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Fuck Desantis

submitted by Knoxville to politics 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 16:59:21 ago (+11/-1)     (politics)

Fuck desantis.

hes just trump 2.0

And this is fox and cnn manufacturing a new "maga" candidate.

Everything for israel, and fuck america. Walks out at the last minute and leaves his supporters cold knowing full well the next president was goin full communist.

Trust nothing and no one thats pro-israel.

You already have the fucking traitors in the republican party climbing over each other to suck bruce jenners cock. More demoralization to rub it in our face: "haha look at you stupid gentiles! Your next trump-like savior will be a tranny! MagaTrannies!"

We don't need israel or israeli supporters to restore america.

Anyone whos face appears on the news or youtube or anywhere else that isn't immediately and permanently cancelled is not to be fucking trusted.

If they're on cnn, or fox news, even as a "controversial" or "racist" or "conservative" figure, you can reliably be sure they are not on our side, no matter how much air time they're given to demonize them.

They demonize a figure to drive us to support them.

Run for office yourselves. Not because we'll win, but because it makes it more expensive for them to cheat and cover up the lie.

15 comments block

[ - ] sculptor_and_statue 4 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 18:40:44 ago (+4/-0)

The people that they truly fear are the ones they go to great lengths to avoid talking about. You could tell that they were afraid of Ron Paul because the media avoided covering him whenever possible, but they weren't that afraid, because Jonathan Leibowitz lampshaded the media silence on his late-night show.
You could tell that they weren't the least bit afraid of Richard Spencer, since they had him on TV all the time and talked about him every chance they got.
Don't trust anybody who's gotten wealthy by being a "dissident" like Jordan Peterson. You don't get wealthy within the system by fighting the system.
You have to be uncompromising. If somebody tells a lie, never trust him again. If somebody sells you out, cut yourself off from him. If somebody makes excuses for the abuse we have suffered, show him the door. We cannot have the slightest bit of tolerance for the things that got us into this situation.
Find the people who have to scuttle about in the shadows, flitting from one Chinese game streaming platform to another just to get their message out. Look for those who are banned from the credit card system. When the people in charge go out of their way to really step on someone, listen to that person. Yes, you'll have to sift through a mess of actual schizos, but you'll find the few that they are legitimately afraid of.
The next step is to become somebody they are legitimately afraid of.

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 20:25:20 ago (+1/-0)

I might win. I mean, it's worth a try.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:01:17 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Knoxville [op] 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:10:47 ago (+2/-0)


Even signed a bill to "curb antisemitism", read: push the wedge further toward persecuting anyone that calls out globohomo/lgbtqp/trannys/child trannys/sodomy/sex change operations for kids/calling out the israel lobby and the murders and violence that have been caused by ADL and SPLC blood libel against christians and european-americans.

Claimed he'd be the "most pro-israel governor" ever in florida.

It's why matt gaetz was framed. Took too much of the spotlight off their new golden boy.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:14:56 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:49:19 ago (+1/-0)

Matt Gaetz is a weird fucker, look at his adopted shit skin if you want to know more. Desantis ain't perfect, but he's done a better job for Florida than any other governor has done for their state. All American politicians are kikes, you can't be one if you aren't one or cucking to one. It's not desantis that is fucked up, it's AIPAC and the kikes pulling strings that's the problem. I'm fucking glad to live in Florida. It's better than any state as far as freedom goes. If Desantis is a nigger wrangler, then I'd rather have him than Newsome any fucking day of the week.

[ - ] Knoxville [op] 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 18:11:21 ago (+1/-0)*

" Desantis ain't perfect, but he's done a better job for Florida than any other governor has done for their state."

This is the same slow slide into the same bullshit the DNC-lite uniparty pushed, MAGATrannies and "Trump was great, warp speed is fine, make israel great again!" nonsense while our nation burned and our party grandstanded about "they're blocking us at every turn!"

"wrangler, then I'd rather have him than Newsome"

Distracts from what was just written about matt gaetz and provides cover for israel-firster desantis. Offers standard "at least its not the other guy!" britfag/jewfag retort. Deflects to talk of shitskins instead of discussing desantis.

I rate you 60% likely to be a jew or some irrelevant brainwashed fuck worshiping at the alter of the israel-firsters uniparty in DC.

