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Flashbach 1988; Journalist Mike Wallace reports that AIPAC set the tone for campaign donations to 80 pro-Israel pacs around the nation that gave candidates ((( $6 million ))). Wallace interviews Senator Chuck Percy, John Chafee, George Ball about AIPAC. (vid 15 min)

submitted by TFS to politics 2.9 yearsAug 4, 2021 11:25:26 ago (+7/-0)     (israelpalestinenews.org)*



Journalist Mike Wallace reports that AIPAC set the tone for campaign donations to 80 pro-Israel pacs around the nation that gave candidates $6 million. Wallace interviews Senator Chuck Percy, John Chafee, George Ball about AIPAC.
A CBS poll showed that 72 percent of Americans felt Israel gets too much US tax money.

AIPAC head claimed: “‘All the Jews in America from coast to coast gathered to oust Percy, and the American politicians – those who hold public positions now and those who aspired – got the message.'”

MIKE WALLACE: There are very few lobbies working the corridors of Capitol Hill with as much clout as AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. They’re the people who tell the Congress which legislation affecting Israel they like and which they don’t. They are not agents of the Israeli government [this is disputed] but out of personal conviction as American Jews, they lobby the Congress and the administration for measures that support the State of Israel.

But the charge is that apart from lobbying, AIPAC also gets involved in election campaigns by setting the tone – the line – for about eighty pro-Israel political action committees around the country (pro-Israel PACs) that have given ((($6 million))) this year to a variety of candidates.

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