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Voat on Aether

submitted by Aetherian to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 05:19:50 ago (+8/-1)     (whatever)*

Goats, this is your reminder that you should be on Aether. If you have heard the reasoning before, you know it is right. It is fun on Aether right now watching Reddit meet Voat.

Goats, if you haven't heard of Aether yet, you are in for a treat. The arguments are compelling:

Free Speech - to the extent permitted under the 1st Amendment
Free Software - AGPL, Use, Study, Share and Improve the code as you like
Distributed - No throttle point for censors
Encrypted - Communications between peers are encrypted
Ephemeral - Posts and comments vanish after 6 months
Democratic - Impeach and remove unwanted power mods
Development - Funded and under active development


Read the documentation if you are curious. (You ought to be.)


NSFW - Everything, even /b/Cooking, is by default NSFW on Aether, so go into settings and enable NSFW
Thumbnails - Aether is text based. Enable thumbnails if you want images.
/b/Voat - Meet friends and ask questions here:
* Freedom - If you want to verify you have free speech, try it in /b/Voat

If anybody has questions, objections or concerns, let us know here. I will be happy to try and answer them.

And get over to Aether!

17 comments block

[ - ] FacelessOne -1 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 07:30:52 ago (+1/-2)

Smells like a honeypot.


[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:37:03 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for your comment. Aether is a Free Software project. Nobody pays the developers to improve the code. These are quality people, and their time and skills are valuable. They want to secure a future for Aether, and it was determined that to keep Aether self-sustaining, the project would need a source of income: Aether Universes.

The Aether team raised some venture capital to develop and (at last!) launch Aether Universes. This is a web-based version of Aether which aims to be a kind of replacement for email. You can run a private version of Aether Universes for your own organization. Corporations using this service will be paying the Aether team and that will enable them to continue work on Aether. (Also, a web-based Aether is great for on-boarding people onto the client. The two will have some convergence.)

I like Voat as much as you do, but if we are going to start finger-pointing and crying, "Honeypot!", if you try a side-by-side comparison of Aether with Voat, you can see which one is far, far more vulnerable to being a honeypot. That is one of the reasons I started this thread.

Voat should be on Aether, in my opinion.

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 16:18:33 ago (+0/-0)

(((venture capital)))

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 18:40:32 ago (+0/-0)

Hello, @FacelessOne. I might be mistaken, but I seem to have a vague memory of you from the old Voat. The only thing I can remember is that you were particularly brilliant, though I can't recall why.

Aether received pre-seed funding from OvoFund:

You can see the faces on the website there. Hopefully they will be good enough for you.

Goats are (not surprisingly) a pretty skeptical bunch. Have you tried turning that skepticism on your use of Voat? If you did, what did you say to yourself to keep yourself here?

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 18:57:32 ago (+0/-0)

Oh this is definitely a honeypot.

Im just giving you the proper voat immune system test to allow you the great responses you've gone through the trouble to give my sparky comments.


[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 19:16:29 ago (+0/-0)

Good on you!

They love it when they shut down a platform like the chans or voat.co. They can't shut down Aether! The client and source code is available for everybody. Once Voat is established on Aether, it will be very hard to stop us.

Goats, we love catbox, but IPFS is the future for file storage and distribution. Learn how to put your memes on IPFS using ipfs-desktop, and our Art will last forever!

[ - ] drhitler 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 11:04:06 ago (+0/-0)

Does this site act like a torrent, if so about fucking time, so no central point of failure?

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:30:02 ago (+0/-0)

That is just what it is like! It is a peer-to-peer network. If you have the Aether client, it connects to other Aether clients and pulls in the latest content in a flood.

It would be very difficult to block Aether, since nobody knows who has a client and you don't connect to each other through a centralized website.

You will love it!

By the way, if you like the idea of Aether, then you would probably like Session too:


See you on Aether.

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:43:01 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for the upvotes, everybody! Aether is normally downvoted to oblivion here!

[ - ] Breeder 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 16:23:42 ago (+0/-0)

How jewish are you?

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 18:29:55 ago (+0/-0)


Do you think Jews would come to Voat to guide goats to a stronger, more secure platform, far better capable of supporting Free Speech?

Just get over there and see for yourself.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 08:06:53 ago (+1/-0)

no point really (since Aether is slow as shit)
unless voat got shoah'd or something

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:27:31 ago (+0/-0)

Aether has quite a lot of posts and comments, but if you aren't subscribed to those communities (subverses) then you won't really see them. This is particularly true if you haven't enabled NSFW content, since most stuff there is automatically categorized as NSFW.

Also, there is noticeably more activity on Aether now, if you haven't checked it in a while. The development team decided Aether was ready for the wider world, and after a lengthy incubation, the team is (in a controlled way) actively finding new users. They are quality people. It is fun as many are sort of Reddit types and when they encounter Voat content, the fireworks happen.

Please give it another whirl, and make sure you have the latest client.

[ - ] Goatboy 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 09:46:14 ago (+2/-0)

Is there a way to keep a non-ephemeral copy so the commies can’t try to rewrite its history every 6 months?

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:21:45 ago (+0/-0)

There is.

The default setting, which you can change in the configuration file, is for posts to go stale after 6 months. (Stale posts aren't deleted, they are just no longer visible on Aether.) If nobody comments on that thread for 6 months, it vanishes from view.

If somebody does comment, the thread (or even subverse/community) will remain visible again for another 6 months from that post. In config, you could increase that duration (for your own client) to 6 years or 60 years, or even reduce it to 6 days.

A lot of valuable content is posted on Aether and the (highly talented) development team are looking into how this content might be archived on other systems, possibly https://ipfs.io

[ - ] theBreadSultan 4 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 06:45:59 ago (+4/-0)

Pc only tho, that was the issue for me

[ - ] Aetherian [op] 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 9, 2021 13:22:15 ago (+0/-0)

Aether on Android can't be far away now. I will post again when it arrives.