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43 comments block

[ - ] MonkeysSmarterThanNiggers 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 22, 2021 07:13:52 ago (+0/-0)

what's systemd?

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 6 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 08:45:30 ago (+6/-0)

Wait, there's a Windows 11? I'm still on 7 and it's heaven.

[ - ] Systemisgay 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 13:27:11 ago (+1/-0)

You and me both

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 12:40:24 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] try 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:42:40 ago (+0/-0)

I posted link to ISO of this weeks dev build of Win 11, on usenet, in this thread. It almost turns your desktop into a ipad clone.


SystemD took over the world!

What kind of nut does not like amazing progress?!?!

After Apple implemeted a version of it, systemd was correctly promoted then spread to many osses for 100 great technical reasons.

WATCH every minute of this extremely famous video on systemd (speed it up to 1.25% if you want faster pacing) :


47 minutes of truth bombs from linux.conf.au !

systemd is AWESOME and the future

Already it took over most operating systems. Proof:
Arch Linux - October 2012 switched to Systemd
CentOS - July 2014 switched to Systemd
CoreOS - October 2013 switched to Systemd
Debian - April 2015 switched to Systemd
Fedora - May 2011 switched to Systemd
Linux Mint - June 2016 (v18.0) switched to Systemd
Mageia - May 2012 switched to Systemd
Manjaro Linux - Nov 2013 switched to Systemd
openSUSE - September 2012 switched to Systemd
Red Hat Enterprise Linux - June 2014 (v7.0) switched to Systemd
Solus switched to Systemd
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server - October 2014 switched to Systemd
Ubuntu - April 2013 (v13.04) soon mandatory
Anyone that is not happy with the future of OSses and faster booting and hates systemd typically is uneducated on systemd and never watched this 700,000 view youtube video.

anti systemd people in 2021 are laughed at behind their backs by skilled engineers and people who watched ALL of that video :


systemd is AWESOME and the future

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 07:24:09 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] aleleopathic 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:38:45 ago (+0/-0)

This is the best answer in this thread.

[ - ] try 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:43:52 ago (+0/-0)*

That is ancient shit low tech and foolishly lacks modern tech like systemd that well over 90% of linux users now use.

WATCH every minute of this extremely famous video on systemd (speed it up to 1.25% if you want faster pacing) :


47 minutes of truth bombs from linux.conf.au !

systemd is AWESOME and the future

Already it took over most operating systems. Proof:
Arch Linux - October 2012 switched to Systemd
CentOS - July 2014 switched to Systemd
CoreOS - October 2013 switched to Systemd
Debian - April 2015 switched to Systemd
Fedora - May 2011 switched to Systemd
Linux Mint - June 2016 (v18.0) switched to Systemd
Mageia - May 2012 switched to Systemd
Manjaro Linux - Nov 2013 switched to Systemd
openSUSE - September 2012 switched to Systemd
Red Hat Enterprise Linux - June 2014 (v7.0) switched to Systemd
Solus switched to Systemd
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server - October 2014 switched to Systemd
Ubuntu - April 2013 (v13.04) soon mandatory
Anyone that is not happy with the future of OSses and faster booting and hates systemd typically is uneducated on systemd and never watched this 700,000 view youtube video.

anti systemd people in 2021 are laughed at behind their backs by skilled engineers and people who watched ALL of that video :


systemd is AWESOME and the future

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 19:19:04 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 06:58:55 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 14:37:20 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 14:48:24 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 19:41:38 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] try 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:46:28 ago (+1/-0)

Without systemD linux is total backwards shit again which is why over 90% of running linux now use systemd :



The kikes and anti security people want to root more boxes adn dont want Whitey to protect their bootup using systemD

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 17:29:49 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] aleleopathic 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:43:05 ago (+0/-0)

There are a couple of options. Ubuntu shuttered upstart (((on command))) when it was cannibalizing systemd's forced adoption, so usually isn't still considered an option unless you are running old Ubuntu or are \really\ determined/know what you are doing and can make it work (in which case you likely aren't using Ubuntu).

Otherwise, there is openRC, which is basically init scripts but parallelized (which is all systemd would have been if it wasn't jew owned). However, it helps to know a thing or two for when you run into a trouble - help is harder to find from what I remember.

