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USPS is probably doing this on Voat

submitted by virge to Voat 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:36:35 ago (+27/-0)     (www.zerohedge.com)


Fun game of whack-a-mole to identify the personalities.

Lots of motivations at play.

20 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 8 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:59:10 ago (+8/-0)

The USPS is nothing but a jobs creation program for niggers. If their secret police look anything like my local post office workers, then you can read about where this is headed in The Turner Diaries.

[ - ] NeoNazirite 2 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 18:54:09 ago (+2/-0)

Look what they're doing to cops. The Turner Diaries are right around the corner

[ - ] account deleted by user 4 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:45:42 ago (+4/-0)

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[ - ] Nosferatjew 10 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:37:54 ago (+10/-0)

No one in power gives a shit what tax payers want, say, or think.

[ - ] ModernGuilt 4 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:49:59 ago (+4/-0)

They don't even need the tax money, they print whatever they want. Its just to remind you you're a slave

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 19:33:23 ago (+1/-0)

Taxpayers should not pay tax. It's absurd.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 19:32:27 ago (+0/-0)

They won't; which may be for the best. It ends in war. Beauracracies are the enemy in any communist country, and their bosses network and control of the media was complete in the ussr and north korea and cuba. They're too late and the guns aren't going to be turned in by anyone that isn't a communist. The leftists that actually know they're communist won't be turning in their guns either and there aren't enough of the tantrum throwing "Ima communist nutbag" to protect the fuckers behind it.

It's the only way to clear them out, and restore any semblance of prosperity and law and order to the people instead of the corporate political piggery that suits the demands of the jewish religion.

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop 0 points 3 yearsApr 22, 2021 07:15:02 ago (+0/-0)

Then we'd have to defund and abolish all the other 3 letter agencies as well.

This wreaks of bullshit. They're already doing this. And of all agencies why would the USPS be tasked with this? They're providing cover or a distraction for something and I don't know what.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsApr 22, 2021 13:12:22 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] rage 3 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:05:40 ago (+3/-0)

I would be very interested to know the overall % of the USPS budget is now being funneled into yet another illegal us government spying alphabet agency.

Bet they're just using the Facebook back-end, because the DARPA LifeLog program has now come full circle and is working as intended.

Sheep. Baaaah.

[ - ] 9000timesempty 0 points 3 yearsApr 23, 2021 09:10:07 ago (+0/-0)

The commie take over of this country is complete.

[ - ] recon_johnny 1 point 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:42:27 ago (+1/-0)

This is the oddest thing I've read for awhile.

Postal Service? Maybe that's why they'll have continual funding.

[ - ] Tangerine 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 16:57:27 ago (+1/-1)

Maybe that’s why the mail is so damn slow

[ - ] i_hate_sodomites 0 points 3 yearsApr 22, 2021 03:54:09 ago (+0/-0)

This is amusing. Twice in the last week I've gone out on my deck for s smoke and saw an unmarked white van parked down the street. I though "naw, I'm being paranoid", but I've decided that if I see it again and going to go knock on the doors and if anyone answers, ask them if they're USPS.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 3 yearsApr 22, 2021 01:37:08 ago (+0/-0)

This sounds like bullshit

Anyhow it'd be good if they'd visit. They'll find news that's been censored.



Saw this:
"This is a distraction. Maybe they're trying to get people attack postal workers now. Think about this. This is the second time I've seen this story in multiple news outlets. It's clearly a planted article."

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 18:22:37 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SulemanSeinfeld 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 17:26:03 ago (+0/-0)

You niggers need to get off the web and get back to work. I just got a Christmas card a few weeks ago.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:57:07 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] beece 0 points 3 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:55:05 ago (+0/-0)

When your career is "surfing porn online".