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Ever try to redpill someone and they keep calling you racist?

submitted by Thisisallstupid to whatever 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:02:35 ago (+21/-0)     (whatever)

Fucking drives me nuts. If it wasn’t a lifelong friend, I’d have cut ties long ago. Anybody successfully dealt with this without losing their shit and telling them to fuck themselves? Got any good memes or info?

40 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 13 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:14:06 ago (+13/-0)

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[ - ] MercilessVengeance 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:31:53 ago (+1/-0)

That's women for you. All emotion, no logic, short fuses because of said emotion. just had a woman I've known since I was a kid blow up on me all because I defended myself and she took it personally.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:59:25 ago (+0/-0)*

It's really less than 13%, it's males probably ages 12-44 and probably there is a peak in there.

Now that CA has removed intelligence for college entry there will probably be a crime uptick.

[ - ] Kung_Flu 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 14:26:21 ago (+1/-0)

That filter isn't useful because it works on nearly all demographics. Young men of every demographic commit 95% of violent crime. Nigger sows are part of the problem because they make more nigger bucks.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 1 point 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 06:41:32 ago (+1/-0)

It very useful if you want to profile a criminal

[ - ] Kung_Flu 1 point 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 08:16:19 ago (+1/-0)

Do you want to solve A crime or do you want to solve over 50% of it?

[ - ] NeoNazirite 1 point 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 12:47:00 ago (+1/-0)

I want to avoid criminals. 100% of them

[ - ] fightknightHERO 10 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:06:18 ago (+10/-0)

cut them off
save your own sanity

[ - ] derpfroot 9 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:54:18 ago (+9/-0)

Copypasta from voat.co. I think the most important takeaway is to ask them questions so they start getting them thinking for themselves.. I don't know formatting here, yet. So sorry about that.

Here's a few talking points from my dozen or so successful conversions to the darkside:
Why does Israel promote open borders in Europe & the US, but not in Israel?
If diversity is so great, why is Israel building walls and deporting Africans to keep it out?
If race is only skin deep, why do some races consistently score higher on the SAT than others across all socioeconomic backgrounds?
What's more important - a temporary GDP boost, or preserving Western civilization?
If France is 100% African, is it still France?
If you despise Western society, why do you freely choose to participate in it?
If an area is 100% diverse, it's 0% white. Diversity just means non-white.
If diversity is so great, why do Whites consistently avoid the most diverse neighborhoods?
Are you familiar with the history of the Holodomor, the Soviet Purges, or the Ottoman genocides? Why not? Tens of millions died, shouldn't we know why so it doesn't happen again?
If race is just a social construct, how can it logically coexist with the idea of "white privilege" or "white supremacy"?
Do you appreciate environmentalism and animal rights? You realize those things only exist in Western Society, right? Are you saying the world be better off without those things?
Why do feminists only speak up when it involves white men? Statistics tell us that blacks commit the vast majority of rapes per capita across the US and Western Europe, isn't that a problem too?
If race is only skin deep/ if race is only a social construct then why can scientists determine a person's race simply by examining their saliva (e.g. 23andMe)?
If white people are not allowed to create their own ethno-cultural and racial groups like African-Americans, Jews and Latinos are because they're the "dominant privileged group", then when will we be allowed to do so? When we're 50% of the population? 40%? 30%?
What are your thoughts on what's happening in Tibet? The Tibetan people have very low fertility rates and the Chinese government is effectively flooding that nation with Chinese immigrants. If this continues the Tibetan culture, religion and history will effectively be destroyed ect ect.
Isn't it weird that the US supports an openly racist and racial supremacist ethno-nationalist state like Israel with laws against miscegenation and non-Jewish immigration. Some of those things can't be that bad if Israel is respected on a world stage right?
If an African elephant is born in an Ireland zoo, is it an Irish elephant?
If Trump gets elected, you say you're moving to Canada. Why aren't you going to move to Mexico?
If whites are so oppressive and evil, why do non-whites worldwide flock to white communities and countries?
What does white privilege get you in Somalia? (Enslaved/raped/murdered)
If systematic racism exists, how do Asians surpass whites in so many quantifiable categories? (Tests, income, degree holders)
If illegal immigrants only work the jobs nobody wants, who was doing those agriculture/service jobs before we had so many illegals?
If whites are responsible for the problems of minorities, aren't you just admitting that whites are stronger?
If only whites can fix the problems of minorities, aren't you just admitting that whites are more capable?
In school, did they teach you that huge swathes of European land were conquered and colonized by Muslims?
In school, did they teach you about the Arab slave trade, which lasted longer than the triangular trade and enslaved anyone non-muslim, whites included?
In school, did they teach you that Islam has been making war on the west for over 1,000 years?
Did they ever show you pictures of black or Asian national socialists in school?
Did you know that Lyndon B Johnson created the great society programs to keep blacks voting left? ("I'll have the niggers voting democrat for 200 years" or something)
Why is racial pride encouraged for Blacks, Asians, Hebrews, Latinos, and Arabs, but discouraged for Whites?
Why is mass non-white immigration pushed in only and all White countries without a vote?
If diversity is so great, why does it require a police state to keep the peace?
If speaking to a Conservative:
Did you know studies show that almost no Latinos or African-Americans support things like constitutional rights (right to bear arms, free speech etc). When whites become a minority these things will likely disappear.
Did you know that almost no non-white minorities vote for the Republican party? If whites become a minority the Republican party will be unable to reach a position of power again without completely transforming itself into a Leftist party.

