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Whitey Bulger Wiki

submitted by FuckYou77 to whatever 3.0 yearsJun 24, 2021 11:37:18 ago (+3/-0)     (en.m.wikipedia.org)


1 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3.0 yearsJun 24, 2021 12:14:10 ago (+0/-0)

The page for his very convenient brother is here:


The FBI did everything they could to protect him. They were nothing less than partners in crime. The most wanted man behind Osama Bin Laden couldn't be found in a rent controlled apartment in California for years and years.

And in 1982 Robert Mueller started his rise working in the office of the US Attorney for Massachusetts where his job was investigating narcotics conspiracies, racketeering, money laundering and public corruption. How handy. And Mueller went to school with John Kerry.

Those are the kind of liberal freaks that start off "impressed" by crime and criminals that are psychopaths like they're watching a movie, and they just keep bending themselves more every day.

They're really the trash of the world and much, much worse than the Whitey Bulgers