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The New Official SMDC Theme Song

submitted by deleted to SuperMonkeyDeathCar 3.4 yearsApr 28, 2021 23:11:22 ago (+0/-0)     (SuperMonkeyDeathCar)


1 comments block

[ - ] beece 0 points 3.4 yearsApr 29, 2021 00:06:22 ago (+0/-0)*

Sorry man, unable to watch, any updates on the tragedy involving the 3 stooges or something of equal importance? Say, like what are the Kardashian cunts doing these days, or is Paris Hilton still all like "Wutevah" and what really happened to her little dog?

Any idiot bullshit of non-importance to fill the airwaves and keep the plebes distracted from things of importance. Anything really. But not stupid shit like a "New Official SMDC Theme Song". Make it something of importance, maybe something about Michael Jackson.
