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Why Are So Many Men Psychologically Infantile

submitted by TheBodhisattva to videos 3.1 yearsMay 4, 2021 20:47:12 ago (+3/-0)     (youtu.be)


4 comments block

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.1 yearsMay 4, 2021 22:52:53 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] lord_nougat 3 points 3.1 yearsMay 4, 2021 23:04:38 ago (+3/-0)

The video itself is a summary, you psychological infant!

[ - ] TheBodhisattva [op] 1 point 3.1 yearsMay 5, 2021 06:48:38 ago (+1/-0)

I fell asleep so didn't see your question til now. Come on man it's like 11 min long.

People are born. For the first year we a wholly dependent on Mother. After the first year, girls are still w mom and thays fine. But boys are still w mom and must develope beyond mommy. But modern man no longer has rites of passage. It has become difficult for boys to become men. They become manchild. They develope neuroses and addictions because they are trapped between boys and men.

There is a part after this I haven't watched yet.

We need new rites of passage so boys have at least a roadmap of how to grow the fuck up.

[ - ] HughBriss 1 point 3.1 yearsMay 5, 2021 09:53:39 ago (+1/-0)

I wanted to stop watching when the narrator started quoting deviant jew psychologists trying to explain behavior of non-jews, but I powered through. He also drew heavily on the flowery nonsense of "cultural anthropologist" (a nonsense study if there ever was one) of David Gilmore. The video makes a few good points but even at 11 minutes takes too long to get there.