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What makes them do this? Why are they so fucking evil?

submitted by deleted to Memeries 3.3 yearsMay 21, 2021 11:35:47 ago (+15/-0)     (Memeries)


4 comments block

[ - ] Merlynn 2 points 3.3 yearsMay 21, 2021 17:53:20 ago (+2/-0)

Well,jews are notoriously physically weak and infirm and very few in number. So they can't take over a country through military means. So instead,they take over countries from within with bribes,black mail,murder,slander,lies,usury,theft,mass poisoning,and smuggling. It's the only way they can get away with the evil they do.

As for why they're evil,it's because they're jews. What did you expect satanists to be like?

[ - ] SulemanSeinfeld 1 point 3.3 yearsMay 21, 2021 11:46:09 ago (+1/-0)

Why is the spy droid from Hoth & Abe Lincoln there? What a wacky photo.

[ - ] BoraxTheFungarian 0 points 3.3 yearsMay 22, 2021 12:17:53 ago (+0/-0)*

What a fucking ironic stance. How’re the non-jews in Gaza doing? How’re your next door neighbors faring these days? Might as well be more honest, “Jews for Cheap Labor”

[ - ] JesusRules 0 points 3.3 yearsMay 21, 2021 22:44:06 ago (+0/-0)
