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Why is Facebook so afraid?

submitted by canbot to videos 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 09:39:13 ago (+46/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Is it because they know they will eventually see consequences for the bullshit they pull?

27 comments block

[ - ] Sh1tt1ngMys3lf 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 13:40:32 ago (+0/-0)

Every data center has security like this

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 15:30:22 ago (+0/-0)

Not like that. I have been in many a data centers and that level is off the hook. They have a concrete barrier before the fence to stop trucks. What Data Center needs that level of security.

[ - ] Sh1tt1ngMys3lf 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 20:37:11 ago (+0/-0)

I will give you that some low tier data centers do not have that type of security, but they are also no comparison to the scale of this DC.

I worked at a Microsoft DC for 4+ years. Their security is just as tight if not tighter. You have to realize the amount of money that is poured into data centers. The Forest City DC is 300,000 sq ft with 4 data halls. Everything is redundant so that is 300,000 sq ft of redundant servers and network gear. Aside from the servers at roughly $8k per, they use their own open-hardware machines (a rack can hold 96) and switches. Then the infrastructure: cabling, power, redundant power, cooling and that's a raised floor DC so it is expensive to run aside from the billions they pour into it in hardware. Once it's full up and running, then you have to account for break fix repairs, new servers when the old gear reaches its life expectancy. It's actually cheaper to replace older gear because of the maintenance costs. Plus you have to consider who their clients are NSA, FBI, etc. Everything uses access controls as well. Just because you sweep floors at a DC doesn't mean you can enter the data hall.

Data security is part of that picture and no enterprise is going to let random people in to a billion dollar DC without doing background investigations into them.

[ - ] CPU 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 02:29:38 ago (+0/-0)

All that security around the server building, the fiber optic communication lines still run to the outside world. Wouldn't they be vulnerable?

[ - ] Sh1tt1ngMys3lf 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 22, 2021 06:48:57 ago (+0/-0)

Redundant link are usually run in concrete conduits. Vulnerable, but not to the avg joe with a shovel.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:27:36 ago (+0/-0)

The only surprise I see is the fence isn't taller and there aren't more armed guards on patrol.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:53:28 ago (+1/-0)

I doubt they're even armed

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 16:20:01 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 18:53:25 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 10:02:52 ago (+1/-0)

look... they contract a security company, and the security company says: these are your options, then google says: money is not an issue, then the security guys splurge on the finest equipment.. its like putting a 20.000 dollar designer couch into a reception area where noone is ecpected to sit down, its just what corporations do when they lost contact to reality. and those security measures are way below military standards where i am from. that is just a perimeter defence, not the kill zone. it is there to prevent people from entering the kill zone.

so yeah, knowing what you talk about is important, and security is cheap.

so get a better/different angle to understand that google is evil.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:57:33 ago (+1/-0)*

Actually, that's not how it works. The company agrees to meet their security requirements, gets a big cushy government contract, then pays the guards as little as they can possibly get away with and buying the cheapest equipment they can get away with, because it's a for profit company and their bonuses demand it. Then there's the staffing shortage because morale is so low, which fucks their recruiting program because online reviews exist.

Those fences are easily breached but might not even be necessary.


[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 21:17:27 ago (+0/-0)

interesting read. thx 4 share

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 17:15:31 ago (+1/-0)

what do you expect from a military operation?

people need to realise some soldiers wear suits and arent really soldiers at all.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 20:28:33 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 09:41:20 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Tangerine -3 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 09:56:47 ago (+0/-3)

Lol did that succeed in Vietnam?

I like how you kikes suggest surface strikes when all your friends are underground.

Let me guess.. should we glass a part of North Carolina with nukes nukes nukes?

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 13:25:25 ago (+2/-0)

Hey Rabbi, what'cha doin'?

[ - ] Tangerine -1 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 13:26:37 ago (+0/-1)

saving money to rent a dragline and a Schramm drill.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 5 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:52:54 ago (+5/-0)

Why are jews so obsessed with money?

[ - ] underpants 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 12:01:45 ago (+2/-0)

walls for me but not for thee

[ - ] JudyStroyer 3 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 10:24:26 ago (+3/-0)

The funny part is, there is no way that wall protects the squishy people inside. Its not like they live there....

[ - ] mattsixteen24 4 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 09:55:16 ago (+4/-0)

fakebook, fagbook, jew propagandist genocidal criminals

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:28:07 ago (+0/-0)

Fuckerbergbook. Tardbook.

[ - ] SpankmeTankMe 10 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 09:42:00 ago (+10/-0)

It's.owned by Jews. There always paranoid that people are gonna come get them.

[ - ] account deleted by user 8 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 10:02:13 ago (+8/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 8 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 14:50:19 ago (+8/-0)

They're paranoid for good reason, they know the natural reaction for what they do is violence. They're essentially aiding in the destruction of sovereign countries, the US being the most heavily armed. They know if we wake up and organize, all it would take is 50 people with small arms to force entry, (2 extension ladders will get you in) and completely destroy the servers that are housed inside. Then they lose their narrative monopoly.

Now multiply that by the number of facilities, complile MSM data centers, and we have ourselves a proper revolution. Suddenly politicians won't be so pandering to minorities anymore and will try to stifle it with false promises of white sanctuary. But it would be too late by that point, no stop till at the top.


[ - ] Khash1488 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 17:34:51 ago (+2/-0)

Their illusion of power is only maintained by our own lack of action. This is a plan, I wish I had a genuine group to join and work towards our liberation from the jew new mulatto order. I would take the risk in a heartbeat if there were a real opportunity.