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Tokyo Olympics Director Fired on Eve of Opening Ceremony over ‘Holocaust joke’ said in the 1990s

submitted by robotflex to news 2.9 yearsJul 22, 2021 02:42:25 ago (+6/-0)     (archive.is)


Excerpt from article:

The director for the Olympics opening ceremony, comedian Kentaro Kobayashi, has had his contract terminated just a day before the games kick off, after a 1998 comedy sketch surfaced in which he joked about the Holocaust.
Olympic Organizing Committee president Seiko Hashimoto announced the move during a press conference on Thursday, saying Kobayashi had been fired and that officials would undertake a last-minute “review” of the opening and closing ceremonies, both of which were meant to be directed by the comedian.

“It has come to our notice that Mr. Kobayashi used comments that made fun of a tragic fact in history in his past performance,” Hashimoto said, but added that she would not resign over the scandal.

The controversial joke that landed Kobayashi in hot water came during a sketch performed with his comedy duo, the Ramens, in which he reportedly made an offhand remark about playing a Holocaust ‘game,’ though some Japanese-fluent netizens have disputed the exact context of the gag.


(TW) Footage has surfaced of the Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony director, comedian Kentaro Kobayashi, seemingly mocking the Holocaust in a skit from the 1990s. He’s seen here referring to a “let’s massacre Jewish people game”


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