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Yo what if a group of people went to a big Biden rally and brought a gigantic projector screen and blasted the Hunter crack head video

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 13, 2021 23:58:18 ago (+12/-0)     (whatever)

Imagine creepy uncle Joe giving his state of the union speech live to all of the goy news stations like Fox and CNN and BBC etc. And the suddenly in the background the video of Hunter Biden smoking crack and fucking his cousin, ending with his admission that the video was likely stolen from him by his drug dealer as a way to black mail him, which by the way means they probably found some way worse shit on that laptop and never released it, but I digress.

The important thing is this would need to be live streamed by a team of people. At least 4 people recording in all 4 directions live streamed. Why? Well, because that way there is no way for them to falsely accuse you of anything or even worse try to black bag you and haul you away. Live streamed, in front of a presidential address? On national television? No, even the Jews with all their media control, and as dumb as normies sucks are, even they couldn't hide that. Some things are truly impossible to hide, like the color of the sky, jews can't convince us it's green no matter what propaganda they play. So this is tantamount so people know this is a real act done by people who have no intention of committing violence. Nobody but the absolute most extreme fringe communists and and sjws could lie to themselves about how corrupt the president.

And act of protest like this would go down in history. This is going out and saying that the emperor has no clothes.

I'm tired of looking at his dick, guys. It's time he puts some fucking pants on.

13 comments block

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 09:19:48 ago (+0/-0)

I feel what you’re feeling but it’s too early for that to be successful. We’d all be better off with taking out the less guarded propaganda machines first.

[ - ] Goatboy 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 08:11:58 ago (+0/-0)

There’s never been a big Biden rally.

[ - ] obscenity 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 00:33:17 ago (+1/-0)

welp since all reality is transformed by talking heads i doubt anyone would even notice. if you really want to make a difference invent a way to make normies see that freedom != riding a motorcycle. make them love true freedom.

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 00:24:12 ago (+1/-0)

You'd get arrested by the SS.

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 11:31:55 ago (+0/-0)

Yes but that's why we would have a 360 cam Livestream from multiple angles on every platform. They can charge anyone who did this if they wanted to they would likely try but as long as it's done legally there's really much a court can do other than be forced to blatantly say that they are going to jail for exposing the president's family for being crooks. Obviously it's not going to fix everything but getting these people to drop the facade and be forced to come out as the crack head incest fuckers they lose face with the world. And hopefully that can be a catalyst for change.

But, if nothing else, it would make for some pretty dank memes.

[ - ] 2Drunk 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 00:08:47 ago (+2/-0)

Anything president pedo does will be tape delayed so they can edit everything out. Pedo pres will never do a live event again.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 02:26:59 ago (+3/-0)

big Biden rally

lol that's a good one.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 04:01:02 ago (+1/-0)

with a whole dealership of empty trucks as the audience

[ - ] taoV 6 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 02:00:30 ago (+6/-0)

Then a whole 12 people would see it. And the news wouldn't cover it.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 8 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 00:10:57 ago (+8/-0)

funny thought. and the best outcome would be that biden resigns and a nigger replaces him. well done boy, that will show the jews who is boss, enjoy your ten years in jail

pick your battles wisely. biden isnt the problem, he is a puppet.

[ - ] Hey_guys_whats_up [op] 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 04:10:41 ago (+3/-0)

The point isn't really to go after Biden specifically but rather two show what a two faced clown show politics is.

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 02:43:05 ago (+0/-0)

True but he's still a problem.

[ - ] SeanBox 12 points 2.8 yearsAug 14, 2021 00:29:53 ago (+12/-0)

Where you gonna find a big Biden rally?