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Why must FOIA requests be made for public officials' data? Why not all public as a matter of policy?

submitted by Cmonthisismyname to AskUpgoat 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 13:31:15 ago (+7/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

Same with financial records of public officials.

11 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsJun 5, 2021 04:22:10 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 18:00:15 ago (+0/-0)

Well I had this idea.. a real 4th branch of goverment...

The ministry of truth...

Yes sounds orwellian but hear me out. A group of 100 to 1000 individuals that take a vow of truth. Thry have 100% access to any govetment meeting documents millitary everything.

They report to the Supreme court quarterly and they post what they find out. If it is top secerer the supreme court keeps it until it is ok to be released. They are above all levels of goverment except the supreme court who deals with them.

Strict qualifications <<< I'm open to what these could be.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 3 yearsJun 5, 2021 00:46:27 ago (+0/-0)

I think if you called it the ministry of transparency you'd have more fans. Sup btw

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsJun 5, 2021 04:22:58 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 16:46:48 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] aleleopathic 4 points 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 15:46:08 ago (+4/-0)

Originally, everything was public. The jew (((Roosevelt))) (originally Rosenfeld) created the government 'classification' system in 1940 though Executive Order 8381: https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/eo/eo-8381.htm

Government secrets only expanded from there. Note that government secrets were passed through executive order, not though any actual (((legal))) process. In theory it could be undone as easily.

Originally, we had unfettered access to anything 'public', as it was ours. This has changed in the years since then. For example, 'public park and gamelands' were also entirely unfettered until the 1980s, when they 'closed' at night, under the excuse of fighting drugs. Can't find my cite for this one right now though.

[ - ] Flabbygasted 3 points 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 13:52:46 ago (+3/-0)

Yep. Anything that touches a tax dollar should be accounted for and provided at a moment's notice.

[ - ] Cmonthisismyname [op] 1 point 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 14:05:07 ago (+1/-0)*

2021: No justice, no taxes

[ - ] Flabbygasted 1 point 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 16:13:11 ago (+1/-0)

The middle of 2019 I quit my gig economy job and was gonna go into the workforce. Then the government went full communism and I couldn't bring myself to be involved in the income tax scheme. Back to gig economy for me and now a lot more hunting/fishing and gardening. I'd rather be poor than give them a cent of my labor.

[ - ] Cmonthisismyname [op] 1 point 3 yearsJun 4, 2021 18:45:29 ago (+1/-0)

Looking for an exit now. Golden handcuffs are getting tight...