Start with something like "I'm bringing this up because I know you're open minded" or "open do different ideas" - trust me, do this, it works very well
Stay consistent in your message - DO NOT backpedal or apologize at any point
Don't sperg out, use softeners like "I see why you think that way, but", "I used to think that way too, but", etc.
Don't argue or get heated - let them get angry and embarrass themselves if it comes down to it, but always keep your cool
Present the facts but let them draw the conclusions - give them the pleasure of connecting the (((dots)))
Do NOT use any kind of triggering words until they connect the dots - when it happens, you'll know, it's like a light bulb turning on
YOU have the moral high ground - they fight for degeneracy and cultural suicide, you fight for the preservation of your people

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 12:38:40 ago (+1/-0)

You've hit ten ouf of ten nails on the head with your comment...you echo my thoughts exactly, always be calm and let them answer the question, afterwhich they can be accused of basing their perspectives from an emotional standpoint rather than factual.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 17:59:14 ago (+1/-0)

Most of the time they ignore the question and go right to gas lighting.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 1 point 3.0 yearsMay 19, 2021 21:27:31 ago (+1/-0)

5 gallons of gas too

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 8 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:53:14 ago (+8/-0)

If you want to maintain your friendship then avoid those topics. End of story.

You're dealing with someone in the grips of an ideology and there literally is no way to have a rational, reasonable discussion with that person. You could trot out facts all day and you will get any one of a number of responses -- of which being called a racist is at the top of the list because of how effective it is at derailing any further productive discussion -- and none of them result in you winning the other person over. If anything they just become more entrenched.

They either get red pilled on their own or it never happens.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 5 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:06:07 ago (+5/-0)

If you still care about being called a racist you're not red pilled enough. That's just a term to make white people shy away from the strong in group preference that everyone feels. It's psychological warfare against whites and only whites, and they've trained a lot of us to use it on each other.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 3 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:36:46 ago (+3/-0)*

"can statistics/facts be racist?"

"is it okay to criticize a jewish/black person?"

They will put up resistance, but at that point just let it sit with them, don't argue further. They are not going to listen to, or care about, facts.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 12:12:03 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] germ22 2 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 14:02:56 ago (+2/-0)

I was discussing racial sensitive things in a group of friends once, and someone asked me all concerned: "are you racist?" And my reply was: "oh ya, i am very racist, much more than you are seeing here right now"

[ - ] ripelivanianbeats 2 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 13:16:18 ago (+2/-0)

Say "yes I am a racist because racism is good and true".