If you're not, my apologies.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 19:06:58 ago (+1/-0)*

It's a slow slide, no doubt. The whole system is fucked beyond repair, and everything is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. That said, Gaetz is suspect as fuck, who adopts a 15 year old Cuban nigger faggot? If that's not strange to you, I don't know what to say. I voted for Desantis, and I'm glad I did. Is he a zog puppet? Yeah, most likely. They all are. I have no defense for his support of israel, I find it fucking disgusting. What I will defend is his support for Florida. My state is leading the country in personal freedom, in no small part from the governor.

Look, the system is fucked and needs to be torn down and restarted. I'm an advocate for the day of the rope, I don't want to live around niggers, and I don't want kikes in charge of literally everything. That's where we're at right now. I don't see Desantis as a savior or any shit like that, but for now he's better than the others and I'll take a small win over a total loss. Seriously though, look deeper into Gaetz. Another red flag is the "z" on the end of his Spanish last name. 9 times outta ten that means he's a crypto kike larping as a white. Sephardic Jews took names like Cortez and Rodriguez and can be identified by that "z" at the end most of the time. Both sides are fucking shit, but Desantis is what I believe to be the better of two evils and I've told you why. I'm no kike, I'll tell you that. I don't care if you believe me, but you have access to my comment history if you have doubt.

[ - ] Knoxville [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 19:15:40 ago (+0/-0)

"Gaetz is suspect as fuck, who adopts a 15 year old Cuban nigger faggot?"

I wasn't aware of this. You sure hes not the help or some shit? He actually adopted him?

I'll take a niggerfaggot-adopting guy like gaetz over an explicitly pro israel politician any day. Simply because DeSantis is an obvious "next puppet in the white house" guy, who will run against cruz and a few others, and cruz will lose intentionally.

Yes its a small win, the policies he supported. But you know what else is a small win?

The bait on hooks that catch fish.

And thats what desantis is.

The goal is to lure you into the sit-on-my-hands reflex.

If you believe half of what you wrote you should be

1. running for office

2. running a cherity and a church

3. running an unofficial militia

4. prepping

5. building comms and logistics networks.

Or all of the above.

Otherwise you're part of the problem.

Unfortunately we don't get the luxury of living our lives free and easy.

The state, the marxists running the DOD, and the stasi communists recruited in college to run the intelligence agencies?

They intend to annihilate, utterly, and completely, any remaining memory of america and the constitution, christianity, and europeans in america.

Our government is planning outright genocide, either through gradual processes, or, if they fail, through cartel and communist death squads and or mass infrastructure failure.

Yes this is whats coming. Defacto.

And if you think its hyperbole or you really don't believe, well I can't make you believe it. It's up to you to decide.

[ - ] con77 2 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:12:27 ago (+2/-0)

The first bill he signed as Governor made it illegal for a business to boycott Israel in Florida

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 0 points 3 yearsMay 15, 2021 00:35:22 ago (+0/-0)

I've begun to start thinking along the same lines as well. Even though they go out of their way to demonize a particular candidate, I'm sure that the kikes pulling the strings behind the scenes are well aware that they are fomenting the opposition that will no doubt be used against them. The media's greatest weapon against the population isn't demeaning, dehumanizing, or demoralizing someone, it's removing someone from being spoken about.

[ - ] MicahReno 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 22:21:48 ago (+0/-0)

I live in Florida. Fuck you, faggot

[ - ] con77 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 17:13:08 ago (+0/-0)

ZOG owns both parties. We are well and truly fucked

[ - ] Knoxville [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 18:49:41 ago (+0/-0)

"ZOG owns both parties. We are well and truly fucked"

I believe the term for it is: nothing to lose.

Run for office on trumps platform: make america great again, but with explicit antisemitism.

Keep it moderate and don't focus on them too much though, because most people don't like extremism. The focus should be on america without exception, america first, before all others. Likewise for any other respective western nation: our nation first. Flag, country, and family. "And criticism of israel and judaism is as legitimate as criticism of any other nation."

And banks. Thoroughly anti-bank as possible. Thoroughly anti-wallstreet. And anticommunism.

[ - ] con77 1 point 3 yearsMay 14, 2021 19:11:53 ago (+1/-0)

i try to redpill people and without fail they parrot " Israel is our greatest ally!'. I then ask them "what has Israel ever done for the US?". And they stare at me blankly.