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A collection of (((faces)))

submitted by Splooge to whatever 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 02:20:25 ago (+47/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


19 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 5 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 02:35:45 ago (+5/-0)

A nose for every subversion, and for every subversion a nose. I especially like the yentas, they're so relevant yet so under utilized.

[ - ] Splooge [op] 5 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 03:05:05 ago (+5/-0)

One of the things I absolutely can't stand are boomers that simp for the high admixture yentas, especially the "WHOAAAHHHH TOUGH FEMALE SOLDIER FOR ISRAEL" ones.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 07:50:26 ago (+1/-0)

There was that tv show that featured an IDF turbo yenta being all bad ass that was super popular with boomers. I don't remember the name of it but my dad liked it when he was alive. Actually, now that I think about it that show was probably the source of his cancer. Anyway, she kikes were popularized as well as gothic hacker gurls. So I blame that show for the subversion.

[ - ] Splooge [op] 1 point 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 13:28:20 ago (+1/-0)

Sounds like you're talking about NCIS. The character you're describing is (((Ziva David))), which, ironically enough is played by Cote de Pablo -- a Chilean actress: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=jpNLs9CjAy8

The goth hacker was Abby Sciuto, played by Pauley Perrette.

Ironically, NCIS was created by Donald Bellisario, who is an Italian goy, which once again plays into the boomer worship for yentas thing.

It always cracks me up how whenever jews need to be cast in (((media))), they always pick the least jewish-looking actor/actress possible, and vice versa when they need a goy cast.

Remember House MD, the wildly popular medical drama? They made Dr. Wilson a jew, but cast Robert Sean Leonard, the least jewey goy they could find.

"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," a recent series that portrays a fictional yenta taking the comedy world by storm (because muh wahmens ar funnie), they cast Rachel Brosnahan, an Irish shiksa, for the title character.

And most people are aware of (((Gal Gadot))) being cast as Wonder Woman of course.

As silly as the swapping seems, there's a reason for it -- to make it harder to identify shapeshifters.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 16:03:33 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah, that's the one. I haven't had a tv in over a decade, so I don't really notice it too much. I do notice that the psudo intellectual kikes on the news are always kikes that pass for whites. They are sneaky fucks though man, they plan every detail of their schemes.

[ - ] Fascinus 0 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 13:04:57 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 04:15:49 ago (+1/-0)

The anita sarkeesian one completely passed me by at the time.

[ - ] JesusRules 2 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 08:54:16 ago (+2/-0)

I see a bunch of members of congress in there

[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 03:11:33 ago (+3/-1)

the chain smoking she-kike floored me

[ - ] try 1 point 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 08:22:09 ago (+1/-0)

the female ones show up less often, but...


I used one in a fresh image that OP lacks :


I got it from this


and moved it from jesus straight to the oven. THE REAL OVEN. (the real 'fake' oven at the holohoax tour)

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 10:41:04 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] try 0 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 10:49:32 ago (+0/-0)

yup! disgusting. A dirty kike (maybe) had put Jew-Jesus on voat this last week, and I got angry so I put that goddamned jew face into the Auschwitz Tour Oven!

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 09:21:02 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Heartdisease 0 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 08:37:40 ago (+0/-0)

Cool sticker templates!

[ - ] v0atmage -1 points 3.1 yearsAug 2, 2021 10:19:34 ago (+0/-1)

Looks like @try's family Thanksgiving photo.