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We're all fucked

submitted by i_hate_sodomites to whatever 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 19:28:43 ago (+17/-1)     (whatever)

The "vaccination" - which is really an experimental rDNA technology - has been taken by 51% of the population. The sheep lined up for big pharma and got their shots - and that's all that the NWO needed.

Because it turns out - according to multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts which have now been deleted - that this "vaccine" is contagious. Yep, it's fucking contagious. All you have to do is get breathed upon or touched by one of the "vaccinated" and they'll spread this shit to you, just like a regular fucking disease.

What does this mean? It means that just like the "vaccinated", in 5-10 years you'll all start dying in droves from common flus and colds, and that the rest of you won't be able to have children. Mostly white people, of course, because the NWO and jews hate white people, but that's your fate. You can fight the jab all you want, but the jab is contagious - which means you'll get it whether you want it or not. And that was the plan all along. Vaccinated or not, you will die, or be unable to have children, and whites everywhere will go extinct.

The NWO and the jews have won. We're going extinct. It's a done deal, now. And everyone, everywhere will finally realize that life isn't fair - too late.

34 comments block

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 3 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 19:34:02 ago (+3/-0)

Because it turns out - according to multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts which have now been deleted - that this "vaccine" is contagious. Yep, it's fucking contagious.

[citation needed]

The NWO and the jews have won.

They literally won decades ago. This is totally fucking meaningless and is irrelevant in every way.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:19:05 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] Tallest_Skil 4 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:24:38 ago (+4/-0)

If Roosevelt had died in his crib, the US wouldn’t have opposed Germany in WWII and the jews would be well on their way to extinction right now. It’s just decades.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:27:30 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] Tallest_Skil 2 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:35:23 ago (+2/-0)

But hadn’t won until 1945.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 21:05:53 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 16:35:19 ago (+0/-0)

That story is apocryphal and you know it. Never mind that the US currency supply was outside jewish hands until 1913.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 17:02:27 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] Flabbygasted 11 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 19:34:37 ago (+11/-0)*

I have some serious doubts about the number of vaccinated.

If the vaccine could be contracted that way (being breathed on) wouldnt they just crop dust us with chemtrails? That would be way easier.

[ - ] con77 1 point 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:02:24 ago (+1/-0)

"shedding spike proteins" Eugenicists Gates and Fauci laugh

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:14:52 ago (+2/-0)*

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[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 08:31:27 ago (+0/-0)

Part of the reason I enjoy being maskless; if its as terrible as (((everybody))) says, then catching it would get me an exit strategy from Clown World.

In reality, masks do jack shit and Kung Flu is as bad as SARS.

[ - ] account deleted by user 5 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:18:15 ago (+5/-0)

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[ - ] ModernGuilt 0 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:35:31 ago (+0/-0)

They get the saline shot that's been in the news

[ - ] account deleted by user 5 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 21:01:13 ago (+5/-0)*

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[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 22:11:18 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 22:18:17 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] Merlynn 1 point 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 02:21:45 ago (+1/-0)

The true disease is fear. Fear makes you irrational and prone to mistakes. The vaccine will fuck you up simply due to it's nature as an experimental drug,but I doubt it's transmissible.

Still,the symptoms of a disease are usually caused by your body fighting the disease rather than the disease itself and it's possible for someone to have a bad reaction to it. But I doubt the stuff is made to kill or sterilize.

Of course,if you really want to know,just get an "I'm vaccinated" shirt and stand next to a jew and talk about how relieved you are that you got it. His reaction will tell you everything.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 4 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:30:05 ago (+4/-0)

the vaccine being contagious sounds absolutely retarded and or insane

paranoia and fear is how the enemy uses to demoralize us from fighting, and even if i'm slated to death, i WILL not give up the fight regardless of NWO has won.

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 16 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 20:40:08 ago (+16/-0)*

They're doing what they've always been doing and lying about this shit. I highly doubt the number of vaccinated people is anywhere near 51% because that number is too convenient, and I doubt EVERY number that the media reports. Have you learned anything from how they report on polling? The number of vaccinated people is probably very high, but nowhere even close to where they wanted at this point. I'd personally estimate somewhere above 25%. "Vaccine shedding" - the term that they use to talk about vaccinated people spreading their vaccinated proteins to another, is very low, if not downright impossible. You would have to have an extremely close contact with someone for several days to risk exposure, and even then, it's not a guarantee that it will affect you. The idea of vaccine shedding was a ploy created to stir up the same fear in the antivaxxers that they could stir up in the people still shitting their pants that the corona is going to rape their immune system. Nothing has changed. You're still as healthy as you always have been, without the vaccine.

