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South Africa: found 1 bantu (out of 70 million) who gets it

submitted by deleted to FeralBantuInvaders 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 13:28:52 ago (+36/-0)     (FeralBantuInvaders)


31 comments block

[ - ] GloryBeckons 16 points 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 14:45:23 ago (+16/-0)

The pain of watching your own kind destroy themselves and their future, and you and yours along with them.

Most of us here know that feeling all too well.

[ - ] QuasiVoat 10 points 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 15:17:56 ago (+10/-0)

Wow. He's displaying a number of traits almost never seen in bantu: Empathy, forethought, considering long term consequences. If the rest of the bantu thought like this, no one would hate them. Maybe pity their ogreish looks and low IQ, but not hate.

[ - ] letsgetit 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 22:37:44 ago (+4/-0)

I'm sure they will listen to him

[ - ] RedBarchetta 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 17:47:07 ago (+4/-0)

He knows Newtons law. When it comes back it will be like the hand of God wipes them from the earth.

[ - ] observation1 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 15:56:53 ago (+3/-0)

Imagine of president made a public statement like that to appeal to the people to stop the violence,instead of, oh, i don't know. fanning the flames.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 16, 2021 02:05:48 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 22:00:47 ago (+2/-1)

stopped watching.

he's got to be the fattest nigger in south africa.

I call bullshit.

[ - ] Splooge 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 21:55:59 ago (+1/-0)

"I don't want my kids to [unintelligible]"

And what exactly are his kids up to right now and where are they?

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 18:27:50 ago (+1/-0)

How do you know he's bantu and not zulu?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 16, 2021 01:49:14 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 19, 2021 13:24:52 ago (+0/-0)

The zulu would take issue with being called bantu. You are talking out of your ass. Not defending niggers, but in SA the zulu predate the bantu by centuries.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 19, 2021 13:28:57 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 19, 2021 13:43:35 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 17:58:07 ago (+1/-0)

He wants White People stuff, they don't. Doctors nurses teachers. Of course that means the televisions radios and computers they steal are only trinkets they don't value anyway.

The globalists don't want you to have those things either though. They want you to live like they do in Bhutan. That's mother earth, gaia bullshit and all that on the new age leftist voter level. Subsistence level life for you too while they keep the palaces and airports.

We can give the anti-White-things niggers what they want, by getting rid of the people who did this.

Number one today is BlackRock Investments. Take their money. Take away the legislation that allowed them to act as the psychopaths they are with Western businesses.

The United Nations.

End tax breaks for foundations, NGOs and non profits.