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Can someone help me find the image of the 2 cucked morons with their mouths wide open while pretending to be astonished by a plate of chicken not being real chicken. The original which memes were created from

submitted by boogienight to whatever 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 16:57:24 ago (+7/-0)     (whatever)

As the title says, can someone please help me find the photo of the 2 cucked morons with their mouths wide open while pretending to be astonished by a plate of chicken not being real chicken. The original which memes were created from

19 comments block

[ - ] veridic 7 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:06:17 ago (+7/-0)

[ - ] boogienight [op] 3 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:07:46 ago (+3/-0)

Thank you, you found it. The creepiest sales photo ever.

[ - ] try 4 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:41:51 ago (+4/-0)

You guys beat me to it! I hate Soy Boys, and hate soy itself for making nations into feminized males.

Soy can do horrible things to males, and male fetuses.

Soy, and Vegetarian Mothers, horrible proven effects on males!

Lots of science studies for humans exist : Mothers that report eating a lot of soy as side effect of vegetarian lifestyle have two proven unwanted side effects :

1 > Newborn males have dramatically more hypospadias (small deformed penis)

2 > Newborn males exist less in birth ratio. Instead of traditional 106 boys per 100 females, its a shocking 80 boys per 100 females, if mom ate soy from being a vegetarian.

Lots of overlapping studies, because its a simple thing to do research on, if not trying to prove cause and effect, but merely prove association. You merely give forms to all mothers in hospital, and the mothers claiming to be vegetarian, you tabulate the baby gender, and measure the baby penis.

BBC : "'More girl babies' for vegetarians":


500% to 300% more babies with dramatically shrunken deformed penis if mother ate soy:

A maternal vegetarian diet in pregnancy is associated with hypospadias. The ALSPAC Study Team. Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood. :


There is no debate: Soy is packed with phytoestrogens (Estrogen hormones) and in primates it has dire effects.

"Soy Boy" is a real thing, the socialist left , and Vegetarians, wants to hide.

Soy also affect SPERM PRODUCTION in males :


Vegan Parents also ruin IQ of their kids, making them retarded from lack of vitamin B12!

This makes the kids more likely to be Trannies if boys, from low IQ and extra Soy estrogens.

No plants in the world have measurable amounts of b12 and IQ in vegans is lower from lack of b12!

B-12 deficiency is known to be associated with cognitive impairment, and no plant matter grown has b12, only rotting wet garbage or pills :


Tofu, other soy products linked to memory loss:


2004: Soy and the Brain:

2020: SOY BEAN OIL (in half the food in supermarket) Makes Male brains unhappy , Tranny leaning, and not want to reproduce! :

Soybean Oil Diet May Trigger Genetic Changes In Brain: (lack of desire to reproduce in Rats) :





It makes rats not like their gender but not proven in Humans or even correlated yet in Humans. It definitely makes rats less happy and less desiring to mate.


2007: Soy Proven to shrink fetal penis in mammals:

"In an experiment involving pregnant mice, hypospadias was observed in approximately 1 of 4 mice that were fed a diet comprising genistein soy isoflavones, but was NOT observed in a control group with a soya-free diet."


Soyboy: Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn all Male Fish Into Females:

A concentration of merely 400 micrograms per liter yielded a 100% female group, far less needed just to turn them gay

TL/DR : Soy Parents create small deformed penis boys with low IQ and also have dramatically defective sperm, proven in many science papers

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 19:05:12 ago (+1/-0)

Good thing they put soy into fucking EVERYTHING.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 8, 2021 13:07:22 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] boogienight [op] 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:13:35 ago (+1/-0)

It reminds me of this photo http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/screen_kubrick/1179/11799911/3091662-selfie.jpg
This was the developers of No Mans Lie, a game which they knowingly lied about every promise on release and to curb any suspicions and make sure the initial sale was big, they had to over do their celebration photo, as seen above

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:59:06 ago (+0/-0)

I remember thinking that was going to be such a cool and awesome game... and then being disappointed. Good thing I didn't buy it, but I almost never buy stuff unless I REALLY like it, or of leftists are trying to cancel whatever it is...

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:56:10 ago (+1/-0)

100% SOY!

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 19:06:25 ago (+1/-0)

You can just see the soy dripping from these faggots. Also how does everyone suddenly have this gay haircut.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 8, 2021 11:27:40 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:05:08 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:56:56 ago (+0/-0)

I think YOU were a KFC ad!

[ - ] eongoat 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:04:30 ago (+0/-0)

Idk if this is it, but it kinda matches the description

[ - ] boogienight [op] 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:06:27 ago (+0/-0)

This is not it, it's like 2 guys standing in front of a restaurant holding a plate of some food, and it's like they're posing for a video thumbnail, they have partial facial hair, the kind you'd expect from low testosterone and through their furry lips they both have an exaggerated O-face as if to be super impressed by their fake food not being real food

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 2.9 yearsJul 7, 2021 17:59:56 ago (+0/-0)

Calling KFC a restaurant is an insult to restaurants.