdered Kamose. What does that do to the jewish religion? It totally undermines it. Theyre afraid to say it.

I think I'll take your word for it. Huge if true of course, but I don't have time for a deep dive.

Im saying that somewhere in mesopotamia around 4 or 5 thousand years ago there was a priestly caste in Sumeria or Akkadia that was recruited from the local population for traits that made them good priests: ability to read/write, ability to perform/manipulate crowds, ability to generate religious narratives, skills as healers and law givers— but most importantly— ability to get tribute from the population for these things. Think bronze age televangalist. These guys started intermarrying and became specialists, not good farmers or builders or soldiers but good bureaucrats. Priests were the ultimate bronze age bureacrat. This explains why they go into acting and writing novels and why they are always manipulating moral and political conversations and why they are so good at acquiring money without actually producing objectively valuable work. Its such a cheap efficient economic strategy. This theory also explains why they are attracted to medicine.

I can see how that theory might work, but mesopotamia isn't the levant. They might be close on a global scale but they're pretty far apart as far as the world was concerned back then. If we're theorising that they were some kind of priestly tax official class from sumer then we need to account for how they ended up on the other side of the Syrian desert herding sheep and harassing traders.

I think a simpler explanation is that (of the many warring tribes established in the levant) the Hebiru happened to come out on top during the bronze age collapse and establish themselves. Following the destruction of the Cartheginians during the iron age they followed their phoenician cousins and took over their trade routes. When rome destroyed their civil center, they became rootless traders and the rest is history.

This is assuming they're not Khasars of course, I'm open to that possibility too, although the motivation for claiming that seems to fall into the white-christian "we wuz jews" camp.

If jewishness is a parasitic mode of behavior and a set of genes that facilitate that mode, then one would expect that since jews are genetically drawn from other populations and frequently mix with them that there will be a frequency distribution of these special traits among jews: some jews like Soros are probably “superjews” with a high number of the genes that we will eventually discover to be at the root of this parasitic strategy. Other jews will shown to have only some of these traits, gentile populations will be shown to contain all of these genes but in very low frequencies. So then the question is not “was this person a jew, was that group really jewish”, but how jewish are you. I don’t think its that binary. There may be 5 or 10 genes particularly associated with parasitic strategy and shreik-as-I-strike-out shit, and dozens of others associated with stuff like verbal ability or other hi IQ traits. Many of these supporting traits may have been picked up by ashkenazis from europeans, as they are significantly smarter that some of the more middle eastern strains.

Possibly. My personal suspicion is that their behaviour is caused by the same genetic dysfunction that causes narcissistic personality disorder. If you take that disorder and turn it into a subculture/philosophy you get jews to a tee. I think their inbreeding enhances it. Also explains how a lot of jewish women end up BPD.

This is absolutely right. Although they are prone to conspire, often they seem to be conspiring when they are just carrying out their genetic programing. They really believe they are the greatest victims in the world in spite of being the greatest exploiters. This is a genetic trait which is a tendency to see yourself as a victim while lacking self awareness of your own behavior. Hyksos invade Egypt but go around saying Pharoah pick on THEM for 3500 years. That is the real prototype of the holohoax. ( But one wonders if their isn’t another side to Sodom and Gommorah. )

Ha! Yes. That and god delivering them jericho (one of the oldest civilisations in the world at the time). The perfect example of it for me was when they allied with one of their neighbouring tribes to establish themselves. Then when they won they declared the other tribe had tricked them because now they were allies they couldn't wipe them out. Since the alliance was based on trickery they dissolved it and wiped the other tribe out. This was supposedly righteous behaviour.

With jews you lose.