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What is the USPS covert spying story, distracting us from?

submitted by ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop to whatever 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 07:16:42 ago (+2/-0)     (whatever)

This wreaks of bullshit. They're already doing this with the NSA FBI and probably the dept of Homeland Security. And if they were to choose an agency for this, of all agencies why the post office? They're providing cover or a distraction for something and I don't know what.

13 comments block

[ - ] taoV 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 07:20:23 ago (+2/-0)

Probably just easing into admitting Amazon already does the same thing for them.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 07:51:44 ago (+1/-0)

To make people accept being spied upon

"oh if the post-company is allowed to spy on me i guess it's fine..."

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop [op] 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 22:54:54 ago (+0/-0)

Nah a vast majority don't care. Hence smartphones, Google homes, alexas, ring doorbells. People eat it up, then talk about how creepy it is that these devices know so much about them, then continue using them. Same thing with social media.

Ive accepted that this country is lost. Too many white people are stupid and lazy. Niggers, Muslims, spics will take over and we'll be bred out of existence.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 23:25:55 ago (+0/-0)

Well... America IS fucked but not lost (at least not quite yet)

i suggest you leave the pozzed cities and join a rural enclave of 3-digit IQ whites communities
anything's better than living with niggers and lemmings...

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop [op] 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 24, 2021 06:49:00 ago (+1/-0)

I do live in an all white area. It's fairly wealthy though so half the people hood liberal ideals bc it makes them feel better about the guilt they accept that's perpetuated by the left to anyone who has worked hard and has anything to show for it.

Im in the process of moving to an extremely rural area. It is like 100% white people. lot of Finnish descendants. The rough winters keep the niggers out too. And homeless simply wouldn't survive.

It's a tight knit community with common ideals and values. Its very far from family but I've lived there before and it's a beautiful area in more ways than one.

But I still stand by my original statement. All areas will fall at the current birth rates of whites. And China takes control of our government (with the jews helping), they'll push the nog to the limits and allow them to physically genocide the rest of us. I'll have guns no matter what the government tries to pull; for that exact day. My family will not be slaughtered by the government or a pack of niggers.

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 08:48:21 ago (+0/-0)

Only thing that makes any sense is that they would pull mail delivery from areas of protest.

If they monitored and saw that there was going to be a protest at Address 123 on route 45 in office 678, they could instruct that carrier to change their line of travel to avoid it.

I have never heard of this being done, however.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 08:43:24 ago (+0/-0)

i dont think they even need to bother distracing you from anything any more

no one does shit about their open behaviour soo....

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 08:39:20 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Cpt_Dirt 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 08:50:44 ago (+2/-0)

Yes, supposedly the USPS needs a warrant to open your package. Don't for a second think your package won't sit there until a warrant magically appears. None of this matters, no Federal or quasi Federal organization obeys the rules. They do as they please.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 09:00:36 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 07:47:39 ago (+0/-0)

They are already doing this

And that makes you think they wouldn’t do it more?

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop [op] 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 22:56:08 ago (+0/-0)

Just seems redundant is all.