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6 comments block

[ - ] Xigbar68 [op] 3 points 3 yearsMay 23, 2021 22:15:12 ago (+3/-0)

Btw, +MemesReich most likely would've passed the "clear and present danger" standard on free-speech set by the supreme court.



[ - ] Xigbar68 [op] 3 points 3 yearsMay 23, 2021 22:45:00 ago (+3/-0)

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 3 points 3 yearsMay 24, 2021 22:53:58 ago (+3/-0)

If that doesn't prove his Jewishness, nothing will. He's dropped the mask and gives zero fucks about his image. Why is he only heavy-handed censoring of anti-Jewish content? He makes false claims of calls for violence when there were none. He just bans, deletes, then people can only take his word for it.

This is actually kind of satisfying lol. I fucking called it and he keeps proving my theory correct with every action taken. He accused me of advocating for ethnic genocide, yet genocided all those exposing Jewish crimes from his domain, kind of like what they claim Hitler did.

I see every level of Jewish Marxism represented. He wasn't ever serious about hosting a free speech platform, I saw a college student setting up a little side project with the intent on making shekels with his buddies [Enter: Discord Cabal] and that's why you see highschool tier cliquery and political persecution. That's why they never abandoned discord, Ruqqus was never meant to take off in the first place.

I was wondering why he accused me of stalking and harassing him, my last comment didn't even mention him and I never followed him around looking for confrontation. Then it dawned on me, I mentioned how his money laundering tax scheme worked, which anyone with a business sense can see - and his narcissistic ass assumed I was stalking him. Proved my theory right yet again lol.

[ - ] Xigbar68 [op] 3 points 3 yearsMay 25, 2021 02:33:02 ago (+3/-0)

I mentioned how his money laundering tax scheme worked, which anyone with a business sense can see

Maybe we should get /b/ on 4chan to call the IRS on Ruqqus for an audit of all those "startup costs" lol.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points 3 yearsMay 24, 2021 04:47:18 ago (+1/-1)*

From what I've observed over there since Voat went under - I'd give it a 50-50 chance it is even around by the next congressional election. cap doesn't like the racists, they don't like him, but they're the ones that mostly use his site. End result is admins alienated from their own product. It goes under when he gets tired of playing with his toy and the vanity project becomes stale. It's also just dying over there activity wise. And he's killing it faster with more and more moves like this. They're now using bots. Very likely padded member totals on guilds. Dishonesty isn't a good look.

As an aside he likes to talk about how dumb people are - but I have never seen anything from him displaying any real intellect or insight. The opposite if anything. He's also under 30. And he obviously does not know how to manage a web forum.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 2 points 3 yearsMay 24, 2021 23:14:44 ago (+2/-0)

SicSemperTyrannis · 2 hours ago · Edited 2 hours ago
Your own rules on incitement require passing a 3 point test: https://ruqqus.com/+Ruqqus/post/1bin/free-speech-and-calls-to-violence

The speech has to target a demographic, specify an action, and also specify a time or place. Did the speech meet these criteria? Or is the rule being expanded to even more broadly prevent speech that would normally be protected under Brandenburg?

Your original comment which you edited doesn't meet your own criteria for the ban:

> And running a guild that is unironically dedicated to "finishing" Hitler's work is a violation of the rules against incitement to violence.
Furthermore I'm not sure how this applies to the entire guild rather than a specific user. Was the whole guild only making incitements to violence that met this criteria? If it was a handful of posts or users shouldn't those have been banned individually instead? How can the entire guild meet your criteria for the calls to violence rule?

Rekt lol. I say again, he's laughing at those still expecting him to follow his own rules because he already pulled the bait & switch and people are dumb enough to continue using the site, expecting it to still be what he advertised.