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Who would ever want to be a cop after this farce..

submitted by Thisisallstupid to whatever 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:11:37 ago (+29/-0)     (whatever)

17 comments block

[ - ] deleted 8 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:16:03 ago (+8/-0)


[ - ] deleted 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:23:29 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] poopdawg15 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:44:25 ago (+2/-0)

The whole thing was a CIA skit. It's too improbable to be real. A black swan one-of-a-kind case or a staged event? Which is more likely?

[ - ] BackOnVoat 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 08:37:58 ago (+0/-0)

Not going to lie, I've watched it multiple times and it just seems.....off.

How did you arrive at that conclusion? In much the same way?

[ - ] poopdawg15 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 10:15:54 ago (+1/-0)

I just know a little bit about the what spies do. 'Skits' are their stock-in-trade. If you read E. Howard Hunt's autobiography he talks about skits in his entrance training for the OSS--that's before the C.I.A. even existed. Jesus Angleton said "spies are liars"--spies are also actors. Skits is what they do. Sure, it's a violent, involved skit, with many players, but a skit just the same.

[ - ] account deleted by user -10 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:17:54 ago (+1/-11)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 10 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:34:35 ago (+10/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user -3 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:35:28 ago (+1/-4)

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[ - ] 2Drunk 3 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:09:15 ago (+3/-0)

Yes and no. If I did that to a nigger, beaner, or street shitter I would be charged for crimes against all humanity. If I did that to a white person (non-jew) either a medal or a temporary suspension with pay.

[ - ] Astupidname69 2 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 00:58:03 ago (+2/-0)

guilty of what? sitting on a nigger who is dying of a massive fentanyl overdose?

[ - ] account deleted by user -1 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 02:00:51 ago (+0/-1)

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[ - ] Astupidname69 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 02:26:19 ago (+1/-0)

The only thing chauvin is guilty of is not executing that stinking nigger, and every faggot recording him.

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 08:37:53 ago (+0/-0)

He would have been better off just shooting him, tbh, not trying to get him medical help and complying with his request to lay on the street.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 06:18:25 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:17:26 ago (+4/-1)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Khash1488 4 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 19:45:42 ago (+4/-0)

I care about truth. That this whole matter is a unjust farce enveloped in lies for the base purpose of jewish propaganda

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 21:40:26 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 22:49:50 ago (+0/-0)

Bc as shitty as cops are, the local county cops have amazing powers to restrict the federal governments control upon your county. This is their plan, to federalize local cops so they more than willing to enforce the federal governments mandates.

If succession is going to happen, we will witness it in the next 3 years. Why do you think (((silicon valley))) has been moving to Texas? They would have been the spearhead of succession.

[ - ] JudyStroyer 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:05:54 ago (+1/-0)

My nigga.

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:12:22 ago (+0/-0)

Oh Christ. Lol

[ - ] removed 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:39:35 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Guy_Gadbous 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 17:33:49 ago (+1/-0)

That's what the bastards want....

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 08:51:39 ago (+0/-0)

there is only a certain mentality who wants to be a cop

and i can tell you right here and now, they have nigger-mentality.

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 04:51:43 ago (+0/-0)

You'd have to be an absolute moron to want to be a cop in America.

You'd be very likely to be shot by a nigger or spic sometime in your career.

You're more and more likely to be thrown in the gulag for doing your job wrangling chimps.

And also, you're basically the strong arm of the leftists running everything.

[ - ] drhitler 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:38:47 ago (+0/-0)

couldnt pay me enough to have niggers shoot at me

[ - ] ImNewHere_WhereDo_I_Poop 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 22:45:57 ago (+0/-0)

Communist plants so they can finally enforce tyrannical changes of the executive branch, against the local communities.

I don't much care for police, but the county police in rural areas are the last line of defense against a tyrannical and overreaching federal government

[ - ] virge 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 20:16:25 ago (+0/-0)

Broken "Just-us" system exists principally to protect the criminal & political elite, while handing down heavy-handed punishments to the citizens used to set examples and scare the rest into compliance.

If every single US Citizen woke up tomorrow and simply decided to stop paying taxes, the entire thing would crumble in an instant.

These laws that govern us are VOLUNTARY.

[ - ] aleleopathic 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 23:24:23 ago (+1/-0)

If every single US Citizen woke up tomorrow and simply decided to stop paying taxes, the entire thing would crumble in an instant.

You still believe the system requires taxes to run? The US monetary system is the only open-loop monetary system in the world - money is created ex nihilio at The Fed and returns into nothingness with the IRS. There is no logical connection between quantities destroyed and quantities created. I'd written about this before on Voat back when you were there.

You will need to do something more than that to bring the system down. They don't need your money - they take it simply to fuck with you.

[ - ] ReturnOfTheGoats 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 00:14:46 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] virge 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 00:15:45 ago (+1/-0)

You still believe the system requires taxes to run?

No. I don't. Think bigger picture.

Once everyone wakes up and realizes one thing is fake, think of all the other collective realizations that are now possible. It's a matter of getting past the first step; same reason most normies do a cube job 9-5 when they could make lifetimes of wealth as an independent.

[ - ] aleleopathic 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 02:44:16 ago (+0/-0)

Once everyone wakes up and realizes one thing is fake, [...] It's a matter of getting past the first step

If we are having this much trouble getting past the first step, we are doomed.

This is a time to be headshotting 'dual-citizens', as opposed to raising awareness. I, for one, think there is no more value in redpilling, and that are awake now are all that can be awoken (not that others can't, but that we simply can't afford it).

[ - ] virge 1 point 3.1 yearsApr 21, 2021 11:16:32 ago (+1/-0)

I agree with you, in regard to redpilling being a waste of time and energy (not to mention painting a bullseye on your back for the rest of the world these days).

Blackpilling is effective at both accelerating the decline, and waking up the ones we ACTUALLY want on our side. Most of the people who would convert by redpilling are useless eaters to begin with, and our side doesn't need fodder - we need organized action.

[ - ] GoatsAdvocate 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 20:10:14 ago (+0/-0)

Who? Literally every non white. Every good white cop left. That was the plan.

[ - ] AmazingFlightLizard 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 19:55:03 ago (+0/-0)

South Africa here we come!

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 19:39:54 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 18:28:08 ago (+0/-0)*

Only niggers, muzzies, and spics, which is the whole point.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 0 points 3.1 yearsApr 20, 2021 18:27:40 ago (+0/-0)

Most good cops left. Watch it get worse with the expansion of shitskins wearing badges, only the victims will be white and the media won't touch it.