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Seychelles: world’s most vaccinated country see surges in COVID-19 cases, as USA changes rules for testing vaccinated people

submitted by TFS to fakepandemic 3 yearsMay 16, 2021 12:44:00 ago (+6/-0)     (thecovidblog.com)


VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES — The vaccine agenda is failing. All vaxx-fanatics have already received their shots in the United States. They make up the one-third of Americans that are “fully-vaccinated” as of today. But the U.S. needs a new strategy for convincing the rest of the population to roll up their sleeves.

A new AP-NORC poll found that 61% of Americans who have not been vaccinated definitely or probably will not volunteer for any of the experimental shots. That is mostly because 1) the shot are dangerous and 2) there are no benefits but lot of risks. Seychelles is reinforcing the fact that these shots have no genuine medical purpose that helps anyone.

The Seychelles is the most vaccinated country in the world, according to Our World in Data. More than 60% of the island nation’s 98,500 residents are fully-vaccinated. But the country closed schools, limited bar hours, and cancelled all sporting events last week after active COVID-19 cases rose from 612 on April 28 to 1,068 on May 3. Most residents received the experimental inactivated virus Sinopharm shots. The rest received AstraZeneca (Covishield) shots. The CDC says American travelers should avoid the country.

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