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:08:14 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] Hugeschnoz 0 points 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 19:33:05 ago (+0/-0)

There is a reason why it's not illegal or a sin to be racist, because its a mindset. What are we going to do, start being thought police and criminalizing and punishing people for what they think?

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 14:40:53 ago (+1/-0)

He isn't calling you a racist. He's saying "I'm not racist" because he's scared shitless of being seen as racist. He needs to have somebody be racist so he can cast himself as not racist. He's throwing you under the bus to make himself feel better.

If they were shooting racists he'd pull the trigger and be happy about it. 200 million dead in 100 years with that dynamic behind it.

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 12:27:28 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, I have. You racist.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:04:44 ago (+1/-0)

It's not information they lack it's pavlovian. There are approaches

[ - ] TheDivineLight 1 point 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 10:59:53 ago (+1/-0)

Embrace the claim and then ask for evidence to the contrary and when they don't have any just keep pressing. Don't let them use muh racism in place of an argument.
My go to is "that's nice, but do you have an argument?" Always press. They give in eventually

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 11:25:33 ago (+0/-0)

If he's a life long friend,you've probably shared a lot of life experiences. Think about what woke you up and apply that to him. What would shake him awake the same way you were?

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 0 points 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 08:24:52 ago (+0/-0)

I know what you're going through and it's rough. I have a friend that's as close as family. We go rounds all the time and he hates that I can tear apart all his arguments, but for some people being proven wrong doesn't make them wrong. I really piss him off when he goes all shabbos goy on me and starts calling me hateful and racist to make me angry, but I just keep my cool and explain I am a racial conscious white enthusiast. Remember to smile a lot and maintain a positive tone no matter how irrate they get, that seriously sets them off. "Why you mad bro, Hitler did nothing wrong, 13/50, 1488."

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.0 yearsMay 20, 2021 01:39:54 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 19:07:57 ago (+0/-0)

Try asking him to define the word racist. I bet his answer will be ummm, let me get back to you on that one. If he can define it in any way, ask him how it applies to you.

I went on a date with some bitch who said blacks can’t be racist. I asked her to define racist and she couldn’t. Last I saw of her. Virtue signaling coal burner is in her future. Too bad, she was cute.

[ - ] ClaytonBigsby313 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 17:50:59 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 16:50:56 ago (+0/-0)

You're cucking yourself. If you can't show them your power level you can't redpill them. You have to operate within the Overton window and you are so far outside of it now. Sorry OP. Just how it works.

[ - ] tom9152 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 16:20:09 ago (+0/-0)

White lands should be 100% White with White privilege.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 15:57:01 ago (+0/-0)*

Yep. Caused a friendship to end. A friend used to go to school in Paris about 12 years ago and thought that France was the cats ass. About 4 years ago I started warning him about the refugees, and of course he said I was a bigot. HOA brother still lives there last I heard.
About two years ago I asked him how his brother was liking it and he said ‘immigration is definitely a problem’. He admitted it but his bleeding heart still made excuses for them.
I’d love to send him a message now and see what he thinks about the generals and how they are calling for civil war.
It’s much easier to just cut the cucks out of your life than trying to show them the light. They get one or two chances, after that it’s over.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 14:23:48 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 13:50:39 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah most people just parrot the shit someone else said from authority.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 12:24:48 ago (+0/-0)

I bailed on my so-called friends a long time ago. They couldn't see how stupid they looked every time they used the word raciss.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:55:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:47:57 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] MercilessVengeance 0 points 3 yearsMay 19, 2021 11:30:31 ago (+0/-0)*

Out of three friends that I've lived close by to for the last several years, only one I have successfully managed to red pill.
The one I've redpilled just happens to be the one I've been friends with longest. The other two I've only been friends with for about five years.
One is a complete retard going in the opposite direction even after I show him redpills. He even defends it all like the complete fucking brainwashed autist that he is and the other can only call me racist, but at least he hears me out when I talk to him.
I believe I can reach the last one eventually however the one who is a complete retard is not saveable. He will be likely not survive and be put down upon or shortly after societal collapse.