[ - ] ClitorisDestroyer 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 17:01:27 ago (+1/-0)*

Only people that use Linux are like vegans they tell everyone about it. Same people as the raspberry pi and soylent drinkers

[ - ] Systemisgay 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 13:27:54 ago (+1/-0)

Windows 7 is better

[ - ] toobaditworks 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 09:58:09 ago (+1/-0)

There is no windows 11.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 12:46:31 ago (+1/-0)

there is and it has a mobile interface like windows 8.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 17, 2021 13:28:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] try 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:40:19 ago (+1/-0)*

WRONG! : I installed it myself

Its all in the trade press.


Here's the entire OS installer, untainted, from usenet just hours ago. Tee Hee! :

group : alt.binaries.spotweb
scene title : "Microsoft Windows 11 (DEV) _GiGA AiO_ ENGLISH-US Build 21996_1 _2 x 21 Versies - _8GB_DVD9_ -=iNS0MNiA Releases=- Showcase!"
file segment title : 1W1_VEd_ggUS_1.part01.rar
post time : Posted Jun 15, 2021 22:26:47 ( Today )
poster : "[email protected] (iNS0MNiA)"
size : 3.67 GB

Safety SHA hash on iso image file to prevent malware by hackers :
21111357dc7a55380fbaf97fb489462f5e8ab66a *Win.11.DEV.GiGA.AiO.enUS.June.21_21996.1.iso

It was revealed a day and a half ago here first :


Thats in chinese , but you get the point. China is across the international date line so that chinese site time of post of "2021-06-15 21:47" was 2 days ago. Probably from a contractor hired to test a driver written by a usa contractor for distribution with a chinese card or usb device.



[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 17, 2021 13:27:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] try 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 17, 2021 16:10:58 ago (+1/-0)

YOu seem like the guy that wants and needs "server 2019". Its the special version of windows 10 for companies and military that want NO SPYWARE, NO PHONE HOME, NO CRAP, its so amazing it has two version options... no graphics or mouse, or normal GUI capable of running 100% of all video games normally.

get a installer of server 2019 , and make sure you tell it your internet is NOT FREE and also that YOU WANT NO UPDATES EVER, and then it will run forever, never phoning home once and never changing or bitching for a seriral. If you mess up it runs in annoyance mode (limited app total, no deskwork art, etc). So set it up NOT connected to internet until you tell it that internet costs money and you want server 2019 to not update. follow online guides.

its like windows 7

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 17, 2021 17:07:43 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 12:38:34 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 12:47:29 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 13:25:55 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] GhostCow 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 20:48:53 ago (+0/-0)

How can anyone be sick of Windows 11 when it's not out yet? Also I've tried Linux many times over the years. I've been using it off an on since 2003. The only thing gayer than Linux is it's cultist users.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 06:57:06 ago (+0/-0)

If you're not talking to the cheerleader in ways she can understand what buttons to push, you won't succeed.

The communist corporations will keep winning because they understand how to simplify things so the least technical can feel good about it. Making them feel dumb because they don't know what you're talking about means you only want niche and exclusive. All those great things will disappear while notech fawns over I products or buy HP with gates installed. They don't know what systemd is, and why should they?

[ - ] squidicuz 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 08:48:01 ago (+0/-0)

Let them eat cake.

[ - ] try 0 points 3.3 yearsJun 16, 2021 15:47:36 ago (+0/-0)

OP is a non educated computer user.

SystemD took over the world!

What kind of nut does not like amazing progress?!?!

After Apple implemeted a version of it, systemd was correctly promoted then spread to many osses for 100 great technical reasons.

WATCH every minute of this extremely famous video on systemd (speed it up to 1.25% if you want faster pacing) :


47 minutes of truth bombs from linux.conf.au !

systemd is AWESOME and the future

Already it took over most operating systems. Proof:
Arch Linux - October 2012 switched to Systemd
CentOS - July 2014 switched to Systemd
CoreOS - October 2013 switched to Systemd
Debian - April 2015 switched to Systemd
Fedora - May 2011 switched to Systemd
Linux Mint - June 2016 (v18.0) switched to Systemd
Mageia - May 2012 switched to Systemd
Manjaro Linux - Nov 2013 switched to Systemd
openSUSE - September 2012 switched to Systemd
Red Hat Enterprise Linux - June 2014 (v7.0) switched to Systemd
Solus switched to Systemd
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server - October 2014 switched to Systemd
Ubuntu - April 2013 (v13.04) soon mandatory
Anyone that is not happy with the future of OSses and faster booting and hates systemd typically is uneducated on systemd and never watched this 700,000 view youtube video.

anti systemd people in 2021 are laughed at behind their backs by skilled engineers and people who watched ALL of that video :


systemd is AWESOME and the future