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3 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 2, 2021 06:04:32 ago (+0/-0)

"And, again, as we speak they're helping China in its propaganda program in the United States to convince Americans that it was a natural outbreak and not coming from the laboratory. So we have a very serious infiltration problem. In the universities, in the NIH, in the CDC and I can you there is some PLA scientists in US department of Defense laboratories."

Hahaha Which university professor and administrator isn't working for China? Communist cunts.

The entire globalist corporate bullshit was all about pro China communism.

As for the chinks shitting the place up with "It's not China, it's the jews" You're communist because of the fucking jews. You're jewish communist, and wouldn't be fucking with bat viruses with the communist American and Canadian traitors if it weren't for the jews in the first place.

[ - ] GottaGasEmAll 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 2, 2021 00:34:12 ago (+1/-1)

China does nothing, it's all the kikes, stop distracting from this fact and fuck you

[ - ] TheLastStraightMan 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 1, 2021 23:52:07 ago (+1/-1)

Yeah yeah we're all very scared. First it was the Russian nukes, then the world was melting, then the world was freezing, then it was islamic terrorism, and now it's chinese viruses.

Guys please let the government know how scared you are so they'll shut the fuck up and go play golf or something.