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Most people here now know that we are experiencing narcissistic abuse and not a pandemic! The normies are learning this too!!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TellUpgoat 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 00:45:16 ago (+5/-0)     (strawpoll.com)


This poll shows the results for "who knows what gaslighting is?"


Only 13.6% didn't know what it was!

This poll shows how people saw the covid coverage in the media and social media.


Almost 90% realized it was narcissistic abuse and gaslighting rather than honest reporting.

This is also reflected in the internet search volumes for these topics. Especially in English speaking countries but most of all in Australia where this is mainstream knowledge now after a few reality shows had men gaslighting their girlfriends and wives. Making the Aussies the most awake population on earth.


Here is Canada where the most popular news anchors trail far behind!


And here is the USA searches versus Don Lemon who just doesn't get the same volumes.


As you can all see the numbers of people that understand this is psychological manipulation are far greater than those interested in the propagandists. We are way past the tipping point. The cabal has lost control of public perception.

The covid narrative is collapsing just as they are trying to force the vaxx on everyone. An epic fail. So whatever comes next will be soon and outrageous.

But since they are all exposed they will be facing far more internal fighting and pushback and potentially even whistleblowers on a scale never see before. It's save your ass time for the masons. They will be sacrificed or will turn on their masters.

This whole nwo plan is falling apart at the seams now. Far too many can see this pathological game for what it is now. It's over.

12 comments block

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 00:51:24 ago (+3/-0)*

yes, thats why i keep telling you all to learn about gaslighting and what it is. once you break out of it it never works again because you recognise the signs and just how blatant it is, AND the fact that it is happening to you pretty much every time you communicate in any way with the outside world especially if its something to do with authorities wanting you to do something a bit grey.

its also why i keep giving people these seemingly whiny rants about shit thats happened to me because the biggest reason this plandemic fucking horseshit doesnt work on me is because unfortunately for the fucking commie pigs running this shit i copped it at home and broke out of it before this all happened.

im not comparing myself to politicians but i will say this straight up killary as a narcissist set up trump (whether you like him or hate him or if he turns out to be saviour or satan himself, its irrelevant) to be the bad guy in the same way i got set up by the narcissist in my family to be the bad guy. bitch uses identical tactics.

tl;dr even without all the other shit i have read and absolutely do know for fact i can research for myself about this pandemic shit, and i had not been already expecting the plandemic to happen i still wouldnt have believed it. because none of it makes sense. and when a story doesnt make sense, its because its fucking bullshit. a true story will confirm itself by its own details. it doesnt need extra explanations or work arounds for the answer. mask mandates are innefective because masks dont work. once you know masks dont work you have to ask why dont the people enforcing this know that. then once you know that those people enforcing it do know that, you have to ask why are they doing it. when you know its not about law or health and that they make you sick, and the people enforcing it know all the things you do, then you realise its about control and eugenics.

ultimately the 'why' doesnt fucking matter, we can sort out that later, the fact is, it is happening and thats a problem. how do we work out 'why' if there is no one left to make sure it never happens again?

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 00:59:24 ago (+1/-0)

Very well said fren.

Learning these pathological tactics is like getting a pair of sunglasses from Roddy Piper. You see the manipulation walking down the street everywhere.

You are doing gods work here. Well done.

[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 01:17:29 ago (+4/-1)

I disagree on the plan falling apart segment.

The plan will go forward regardless of dissent. As seen in France, even years of protesting accomplishes nothing.

1/6 was the nail in the coffin. Those in power have shown their colors and any form of aggressive resistance will be labeled as terrorist insurrection.

Dont believe me just ask the political prisoners, oh wait.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 01:50:05 ago (+0/-0)

When the majority of the normies are awake they are all fucked!

When someone is subjected to gaslighting for s prolonged period they go fucking crazy when the lie is exposed. They want blood!!!

The mistake these guys made was moving too soon.

Wait for the normies to snap. You won't have to do much but fill in the blanks for them. They will devour them. That's why the Aussie cops are already talking about arresting the government. They know they will be the first to get fucked and psychopaths have zero loyalty to anyone but themselves.

They will throw their own to the wolves rather than face a fully awake public. They know they will be killed.

[ - ] Garrett 2 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 01:56:20 ago (+2/-0)*

Yes wait on stupid people to rise to action ..

As the person above said, rallies don't do anything. Bark with no bite. Hence why despite rallies against covid the governments are still pushing passports

Until people get truly murderous , nothing will happen. And you really can't guarantee they will, especially without having weapons

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 02:46:45 ago (+1/-0)

Gaslighting the whole world is the guarantee that they will be murderous!

I can't really stress to you how fucking enraged people become when they realize they have been subjected to gaslighting. They will slaughter them!

We are at the point where we are waiting for the straw that broke the camels back and these further restrictions and forced jabs are pushing us closer to that day. What the trigger will be is yet to be seen.

But we won't have to do a single thing. The normies will be like a force of nature when they snap.

[ - ] Garrett 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 03:05:04 ago (+1/-0)

That's still speculation. They have no weapons (unless in the USA ). We have to stick to the facts

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 14:14:18 ago (+0/-0)

Canadians have 9.9 million guns!

Americans have 400 million guns!

Lots of other European nations still have guns!

It's easier than ever to make a gun with 3D printers!

We are far from defenceless.

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 01:48:33 ago (+3/-0)*

I really hope they are learning to think. It takes one conversation with a programmed obedient to make anyone despair, so thanks for the upbeat. But we're till going to have to dislodge the fuckers.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray [op] 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 30, 2021 01:53:20 ago (+1/-0)

Teaching them the tactics used to subjugate them is the best redpill. It triggers none of their programming and they can't unlearn it. So they see it everywhere.


It also exposes those doing as psychopaths.