Currently, I remain one of the only people in my extended family that has not received the vaccine. I know the vaccine is bullshit, and that's my decision. Some family members were concerned at first, so I made fun of the whole situation, rather than taking it seriously, and calmed them down with some slow red pills. The main point of my discussion is that you should NEVER be afraid. Be happy and lighthearted. Laugh at everyone who doesn't have enough brain cells to rub together to see the danger that you see in front of your eyes.

There was a post earlier on the 4chan subverse by someone who claimed to be a member of "the elite." He talked at length about how a necessary inroad for control was maintaining the idea of the government ownership of safety. Being required at all times to be "safe" is a method instituted to give power away. You're aware enough of this if you haven't taken the vaccine yet. Give yourself some kudos and get on with your life.

[ - ] account deleted by user 7 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 21:47:26 ago (+7/-0)

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[ - ] totalniggerdeath 4 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 22:02:03 ago (+4/-0)

I think you're 100% right about vaccine shedding being mostly fear mongering. And if it isn't...well. That would be a fucking death sentence for kikes, see my reply here: https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost.php?postid=6098702b89278&commentid=609893643a224

[ - ] i_hate_sodomites [op] 1 point 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 00:52:45 ago (+1/-0)

You're a fucki8ng jew, or a goyim slave. Spreading the "vaccine" while laughing the dangers of it off??? Fuck you six ways to Sunday, asshole: I hope there's a special place in hell for people like you.

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 3 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 02:25:00 ago (+3/-0)

I look forward to Heaven, actually, because I have nothing to fear from death. I've already put on the Armor of God. I spent a decent amount of time looking into the subject of vaccine shedding, and the fact that it's in the media is more evidence of it being used as a scare tactic. Quit the insanity and humor me; I have nothing to gain from lies. Naturally, everyone being as healthy as possible is a benefit to me. If you honestly think that the vaccines are THAT contagious, you're welcome to wear a mask.

I love you very much and wish you the best.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 11:06:47 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] totalniggerdeath 8 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 21:59:00 ago (+8/-0)

If this is actually true... kikes are in for a world of hurt.

Once people realize their genetic lines are ended and they can die from any common cold and flu, what's to stop every White man from going full Tarrant on every kike and nigger on the planet?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The hellstorm of fire and death kikes will have unleashed on themselves and their nigger pets if this is actually what is going on will be so immense and brutal that it's completely unfathomable to any of us. There will be no mercy shown, there will be not a single care for what comes tomorrow by those taking retribution.

Imagine an entire world set on fire by the planet's greatest warriors in history, completely unleashed from any cares for the future or for consequences. It will make what taco nigger spic cartels do look like an elementary school yard fight between 10 year olds.

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 08:27:46 ago (+1/-0)

Woodchippers sold out everywhere.

Blood makes the grass grow.

[ - ] totalniggerdeath 1 point 3 yearsMay 11, 2021 15:55:46 ago (+1/-0)

Cartel taco-niggers would view the videos on liveleak and start puking.

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 22:12:45 ago (+3/-0)

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[ - ] i_hate_sodomites [op] 0 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 00:56:54 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck off, you baby-dick-sucking kike. My only hope at this point is that enough of my sterilized people wake up, realize that they won't have kids because of the jews, and resolve to kill every jew, everywhere. I want every jew dead and gone forever; hopefully the idiot scum-sucking jew cockraches over-reached and made this possible....

[ - ] beece 0 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 22:36:55 ago (+0/-0)

How do you know that they might not be releasing some new flu that will kill off anyone not vaccinated in say, 4-5 years? That way, they'll only have us sheep that took the vaccine left on earth. Why would they kill the vaccinated?

The people who resisted, those still unvaccinated, will be the target.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 3 points 3 yearsMay 9, 2021 23:22:54 ago (+3/-0)

I bet their little "final solution" isn't going to be nearly as effective as many seem to fear it will be. I have very little faith in these faggots' competency with anything, except maybe lying.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 01:14:40 ago (+0/-0)*

Maybe, but the jab bypassed parts of immune system straight into the veins. The unjabbed have the extra layers of protection, like your skin.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 3 yearsMay 10, 2021 07:29:39 ago (+1/-0)

The demoralization propaganda is getting to you. Just do your best to secure a food supply chain and then find like minded people in your area and build up your defenses with them.