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DAILY REMINDER: Vaccinate Early And Often!

submitted by heygeorge to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 09:12:02 ago (+10/-1)     (archive.ph)


I have every shot commercially available, and some experimental ones. NO WAY am I getting sick from COVAIDS!

WSJ article with graphics showing who is currently going to the hospital and where in the US.

8 comments block

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 09:14:46 ago (+1/-0)

Every morning I drink a big glass of water, eat some vitamins and a supplement, and I inject the vax for the daily variant. I have an app which DLs the latest antivirus software to premix my daily dose.

[ - ] cyclops1771 4 points 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 09:21:31 ago (+4/-0)

I like how they just ignore those 50% of states where vaxx is lower than normal AND hospitalizaton is lower than normal.

It's ALMOST as if they want to exclude that data from the set and focus on just the data pieces that prove their case. I am so glad the the WSJ is an unbiased news source, or we'd all be fooled!

As for me, I just put delta variant meds in my coffee, and THEN I put the Tau variant vaxx in, followed by the Chi variant. I'm WAY ahead of the game! SUCKERS!

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 09:51:15 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] heygeorge [op] -1 points 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 10:43:07 ago (+0/-1)

Not really, although I appreciate your hyperbolic sentiment.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 10:55:01 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] heygeorge [op] 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 11:05:53 ago (+2/-0)

The state will be unable to find enough workers to fill these jobs. The state will then use AI. The AI will be discovered to be racist.

[ - ] KCobain27 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 12:31:05 ago (+1/-0)

Anyone who believe this shit the zio-media publishes, I have a magic snowman to sell you.

[ - ] v0atmage 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 7, 2021 13:37:03 ago (+0/-0)

So the deaths per 100k went from .08 to .30 (unclear how high it actually gets, the graph cuts off in a misleading way) which is still less than 1/100000, assuming you trust this data. See here:
