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Everything from last March and onwards just seems so surreal. The lockdowns, the masks and the social distancing. This plandemic has got to be one of the biggest scams the world has ever faced. The massive unemployment, kids out of school, businesses closing and other things. I just needed to vent.

submitted by Systemisgay to TellUpgoat 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 07:50:27 ago (+35/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

Just how far are these Jews willing to go? Now we got mRNA vaccines. People forcing their kids to wear masks and plastic gloves. Nothing makes sense anymore

16 comments block

[ - ] RIGGED_ELECTION 7 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 09:54:57 ago (+7/-0)

Everything makes sense when you interact with the average person, and you realize that literal NPCs exist.

The saddest part is if the police enforced a stay at home order with force, and you resisted with lethal force, the entire population would voluntarily condemn you, the system would railroad you, no one has courage anymore.

[ - ] Containingabeaver 0 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 12:33:59 ago (+1/-1)

The conditions under which you die can determine whether you get into heaven. We should remember that when facing an opponent of greater numbers.

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 13:40:27 ago (+3/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Containingabeaver -2 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 15:44:39 ago (+0/-2)

Lol scaredy cat

[ - ] 88percentsolution 4 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 10:14:00 ago (+4/-0)

Distancing is not social it is antisocial please call it anti social distancing.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 3 yearsJun 2, 2021 08:54:55 ago (+0/-0)*

The jews are going as far as they possibly can because the internet autist started red pilling the fuck out of everyone and redpilling eventually leads you to one conclusion the JEW is at the bottom of almost every rabbit hole

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 11:08:11 ago (+3/-1)

account deleted by user

[ - ] HughBriss 11 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 12:23:21 ago (+11/-0)

I decided that Trump was part of it, which is why he acquiesced after the blatantly fraudulent election. He didn't build the wall, didn't put Hillary in jail, didn't reform health care, didn't deport the foreign invaders ... so many broken promises. LITERALLY the only explanation that makes sense is that he was just another actor in the political theater. They didn't need to "get rid" of Trump. When it was his time to leave the stage, he left quietly, because that was in the script.

[ - ] KikesOnSpikes 2 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 22:57:55 ago (+2/-0)

Operation Warpspeed is what proved to me without a doubt he's another kike puppet.

[ - ] JillBidensTaint 1 point 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 12:12:00 ago (+1/-0)

I always thought that deep down but it's so hard to believe.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 2 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 09:54:49 ago (+2/-0)

it's a power display
the jews want the lowly "goyim" to bend over to every made up rule to test the waters
it's only gonna be a matter of time before america goes full Weimar with communist dictatorship (where people are forced to pimp their kids to satisfy ZOG officials)

eventually i legitimately think pedophilia will be legalized in the US
the normies are so afraid, so lacking of foresticular testostetude that they're gonna bend over to daddy ZOG just so they can extend their hedonistic coon-soomerist lifestyle

the masses are worthless, but you should look up to those who try and build their own communities away from the cities, "radical" Christians and individuals with nothing to lose

Hitler started with the outskirts, the farmer folk and those who don't buy into the big city degenerate lifestyle, i think that's how America will cure itself from this (((disease))) through forming their own communities or through balkanization

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 1 point 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 19:57:49 ago (+1/-0)

It's already starting. Now is the time to get local and get busy. Keep the degenerate liberals from fucking up your local rural area.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 3 yearsJun 2, 2021 08:58:00 ago (+0/-0)

Yet when people here mention Owen benjamin who promoted whites to farmstead have kids grow their own food and become like modern Amish<<<< the shills come out and claim he is a jew shill when all he does is promote shit jews hate

[ - ] 2017Fallout 1 point 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 18:19:38 ago (+1/-0)

I think WWI and WWII were bigger scams personally but this shit is close

[ - ] heygeorge 1 point 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 13:01:00 ago (+1/-0)

Thankfully nobody is wearing gloves?

And a LOT of women are realizing that taking care of home and family might be more important than taking care of some shit job.

[ - ] Ploymroph 0 points 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 10:48:39 ago (+1/-1)

Try to imagine that there is no pandemic, just shoes enslaving your kind, goy