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Vegan attempts to squat, dies.

submitted by SaneGoatiSwear to whatever 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 06:32:12 ago (+28/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


37 comments block

[ - ] FuckYou77 -1 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 09:50:16 ago (+1/-2)

What type of squatting ... Whieght lifting shit with giant asses dumbbell?

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 12:25:22 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 10:57:18 ago (+0/-0)

Awww I'm disappointed that he didn't actually die.

[ - ] n_word 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:01:40 ago (+0/-0)

Eat some meat. Problem solved.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:12:26 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] YamaMaya 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 08:56:10 ago (+2/-0)*

Tell me again vegans how your diet is perfectly fine and natural, even though no society on earth has ever successfully gone vegan.

And I gotta say this couldn't have happened to a more deserving vegan faggot. This nigger chimps out every 5 minutes on Jewtube about some "evil meat eater" attempting to start drama. He really needs his niggerfaggot ass kicked.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 3 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 10:05:43 ago (+3/-0)

Ok, I'm not going to say veganism is perfectly natural but it's a stretch to assume any sports injury a vegan incurs must be because of their diet. Weightlifters injure themselves all the time.

[ - ] YamaMaya 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 11:22:57 ago (+1/-0)

He doesnt eat right or use proper form. And its not a strech to assume his lack of protien means hes slow to heal and heals poorly from muscle injury.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 11:47:01 ago (+1/-0)

If he doesn't use proper form then that's nothing to do with his diet. And what lack of protein exactly?

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 12:24:21 ago (+1/-1)

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[ - ] YamaMaya 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:56:04 ago (+2/-0)

And you're whining about people "whining" on the internet and in so doing you're a double faggot.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:42:04 ago (+1/-0)

I was thinking that actually: Lack of collagen making ligaments weak. Sounds much more likely that brittle bones or weak muscles.

[ - ] YamaMaya 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:54:56 ago (+0/-0)

Are you being deliberately obtuse? He doesnt consume meat or animal products. And dont give me the "muh protien in plants" shit, that is not easily absorbable for humans and ultimately all vegans have a deficiency in protien. Vegan fags trying to defend their carby diets are hilarious.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:44:00 ago (+0/-0)

Eh. Like I said in another comments, some vegans just eat crap and hope for the best. Other ones are fitness freaks and obsess about every molecule of their food. If this guy is a gym rat then I'm guessing he's probably a memeber of the latter. I've never heard of him before though, maybe he eats like shit.

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 2, 2021 11:50:40 ago (+0/-0)

Here's some videos from Bearing concerning Vegan Gains.



As you can see,Vegan Gains is a lovely person and not crazy at all.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior -2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 11:04:03 ago (+1/-3)

India is pretty vegan and has 1.3 billion people and a smaller prison population the. The USA.

I am not defending India btw... just pointing some things out.

I love steak scotch and cigars... so I'm in no way defending vegans

[ - ] YamaMaya 3 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 11:25:06 ago (+3/-0)

The indian "vegans" are poor peasants who can scarcely afford meat. They are also low IQ living in filthy conditions. I wouldnt take advice on how to be successful from india.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:49:49 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] TerryB 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:29:25 ago (+2/-0)

And the body shape of them. Female hips on the men.

[ - ] AndrewBlazeIt 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:56:39 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah well Indians also form angry mobs and kill people who dare suggest they NOT shit in the same river they drink from and bathe in

[ - ] try 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 2, 2021 00:26:23 ago (+0/-0)

FALSE! No indians are vegan, the all eat milk products to prevent brain damage (vitamin b-12 is in milk products)

strict vegetarian indians eat cheese and butter. They even cook in butter (ghee) and when dead, are even covered in butter as part of funeral.

you misspoke

you meant over half of india is vegetarian

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 11:46:24 ago (+2/-0)

99% of vegans eat meat when drunk.

That being said, they don't eat enough meat to make a difference usually.

[ - ] try 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:06:32 ago (+1/-0)

very true. can confirm... if food (meat) put in front of their face on a plate, warm and juicy.... THEY ALWAYS EAT IT

gyros, shwarma, garlic chicken

i see it all the time

[ - ] templurker 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:20:05 ago (+2/-0)

This faggot has been wishing death on meat eaters forever.

About time!

[ - ] try 3 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 09:52:31 ago (+3/-0)

Vegans are sickly and frail. Lack of B-12 and lack of protein.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 7 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 10:04:41 ago (+7/-0)

Kinda, they tend to come in two flavours:

Incredibly sleek fitness freaks who measure every gram of nutrients that goes into their body and structures their day around excercise.

Shaky hippies drugged out of their gourd, suffering from all kinds of deficiencies (and possibly parasites from uncooked food).

There doesn't seem to be a middle ground.

[ - ] FuckingInsaneGoat 2 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 13:54:14 ago (+2/-0)

While I agree for the most part, I know an outlier. A coworker who eats vegan for digestive reasons is, at 50, one of the strongest, healthiest people I know. He's.an absolute beast of a man.

He also never talks about it, and when he craves meat, he eats it.

[ - ] AndrewBlazeIt 10 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 14:54:04 ago (+10/-0)

Soooooo, not vegan at all, then.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 1 point 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 17:10:07 ago (+1/-0)

that's the difference between larping faggots and people who merely care about the welfare of animals

[ - ] fightknightHERO 4 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 06:56:15 ago (+4/-0)

vegan bones are brittle, like glass from the lack of calcium

[ - ] Nein 0 points 3.0 yearsJul 1, 2021 20:21:03 ago (+0/-0)

You know who else is vegan? Gorillas and elephants